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Darkness shrouded the castle of the New Age like a storm cloud.

Past the joyous men feasting and drinking, beneath the floors upon which danced beautiful women in flowing silks, delighting their male audiences. 

Beneath the kitchens where delightful food was drugged and the rooms where the inhabitants breathed in a pink, pearly poison smoke through long pipes. Beneath the dungeons where half were dead and the other half wished they were.

Beneath it all was one single room.

It wasn't what any one might call a nice room, nor would they call it a bad room. It was a room, with a door which locked from the outside. It had walls, made of stone and clay. It had a floor, made of the same materials, and of course it had a bed.

The mattress might have been stone, for all the comfort it gave, even though it was stuffed with the softest down. The silk sheets might have been rough linen for all the purpose they held. The pillow might have been stone if it wasn't stuffed full of swan feathers. The blanket might have been made of cobwebs for all the warmth it gave, though in truth, it was heavy and soft. The man who lay upon this bed might have been dead, if it wasn't for his chest which rose and fell in fretful breaths.

"It wasn't me, It WASN'T ME!" The little boy cried. His sandy hair reflected the sharp sunlight and his black eyes glimmered wetly with tears threatening to spill.

A woman with equally sandy hair and sharp eyes stood in front of him, arms crossed over her chest as she watched her child blubbering.

"Don't lie!" She snapped, then turned turned towards the other person with them.

He was a man. A scary man, the little boy thought, with his hair shaven so close to his scull it might not be there at all, and his face drawn into a firm, cold line.

"You see Father? Not only does he disobey, but he lies! You see?" 

The man's eyes wondered over the boy, taking in every detail.

"Lying is a sin my child." He said. "You must not sin."

"I'm NOT lying!" The boy yelled. "It WASN'T me! The squirrels, the bird, the fire, it was all HIM not ME!"

"You see this?" his mother's voice was shrill as she pointed a finger at the boy. "You see-"

The man held up a hand to silence her, then came towards the boy. 

"What about the squirrels boy? What happened to them? Tell me."

"They're deaddead!" The boy sobbed. "They were in my hands and then they were deaddead!  It wasn't me! HE did it! I didn't make them deaddead!"

"So you say," the man said, his eyes gleaming. "And the birds? What happened to them?"

The boy sniffed. "He did it! He's the one who twisted their necks! It wasn't me!"

"Why you-" the woman started, but the man silenced her again. 

"Let him speak. Who did it my child?"


"Ah. And why did he do it?"

"He said it wasn't fair, that they could fly away and be free while he was stuck, so he did it. It wasn't me!"

"And the fire? Did he do that too?"

The boy began to cry harder, sobs wracking his tiny body. "Mama said we couldn't have any more cake, and he was angry. I didn't do it, it was HIM!"

"I see." The man stood and turned towards the woman. 

"You were right to bring him to me. His ailment is even more grievous than I thought."

The woman looked relieved. "So you'll take him? Oh please say you will Father, I cannot live with this anymore!"

"This boy," the man said. "Is possessed by the devil."

The woman gasped and her hands flew to her mouth. "The devil?" she whispered.

"The devil has taken up habitancy in your sons body and is using him to do his ill will."

"Great kingdoms," the woman said, edging away from the boy. "Can you cure him?" she demanded.

"The devil is the churches greatest enemy, and most powerful opponent, none but god can truly destroy him. However, with many years of steady routine, cleansing and ritual, we may be able to separate them."

"Take him," the woman said. "How much shall it be?"

"My child, to rid an innocent from the devil is no easy feat, however god is kind, and so, as a man of god, am I. You may leave him with me for twenty gold coins a year."

The woman bowed her head. "Thank you, thank you," she said, gratitude spilling from her voice.

"Mama, where are you going?" The little boy asked, small hands grasping at her skirts. Her hand flew out and struck him.

"Don't touch me!" She snapped.

"But mama-"

"And don't even think of returning until you are no longer a danger," she said.

The boy stood, watching until she was out of sight, then he began to weep again.

"Mama, don't leave me." He cried.

"That's enough," The Father cuffed him over the head. "If you wish to be rid of the monster inside you we must begin now! Any more tears and you'll have the cane, twenty times! Speak once more out of turn and it shall be the whip!"

He clapped his hands and a number of nuns came forwards. The took the boy to a large, cold and empty room, where he was stripped, then dressed in a white robe. 

"Reverend Father, he is ready," one of the nuns said, after the man himself had entered the room.

Two more nuns followed after him, carrying a large tub of water. This they set down in front of the Father.

The Father held a small wooden cross to his lips, closed his eyes and began to speak.

"This boy is a child of god, he is not your vessel, begone, vile Satan!"

The boy tried to cry out but two hands held him and shoved his head under the water. He struggled a flailed around until he was pulled out, then stood, gasping, wet hair plastered against his face.


He was shoved under again, longer this time.

"Shall we submerge his body Father?" one of the nuns holding him asked.

"Stop please!" the boy cried.

"Yes, I think that would be best."

"No, NO! NO stop it! Stop it! It wasn't my faul-" He was lifted into the air, and dropped into the tub. He struggled in the water, attempting to rise up but many pairs of hands held him down. This time they did not lift him back up.

When he awoke he was alone.

The mattress beneath him was hard and cold as stone. The sheets were rough linen. The pillow was thin and the blanket was a weave of cobweb like threads.

He sat up and looked around, giving a nervous start when he realized that he wasn't alone after all.

Sitting on a table a little ways away, was a girl. Like the nuns, she wore a long black dress, but unlike the nuns, her sandy hair fell in long rivulets down her shoulders. 

Her eyes were blue and reflected the sun shining through the window, her lips were plump and red and as she sat she swung her legs.

When she saw he was awake she jumped down from the table and approached him.

"Hello," she smiled. Her smile was warm, just like her voice, and the boy felt the unsettling sensation of butterfly's flitting about in his stomach.

"I'm Velvet," she said. "I'm 11 years old, how about you?"

"Sa-Sadhi," The boy answered. "I'm six."

"It's nice to meet you," she said, still smiling.

"Y-you're pretty," he stammered.

A faint, beet red blush dusted her cheeks and she looked away. "No one has ever said that to me before." She said bashfully. "You're awfully kind to say so."

"Am I?"

She smiled at him. "Very. How are you feeling?"

Sadhi looked down at his legs. He was dressed a simple pair of trousers and an equally simple tunic.

"My head hurts a bit," he said. His stomach rumbled. "And I'm hungry." He admitted.

"Good, I brought you some food." She grabbed a tray, which he hadn't seen resting behind her on the table and brought it to him.

The contents were extremely disappointing. A small bowl of gruel, a crusty heel of bread and a cup of water.

Velvet was watching him with sorrow in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, I can't  vouch much for it, but it's food."

He was too hungry to care and within seconds, it was all gone.

"Wow, you sure eat fast," she remarked. Then she took the tray and moved to leave the room.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked.

"Oh don't worry, I'll be back," she smiled. Then she was gone, and he was alone again.

No, not alone. He was never alone.


He woke with a start, sweat drenching his body.

He was shaking. Every inch of him, though why, he couldn't remember.

"Lord Sarai? Are you awake?" A voice called from the other side of the door.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"G-Ginger says he wants to see you," There was a scraping sound and then a click, and Sarai knew that the door had been unlocked.

"Tell him I'm on my way,"

"Yes sir!" Footsteps scampering away.

Sarai sighed and began to dress. It was all because of the stupid NightWing. Something about him made the soft spot stronger. It wasn't a nice feeling.

I'll have to control myself from now on.


Glory felt positively sick to her stomach. How long had it been since he had been taken? Too long. She paced the length of her room several times, then sat down, then began to pace again.

"Greeeeetings my dear sister. HOPE is right here!"

Jambu flung open the door with a loud and dramatic bang and bounded inside, beaming. "Old granny G said you could use some distraction so HERE I am."

"Jambu," Glory began, a growl in her throat. 

"I have taken it upon myself as the future aunt or uncle of your child, or children-" (he winked) "To write down a list of possible names."

He sat down in a chair a whipped out a scroll, which, when unraveled was several feet long. 

"Ahem. We'll start with female names, starting with "G" Cuz that's the first letter of your name; Geranium, Granite, God, Goodness, Gum, Galah, Gharial, Gila, Gold, Goliathus, Gorilla, Grizzly, Goshawk. Then "P" because it's my favorite letter, Pink, Peach, Prune, Pomegranate, Poppy, Peony, Parrot, Penelope, Polygon, Phenomenon, Passion, Propaganda (I like that one,)  and Permeance. There are a few more but this gives you and idea. Now for the boys-"

"Jambu I have a head ache-"

" Black Berry, Bittersweet, Black Bear, Bunny wunny, Ball, Blunder Maker, Books an' scrolls, Boil, Benevolent, Butter, Breathtaking, Bloodthirsty, Brain Washer, Bird Watcher. Or if you want them to start with "D" I have loads of those too; Dominator, Discipline, Danger Maker, Doxy, Disintegrator, Destructible, Destiny walker, Demon Tamer (I think Deathbringer would like that don't you think Glo?)Devil Smasher, Dark pond, Deprivation, Delinquent, Decoration, Determination, Dogman, Dhole Eater, Diskus, DonkeyRider, Dotterel, Dragonfly, Dwarf, Dodo, DragonEater-"

"Thank you, Jambu." Glory stopped him. "This has been most . . . distracting. How long did it take for you to come up with all of these?" Glory sat down on the windowsill and rested her pounding head against the cool frame.

"Not toooo long. You'll be so proud of me Glo, I spent three hours in the Library!"

"The Library you say?" She closed her eyes.

"Yup. I looked up as many words as I could that started with G and D, and then also P and B cuz I liked those. OH! I should look up some that start with J! Let's think . . . Jungle, Jaguar, Jelly, Javan, Jaguarundi, Jabiru, Justice, Jolly-"

"Excuse me, Queen Glory?"

Jambu's rambling were cut off as a servant burst into the room. He was panting, bent over and gasping for air.

Glory opened one eye. "What is it?" She asked.

"My Lady, three strange people have come to the castle asking for you."

She sighed and stood up. "All right, I'm on my way."

"But that's not all of it your Majesty," The servant continued.

"My Lady, one of them said something strange."

"What?" She asked, walking with him.



Ginger tapped his fingers against the hard wood of his desk. His noes hurt like the literal devil and he was finding it hard to keep up a positive attitude.

"You wanted to see me?" Sarai had on an annoyed expression, clearly not enjoying standing still while he waited for his orders. 

"How did it go with the NightWing last night?" Ginger asked.

Sarai seemed to stiffen.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" Ginger spoke sharply. 

"No. Though I'll say I wanted to."

"What kind of shape is he in?"

"Dunno, last I saw he couldn't get off the floor."

Ginger stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I see. We'll have to wait until he heals a bit before we go at it again I'd say. Damn." He shook his head. "Clearly I haven't thought this through well enough. Are his injuries severe?" 


"Will they heal on their own?"

Sarai gave him a look. 

"Right." Ginger sighed. "I suppose we'll have to find a healer."

"We don't have one already?" Sarai asked.

"We'll, there aren't many people here who I actually want to keep alive apart from myself," He saw the danger in Sarai's eyes. "Er, and you of course. Everyone else can be replaced."

"Why can't we just let him die then?" 

"Because he is the only one who is truly close to Queen Glory. Other than her friends of course."

Sarai frowned. "Why can't we grab one of them then?"

"Two reasons, most of them are royalty or at least very close to royalty and are therefor under extreme protection, second, I know from experience that brothers and sisters share a loyalty above others."

"And lovers don't?" 

"They think they do, but in the end, no they don't. You'll see, give him a few weeks and he'll begin to crack."

"But he won't be fully healed in a few weeks. Going at him again would kill him," Sarai said.

Ginger raised his eyebrows. "Have you suddenly found a smidge of humanity in your heart? Is that concern that I detect?"

"Don't be stupid." Sarai hissed. "It's no fun to play with someone who's half dead."

"True, true. Well then, we'll have to starve him. Don't let him have any food or water."

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and Sarai?"

Sarai glared at him. "Yes sir?"

Ginger ignored this. "Any news of Queen Glory's plans?"

"She's smart," Sarai admitted. "I think she knows we weren't actually planning on killing him."

"Damn. Smart women are the absolute worst."

"Will that be all this time?"

"Yes. Actually, no, bring me my hawk."

Sarai's eyes were questioning. 

"For a new part of my plan," Ginger answered. "A better one."

Once he was alone again, he sat down at his desk and began to write, a self satisfied smile displayed across his face.

"Yes," he said, holding the finished scroll up to his eyes. "Yes, this is quite nice."

He rolled it up.

When Sarai delivered his Hawk, he tied the scroll to the birds leg and set it flying into the outside air.

He watched it for a time after it ha, grim determination in his heart.

Try and get out of this, RainWing Queen.

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