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"At last you have arrived! Good god child look at the state of you, you look hardly slept at all, and pale! All that ocean couldn't have been good for you." Grandeur took Glory's face in her hands and tilted it up to the light.

Glory freed herself.

"I'm quite well Grandmother, I found the trip to be quite wholesome and pleasing, you needn't worry about me."

Grandeur was a tall, slim woman of seventy nine years. Her grey hair was cut short at her shoulders and she carried herself with the grace of someone twenty times her junior. She was strict, but attentive, and Glory was fond of her.

"Well, I suppose you could be worse, though with all that dirt on your dress I might have thought you a beggar if not for the escort."

Glory rolled her eyes and smiled.

"And that Nightwing? I do hope he has done his job well"

Glory felt a hand brush her own and looked up to see Deathbringer standing beside her.

"You can be sure your majesty, that I haven taken every liberty to ensure your granddaughter's safety" he said quietly.

Grandeur eyed him.

"I'm sure you would, though of your motives, I am not so sure."

She looked him up and down.

"You seem slightly worse for ware though I might say" she said, noting the blood stains on his tunic.

"The perils of my job majesty"

There was awkward silence.

Glory spoke softly.

"Deathbringer, it might be a good idea to have someone in the infirmary see what else should be done to help it heal faster-"

Deathbringer cut her off shortly.

"It's fine, you needn't worry" he bowed, and left.

"Excuse me" Glory said, nodding her head respectfully in Grandeur's direction, then hurried after him.

"Deathbringer" Glory caught up and blocked his path, placing a hand gently on his chest.

"What is the matter with you? You were in perfectly good spirits a moment ago"

Deathbringer closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again.

"She doesn't want me here Glory, surely you can see that" he said quietly.

Glory sighed. "She doesn't understand you, she-"

"She doesn't trust me, I know."

"But why does it matter? It never has before!" Glory frowned at him. "I trust you. You know that"

"I do" he said. "But how long till she convinces you not to trust me either? She knows of my intentions and she despises the mere thought of it-"

Glory looked down, then up at him.

"She will learn to trust you" she said.

"Not as long as my ulterior motives are clear to her."

"And . . . just what are you ulterior motives?" Glory asked softly.

Deathbringer took her hand in his own. "I think you know" he said.

Glory felt the unwanted blush rise up her neck, and she looked away.

"Well, I trust you. Should that not be enough?" He looked at her. "I suppose it is"

"Good" Glory tilted her head up and kissed him, feeling the strange sensation of falling into an endless abyss full of warm sunlight.

He kissed her back, gently, holding back, she knew for a time better suited for more passion.

"I am sorry to interrupt-" Glory and Deathbringer pulled apart, Glory hurriedly stepping away from him.

Grandeur surveyed them with a displeased yet slightly amused expression. 

"-But it is dinner time, you must have an early meal then go to bed immediately" 

Glory and Deathbringer both bowed.

"And may I ask that such scenes are to be kept in your room and preferably when no one else can witness them?" Grandeur asked Glory severely.

"Amusing, I would have thought her room would be the last place you would want me to be" Deathbringer remarked.

Glory coughed to cover her laugh, and Grandeur glared at them both.

Young fools.

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't sleep at all last night so I am extremely tired. I hope you enjoyed :D

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