If The Stars Didn't Glow

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Ocean Flow

Ocean Flow dug her hands into her palms, choking down a strangled scream.

Part of her wished she could go back to not remembering anything about her past, the other part wanted to understand and remember more.

She stopped walking abruptly when voices reached her ears. She froze, quickly hiding in the shadow of a statue.

"What do you mean she's here?
The incredibly of it makes it impossible. She can't be."

"I'm telling you Coral. I can sense it. She's in the kingdom"

"You can sense it? What are you know, a Nightwing? Good God Shark you're getting superstitious in your old age. If there was an unannounced guest here I would know. I have eyes and ears everywhere. They report to me the smallest disturbance. If there was even a possibility that she was here, I would know it. "

" Perhaps your magnificent spies are loosing their touch."

There was a gasp.

" You may be my brother but I am your Queen. You may not speak to me that way.
If we weren't related I would have you hanged for that tone of voice.
Bow before me. "

" No"

"Would you rather do it in front of the entire Kingdom? I will gladly arrange that.
It is my daughters that live here. My daughters who are in constant danger. It is but a shadow that you chase.
Focus on the task at hand."

Ocean Flow began to edge away, quietly. She didn't know who's conversation this was but she did know she aught not to listen any longer.

As she slipped away, her foot got caught in a cracked cobble stone.
She fell forwards with a crash.

" Did you here that?"
"it must have been a spy"

Ocean Flow felt her heart pound in terror. She leaped to her feet and tore off down the corridor, not looking back, not stopping till she reached the safe confinement of her hide out.

If she had looked back though, she would have seen the two people who were the answers to all of her questions.

But she didn't looked back. She was alone. 

Like the moon in the sky, with the stars there, but un-glowing, still there, but without their light, who would know?

Polar Silverstein

Polar stretched her limbs, one by one, making a satisfied sigh as the joints cracked and loosened.

She leaned back against her tent wall, running her hand through her hair.

The sand of the Scorpion den stretched for miles.

She smiled sleepily and gazed up at the stars, then frowned as several of the glowing lights flickered, and disappeared.

"Something evil this way comes" She whispered softly, then closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep, but troubled sleep.


Winter groaned as he opened his eyes.

Every part of him ached and his head pounded like someone beating a war drum inside his skull.

His vision was blurry and unfocused, so he closed his eyes again.

Where am I?

The soft sound of a song on a sweet voice reached his ears, soft, warm and familiar.

"So swath me in thy gentle light, they silver sheen of paradise. 

Why? Why must thou leave me when the night ends?

Why dost thou run, why not stay and defend?

You know that I will wait for thee


With bated breath for the time when thou shall return to me.

Softly, gently, embrace me.

Quietly, then whisper to me.

Love me, kiss me tenderly.

My love, my life, my own.

The moons lover I shall forever be."

The Moons lover.


Suddenly Winter remembered everything.

"Moon?" he whispered.

The singing stopped, and he heard a quick intake of breath.

"Winter? You're awake?" her voice was soft and gentle.

"Yes" he said.

His vision still wasn't clear. He tried to sit up and felt small warm hands push him back down.

"Stay still Winter, you are still very ill-"

"Let me see you" Winter interrupted.

"Why can I not see you?"

Moon took his hands in her own and placed them on her face. 

He felt her high cheek bones, her lips, her eyes.

"Why can't I see you?" He asked again, quietly.

Moon hesitated.

"You've been blinded, temporarily. From your illness. It should clear up within the next few days."

Winter dropped his hands and leaned back.

"Thank you. . .  Moon" he said quietly.

"Thank you . . . for helping me."

"Of course Winter. You are my dear friend."


That accursed word.

But of course, what else could they be except friends?

Moon was betrothed to Winters best friend. If they were anything more than friends, it would not be right. 

But just friends . .  that did not quite feel right either.

"Winter?" Moon said softly.


"What is it? What distresses you?"

"Nothing" he answered.

But as he began to drift back into sleep, he whispered.

"Never did I think . . . that I would become the Moons lover . . . forever wishing . . . and forever alone"

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