Lovers Crime

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Glory woke with the late morning sun shining brilliantly in her eye's.

She pushed her hair away from her face and climbed out of bed, walking to the window and gazing out at the ocean.

It sparkled brightly, the light dancing on it's surface. It was beautiful.

"So you have finally woken up"

Glory turned around to find Deathbringer leaning against the wall.

"How long have you been there?" Glory demanded.

He grinned and walked towards her. "Not that long" He said.

"I just like watching you sleep"

Glory snorted.

"And do I even want to know why?"

Deathbringer shrugged. "I don't really know myself, you just . . . you look very peaceful and gentle. I like seeing that side of you"

Glory rolled her eye's. "I can think of many other things you could be doing other than watching me sleep." she said.

Deathbringer grinned again.

"So could I, but I chose the one that would get me in the least trouble"

Glory turned back to the window, hiding her blush in the curtains.

"My grandmother would have you hanged if she heard you say that" She grumbled.

Deathbringer stood beside her.

"Indeed she would, so I'm always careful not to say anything in front of her that might entice her blood thirsty side to reveal itself."

Glory frowned at him.

"She's not blood thirsty"

Deathbringer cleared his throat.

"Glory I swear upon all the gods, if I ever see, or hear that . . . Nightwing, doing or saying something he shouldn't, I shall have him chained to the wall and let the soldiers use him for target practice" he said, in a throaty, cracked tone exactly like Grandeur's.

Glory sighed.

"Alright, I see your point"

They both watched the sunlight dancing on the water.

"What time did you get back last night?" Glory asked suddenly.

"Past midnight"

"What were you and Riptide talking about?"

"Deathbringer hesitated.

"Nothing much, really"

Glory could tell he was lying, but arguing with Deathbringer was a hopeless case, so instead she let it drop, walking towards the chest that held her clothes.

"I'm feeling hungry, so I'm going to go down, I aught not to have over slept anyway. What should I wear?"

She sorted through various gowns, capes and undergarments, frowning slightly.

Finally she selected four gowns, a blue velvet, with elaborate embroidery, a light green silk, with a low neck line and gold/black braid sash and slight shoulder reveal, a dark green flax, with long drooping sleeves, and a pale lavender velvet with a white silk hemline.

She held them out for Deathbringer's critical eye's to scan.

"Which one?' She asked.

His eye's flicked from the dresses to her several times before he nodded at the light green silk.

"That one" he said.

Glory raised her eyebrows, but began to slip off her nightdress, until she remembered a certain someone still had his eye's on her.

"Turn around" Glory demanded.

He raised his hands in an innocent gesture and obayed.

"You had better not look" Glory said, letting the dress slide off and slipping on the new one.

"And just why would I do that" Deathbringer asked lazily.

Glory held her breath as she laced up her corset as tight as it would go. "Perhaps because that's just the sort of thing you like to do" She said breathlessly.

"I beg to differ, when have I ever committed such a crime?" he asked.

Glory struggled with the laces, huffing slightly. "Oh I don't know, perhaps that one time, a few months ago when we were traveling through the hot springs, and I stopped to bath and I told you to turn around, then a few moments later you were looking at me-"

"That was by accident" Deathbringer protested. " I heard someone say 'look at me' and I thought you had spoken so I turned around to look at you. If it's any consolation, the mist was so thick I couldn't see anything."

Glory rolled her eye's, struggling to keep her hair out of the way, somehow she ended up tying her hair into knots along with her corset strings.

She gave a frustrated sigh and said;

"You can turn around now, I'm all covered up. And that wasn't the only time. Remember when we went riding and my horse dumped me in the river and I had to change? You looked at me that time too"

Deathbringer, now facing her, watched her struggle with an amused expression. "But you are forgetting the part when those rogues jumped out from behind that tree and attempted to kidnap you. I turned around to protect you, not to 'look at you'"

Glory growled as she once again, tangled up the threads in her hair and she was forced to untangle it one hair and one lace at a time.

Suddenly, Deathbringer was there, his slender white hands working gently at the knots, prying at the threads gently.

"Don't tare at them so, you are only making it worse" he said

Glory let her own hands drop and looked away.

"Then there was that other time when I was wearing that thin white silk dress when it was raining, and it became see through, I swear you were looking at me that entire time until I realized why and changed my dress."

Deathbringer's mouth twitched into a small smile.

"That" he said

"That was because you never told me to look away"

Glory frowned. "As if that's any excuse, besides, I know there were other times, I just can't quite recall them at the moment."

Deathbringer finished untangling her hair.

"Well then I suppose they couldn't have been that scandalous could they?" 

Glory looked at her self in the mirror.

"Why did you choose this one?" She asked.

Deathbringer shrugged.

"You asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. I thought that one would be most comfortable in this humid weather."

"And it has nothing to do with what your own eye's find most pleasing?" Glory asked.

"Perhaps, but is that such a bad thing?"

Glory sighed.

"No, no it is not."

This chapter is dedicated to my brother, who helps me come up with idea's, and specifically requested a glorybringer chapter.

I know it seems sort of fluffy right now, but soon the danger and death shall arrive.

Question: What are some more ships you want to see more of? 

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