Sleeping Beauty

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Music by Derek and Brandon Fiechter 


She didn't know how they did it. She honestly didn't. How could two women, dressed in armor make it through a crowded castle without being seen even once?
Even more importantly, how was she going to do it?

"The key is to act as though you belong, blondie," Thunder said cheerfully as both she and Moonflower took Glory by the arms and dragged her out of her room.

"Stop struggling," Thunder groaned, "you wanted us to show you the way."

"Yes, but preferably not in a way that gets me caught and stuck on a chopping block with an ax over my head," Glory hissed, digging her heels into the floor.

"Then we'll go through the window."

"I can't go through the window!" Glory cried. 

"Yes, you can." They changed routes and went back inside. "We made the dents in the wall, all you have to do is climb."

Glory felt her stomach lurch as she thought of the dizzying and certainly fatal drop. 

"Unless you're too scared." Thunder and Moonflower wore identical grins.

And that was how Glory found herself clinging desperately to the wall, as the wind buffeted her from all sides and her fingers numbed in the dents of the stone.
"This is insane," She repeated over and over again. "This is insane. I can't believe I'm actually about to die right now."

"I can't believe that you actually look good in pants." Thunder quipped from behind her. "Thought you'd be a little miss prissy who couldn't survive without her frilly, pink frock.

"I don't wear pink!" Glory snapped down at her and cautiously began to climb again. "This is terrible."

"Hah! You have it terrible? I have to be behind your snail speed ascent, waiting to catch you if you fall. I'm the one who should be pitted here!"

"Drop dead." Glory snarled.

"You're more likely to do that."

"Oh, sard off." With new, irritated energy, Glory quickened her pace, and when she found herself climbing through a windowsill after Moonflower near the summit of the castle, she was actually unable to believe that she was still alive.

Thunder somersaulted in after her and bounced up, grinning from ear to ear.

"Did miss prissy princess get scared?"

"I will throw you back out this window." Glory threatened. 

"I'd like to see you even try."

"Children, children, enough is enough." Moonflower rolled her eyes and clapped her hands to gather their attention.

"Well, Glory, you asked us to lead you to your mystery sleeping beauty," Moonflower extended her arm dramatically, and Glory felt a sharp breath catch in her throat.

The woman laying asleep, encased in glass made both a beautiful and heartwrenching image.
Her hair spilled over her shoulders in rivulets like sandy rivers. She was dressed in an elaborate and seductive dress, the colors of which were accentuated by the pallor of her skin, which was broken only by the disgusting web of a burn etched across her chest.

"Velvet?" Glory whispered though she knew she would get no reply. The woman's breast rose and fell with quiet, steady breathing, but she did not move.

"It must be her." Glory knelt at her side and pushed the glass open.

"This is the burn she was given from the torch when she was taken to the stake,"
She pulled aside her skirt and saw a long, twisting scar carved down her stomach.

"They took her child." Glory realized.

"Pretty stupid of this Ginger to hide her in such an obvious place," Thunder commented. "And pretty lucky for us."

"He'd never expect anyone to look for her." Glory said scathingly. "The only one who cares for her is insane and thinks that she's dead. Now Ginger lets his Lords come up to admire her. Like a piece of art."

This triggered a memory. A memory from long ago, before she knew that she was of royal blood. A memory of how her owner decorated her and placed her in a tree in the garden of a bordello for people to gawk at. It made her shiver just thinking of it.

"I'm sorry," she told the sleeping woman. "I'm so sorry that this has happened to you."

"We had best leave," Moonflower warned. We can come back for her later if you want, but we shouldn't linger."

"Yes, you're right." Glory agreed. "Let's go."

The descent was ten times more terrifying than the ascent.  When she finally made it back to the safety of her room, Glory just about collapsed from the weariness of prolonged terror.

"I'm so sleepy." Thunder yawned and jumped inside Glory's bed. "I'm gonna take a nap. Flower?"

"If you call me that one more time--"

"You'll what, steal the blankets? Roll me out of bed? Puh-lease."

Glory decided not to care that the two sisters had stolen her bed, and told them that she would be gone for a while, and to make sure not to get caught.

"Bye, bye blondie."

The search for Sarai seemed like it would bear no fruit for the first two hours, then at last she came upon him in the of the many twisting hallways, and pulled him aside.

"There's something you should know," she told him. "Something that may shock you."

"What is it?" he looked bored but remained where he was all the same.

When she told him, he became very still. At first, she thought that he hadn't heard, then,

"What?" Sarai whispered hoarsely.

"She's alive. Velvet's alive. Ginger has kept her here, in an enchanted sleep, possibly for a bargain in the future, or something alike-" She stopped when he stood up and caught his arm.

It trembled, a steady, incessant hum of fear and adrenaline.

"Where are you going?" She hissed.

"I'm going to kill him," tears were leaking out of his eyes and he heaved a desperate sob. "I'm going to kill that moon-forsaken bastard."


This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Not yet, not now.

"Sarai! Wait!" Glory called after him, but he was gone, and she was filled with the sinking sensation that the castle was about to crumble over her head.


"Ahhh," he stretched out his sore feet against a blue satin pillow and admired the rings on his left hand. His right clutched a goblet of thick, rich, red wine.

The sound of the door flying off its hinges and crashing into the wall caused him to drop his drink, and he cursed as it stained his tunic a deep shade of burgundy.


Sarai's voice was different. A hiss of fire, smoke, tears, and blood.
His eyes were red, and foam stuck to his curled lips.

He didn't know what had incited the sudden change. He did know, however, one thing.

The freak meant to kill him.

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