Her Choice

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Moon wandered aimlessly throughout the empty hallways, trying to rid her head of the heavy thoughts that burdened it.

It was the fourth night in a row that she had dreamed the same dream. The one where which she and Winter lived together with their daughter.

At first she had pushed against these dreams as hard as she could, refusing to acknowledge them as flashes of a possible future, but as they continued, she began almost to . . . welcome them?

Every night she found herself hastening to go to bed so as to sooner be surrounded by the happiness she found in the dream.

It was becoming stronger. Every morning she would wake up, confused as to who was sleeping beside her.

The line between dreams and reality was becoming more and more blurred.

And then there was the child.


Her deep blue eyes framed by long curling lashes were hauntingly real.

They held a depth to their gaze that no mere dream being could ever possess.

Every night Moon looked forwards to seeing her, and every morning, she felt a clench in her heart when she remembered the girl didn't exist.

She began to sleep longer, trying to stay as long as was possible in the beautiful place, but no matter how much she wished it, she could not stop the sun from rising each morning.

And yet the wedding still loomed on the horizon, ever closer like a large black cloud and impending thunderstorm.

How could she walk up to Qibli shamelessly and tell him she no longer wished to marry him?

How could she explain to him the visions that came to her every night?

It would take a kind of bravery she didn't know she possessed.

So she just followed meekly, smiling when he talked to her, laughing when he joked with her, nodding when he expressed his joy about their up coming union.

But in her mind, there was always a little girl with white blond hair and deep blue eyes, who frowned at her, as though saying, "Don't push me away mother. You know I am a part of your future, do not sacrifice my life and your happiness for the wrong person."

And Moon knew she was right.

By marrying Qibli, not only would she be forcing the both of hem into unfortunate positions, but she would be ending any chances there were of having Serenity in her life.

And Qibli deserved someone who loved him as much as he loved her.

But still Moon could not find it within herself to do what she knew was right.

So instead, she ignored her feelings and continued on as she had, but the dream began to fade.

Then, on the sixth night, she decided she had to see. She had to see what her future with Qibli would bring.

Moon opened her eyes and glanced over at the sleeping man beside her. His chest rose and fell with heavy sleep.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she carefully got out of bed, slipped on her shoes and tiptoed outside.

She was met with a warm breeze that made the torches on the wall flicker, and the tapestries wave around like flags in the wind.

She walked down the hall way, looking behind herself every now and then, but no one followed.

Finally she reached a door, which she knocked upon gently.

It  was opened by a young man with white blue hair and deep arctic blue eyes.

He didn't look surprised t see her. 

"Can I come in?" she asked. He smiled and held the door open. They both went inside.

"You look pale Moon, did something happen?"  Winter blanched. "Did he-"

"No no, Qibli still has no idea. I just . . . I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you a year ago." Moon said softly.

"What is it?" Winter asked warily.

Moon took a breath. 

"It's about Ciri, " 

Winter's expression darkened for a moment.

"Your daughter." he said in a monotone.

"That's the thing," Moon said. Her heart thudded painfully hard against her ribs.

"Ciri is your daughter as well."

There was silence for a moment, then Winter shook his head.

"It's kind of you Moon, to say that, but I already told you that you needn't feel guilty for having a child with Qibli."

"No Winter, you don't understand. Qibli is not Ciri's biological father. You are. I . . . I'm sorry I hid it, I didn't know what else there was to do, please don't be angry at me,"

Winter stared at her. "But that doesn't make any sense," he said slowly. "Ciri she-she looks just like Qibli. How-"

"She doesn't, actually," Moon looked down. "When she was born, I immediately knew that she was yours. Your hair, your skin. No one but a daughter of an IceWing can have hair with such a likeness to the snow which falls upon the ground. I knew it would be obvious, so I asked someone to help me . . . a friend. He wasn't willing, he didn't like the fact that I was hiding this secret from my husband, but he did so anyway. The necklace she wears. The one made from braided silk and Moonfire, the moment it's taken off, she'll become her real self."

There was a gasp.

Moon turned around to see Qibli standing in the door way holding little Ciri in his arms. He looked crestfallen.

"Qibli . . ." Moon started, but then stopped. What was there to say?

Qibli ripped the necklace off the  little girls neck, and everyone watched as Ciri's scruffy sand blond hair became silky tufts of platinum blond.

The freckles on her tan skin faded and in a moment she was pale as the new moon.

Only her eyes stayed the same. Green like Moons own.

Qibli dropped her, and Moon cried out as the child hit the floor.

She rushed forwards and picked Ciri up, horrified at what had just happened.

"How could you do this to me Moon?" Qibli asked hoarsely. 

"How could you have a child with my best friend and then trick me into thinking that child was my own? Why?"

"Because I was scared Qibli. I was scared about what you would do if you knew. I never meant to hurt you."

Qibli laughed disbelievingly. "Don't you know me well enough by now Moon? I would have been hurt, but I wouldn't have done anything to you, or her. I would have accepted it and raised and loved Ciri as my own."

"You mean-" Moon started."You mean you aren't angry?"

"Not at you," Qibli said. "I can see how this would happen. No, I'm not mad at you, this is Winters fault."

"My fault?!" Winter hissed.

"Yes! I thought we were friends Winter! Best friends! How dare you try to seduce Moon into leaving me? How dare you make her carry your child? God, I thought we were passed this-."

"It's not Winters fault," Moon stopped him. "He had absolutely no idea about Ciri. I'm the one to blame."

Qibli stared at her for a moment, then sighed. "Okay Moon. Let's just . . . forget that this happened. Let's move on."

"But don't you see?" Moon cried. "That's not what I want! I don't want us to pretend to be happily married, I don't want us to pretend that Ciri is ours! I'm tired of living a lie."

"Then what do you want Moon?" Qibli asked.

"I want- I want you to release me from this marriage. I'm so sorry Qibli, but I'm tired of hurting you. I'm tired of hurting Winter. I'm tired of lying to myself. If we want to have any chance of happiness we'll have to separate."

"You mean-" Qibli's voice broke and he cleared his throat. "You mean you're . . . in love with Winter?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

Qibli stared at the floor for a long time. Finally he raised his head. 

"Your right. I understand. Very well, I will release you from our marriage, with no hard feelings, but . . . I want Ciri."

"What?" Moon and Winter both asked.

"But you can't . . . Ciri is my daughter, not yours," Winter said.

"You have taken everything from me. I'm giving you your freedom, allow me to keep this girl."

Moon gazed at Qibli pleadingly. "But Qibli-"

"I'm sorry Moon, but this is my deal. Ciri or your freedom."

Ciri or your freedom.

Imprisonment or loose you daughter.

Sadness and discontentment or freedom?

You have to choose.

Moon woke with a start, shaking.

She stood up and ran outside taking deep gulps of fresh air.

You have to choose.

Ocean Flow

Ocean Flow stared down at the sleeping princesses. Tsunami slept with her mouth wide open, blue hair framing her face like a wave.

Anemone slept huddled into a ball, her hands clasped together and her pink lips drawn into an unhappy line.

She twitched, and uttered a small whimper.

This girl had troubled dreams as well.

Enough dawdling. Ocean Flow scolded herself. Get it done, now. Then you can forget all about this.

She turned towards the youngest princess. Auklet. The little girl slept with her arms splayed wide, mouth agape, twitching every now and then.

Carefully, Ocean Flow lifted the sleeping girl from her bed.

"Asndjhgggth," she burbled. "...Ghhhdon't put yourzzz . . . dumb face on my ponyyy"

Ocean Flow snorted, amused by the child's sleep talking.

It came upon her so suddenly she didn't even have a chance to prepare herself.

The arrow whistled through the air and thunked into the wall above her head.

"Stay where you are, don't move!" Somebody hissed.

Ocean Flow stilled.

Oh no.

"State your name girl,"

Ocean Flow hesitated.

"State your name or my next target shall be your head."

"Ocean Flow," Ocean Flow said.

There was a gasp.

The doors burst open and a moment later, Ocean Flow was surrounded.

"Well well. Ocean Flow. I didn't expect you to be alive. I guess my brother hasn't completely lost his marbles."

Ocean Flow felt a ripple of terror along her spine. She recognized the SeaWing Queen, Coral.

The princesses woke up. Tsunami quickly realized what was going on. She grabbed Anemone who was still dumb with sleep and hauled her away from Ocean Flow.

"Mother, she has-" 

"I can see that she has Auklet Tsunami. Take your sister and leave this room immediately," Coral ordered.

Tsunami cast a long glance full of hatred at the girl holding her sister hostage.

"I'm not leaving till I see that Auklet is safe."

Coral started to argue, but Shark interrupted.

"Are you really?" He asked, speaking to Ocean Flow.

"Are you really Ocean Flow?"

"Yes," she said. "What's it to an old codger like you?"

"I'm your father," he snarled. 

Ocean Flow froze. "That's impossible," she said after a moment.

"I don't have a father,"

"I assure you, you do. You were kidnapped a long time ago. I've been looking for you ever since."

Could it be true?

The flashes of dreams, were they really memories?

"Then . . . who was my mother?" Ocean Flow asked slowly.

Shark looked down. "Your mother was named Lily. Or Sea Star. She was a Rainwing."

"Where is she?" Ocean Flow asked. 

Shark wouldn't meet her eyes. "She's dead. Died from a Skywing attack, the day you were kidnapped by Sandwings."

"All for the best of course," Coral said breezily. "I can't have my brother canoodling with RainWings after all, as he is a member of the royal family."

Ocean Flow didn't listen. "She's . . . dead." she repeated. 

So the flashes of fire, red scales and blood were real. It had all happened, along time ago.

"Ocean Flow, I don't know who raised you. I don't know what you're doing here, I don't know what you are trying to do with Auklet, but I'm asking you to stop. These princesses are your cousins. Put the girl down, and join us . . . your real family."

Ocean Flow stared at her father. The weight of the choice heavy upon her shoulders.

Have mercy on Auklet, who would probably die at the hands of Sarai or even just from undernourishment and abuse, and stay here with her family but risk getting someone sent after her to kill her.

Or give Auklet to the New Age, give up any chance of family but be safe from assassins.

The choice was already made even before she came to it.

Slowly, she placed the little girl back into her bed, then looked back at Shark and smiled hopefully.

"Wonderful," Coral said. "Guards, bring her down to the dungeon. We'll interrogate her later and then we can decide whether we should let her go or not."

Yo my wonderful peoples. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE with those you think shall enjoy this book. Please with whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate, candy cane, peppermint humbug, cookies and a maraschino cherry on top. Or what ever other toppings you might prefer :)

And I'm sorry for any mistakes 😬

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