A cruel morning

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When I felt the sun ray down my face, I squinted my eyes and yawned. My sleepiness was still there but I still sat up and stretched my arms a bit. I looked around at Elijah's bedroom. "Guess it wasn't a dream." I said recalling was happened last night.

I pull off the covers and walked around the bedroom, surprised to see that Elijah wasn't here. I was also surprised to find out that the other side of the bed was vacant. "Weird." I said, just as I found a note on the night stand:

Hey cutie. I hope you had a good night sleep. I figured it wouldn't be gentleman of me to curl up in bed with you so I slept on the couch. I had a meeting today but Jacob should be coming in to get you breakfast. If you need anything, let him know.

I blushed at the nickname just as I heard a knock on the door. I flinched and quickly rushed over to the bed, holding my Care Bear. "Delilah?" A voice said. "It's Jacob. From last night." My memories quickly flowed into my brain. He was one of the men who was sitting next to me in the car. "I have your breakfast. Mind if I come in?" I wasn't sure if I could trust any of them yet, but Jacob sounded like a nice guy. And I did smell bacon and eggs from the bed. "Yes, you may."

The door slowly opened to a tall man carrying a tray full of food. I was right. There was bacon and eggs. And a glass of orange juice. Jacob shyly waved at me. "Hi there. We never got a chance to meet after...you know." he looked down in shame probably expecting for me to be pissed off. But I wasn't. "It's okay. I hated my father." I said with pure truth, shocking the assassin. Jacob shook it off and placed my breakfast tray on the bed. "Did you get Elijah's note?"

"Yep." I replied as he gave me a smile and was about to walk out the door when I quickly remembered something. "Wait!" he stopped. "Why did you uh..." I trailed off, a blush forming on my face. I didn't have to finish my question because Jacob already knew what I was going to ask. "Oh uh...personal reasons." he told me. "It's complicated."

"Complicated?" I said. "Yeah. I don't know the full details to be honest." Jacob explained, his face going red from embarrassment. I opened my mouth to say something more, but someone already came to the door. This time, it was a female with red hair. "Jacob. Boss wants ya." she said before she turned her attention to me. The girl gave me a small wave and a smile. "Hi. I'm Kylie."

"Hi Kylie." I replied with a smile. She seemed nice.

Jacob gave her a nod before turning back to me. "I'll tell boss you got your breakfast. I'll check on you in a few." he said before he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and looked at my Care Bear plushie still in my hand. "Do you know why they killed him?" I asked, knowing I wasn't gonna get an answer.


I ate my breakfast an hour ago. I was now full but now I was bored. It's only 10 o'clock in the morning and I don't even know where to start.

I started to hear a few voices from downstairs, making me just a bit curious. I debated whether to leave the room or not. On one hand, the assassins might kill me for leaving the room. On the other hand, Elijah never said I couldn't.

I was back on my feet as I made my way to the bedroom door. When I opened it, no one was in the hallway. The assassins are probably downstairs eating breakfast. I decided to follow the voices, making my way downstairs as quietly as a mouse. When I was just by the stairs, I heard a familiar voice behind a closed door. Elijah. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it sounded like he was talking to someone.

Before I could figure out whether to open the door or not, I heard someone coming towards it, making me squeak and quickly hide behind the door to remain unnoticed. The door open as I dared a glance at who just walked out. This man was a strong built guy with grey hair. He looked...mad. Really mad.

"Stupid kid." he mumbled before slamming the door behind him. I was so startled by the door that I accidentally let out a squeak. The man instantly turned around and noticed me in my nightgown from last night. Damn Delilah, you should've changed first.

I half expected the old man to demand who I was, but instead, he began to smirk at my timid figure. "Hello little one." he said as I backed away a step. "Santiago never told me that he had pets." Pets?! Did he assume I was a- "I'm not a whore." I told him, my voice cracking at the last minute. The old man's smirk only grew as he advance towards me. "I should've known he was keeping something from me. I bet he has a ton of you all to himself." he said right before he grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop.

I tried to yank out of his grasp but he was too strong. "L-Leave me alone!" I cried as the old man laughed and leaned his face so close to me, that I really believed that he was about to kiss me. Gross. "I'm sure he won't mind if I just...have a little taste."

Then everything happened so fast. One moment, this jerk was about to kiss me, and the next he was being grabbed by the throat. I stared in awe and in shock as Elijah pressed his hand harder on the old man's throat. He looked at him with such rage that I actually thought he might kill him in front of me. "Let. Her. Go." the old man didn't need to be told twice.

Once I was able to feel my wrist, Elijah slammed him into the wall. "What did I tell you about touching my things?"

"I-I'm so-sorry."

"You're sorry?" Elijah replied with a humorless laugh. "You weren't sorry when you tried to rape my girl." I blushed at what he called me. Elijah didn't seem to notice. Only pressing deeper on the man's throat. "I should wipe out your entire organization. Starting with you."

"Boss!" A new voice came into the picture from behind Elijah. I immediately recognized him. He was sitting in the passenger seat in the car. Derek I think. "Boss, let him go."

"He tried to rape her."

"And he'll pay for it. But not like this. Not in front of her." And in that moment, Elijah finally noticed me. His face softened when our eyes met. Elijah looked back at the old man, giving him one more squeeze on his throat before dropping him to the floor. The old man took greedy gulps of air. "You...you could've..."

"Be grateful I didn't." Elijah replied before making his way over to me. "Sorry about that." I was too lost for words to reply as he looked back at Derek. "Put him in the dungeons until his crew picks him up. If her wrist has a bruise, I'll cut off his hand." Derek gave him a nod before grabbing the pervert man off the ground and leading him downstairs.

Elijah looked at me again, his glare softening at my face. "Come on, let's go back to my room."

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