Secret admirer (Jacob x reader)

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You had walked into the train expecting to see the one and only Jacob Frye, lounging on the couch. But nope, instead there was an envelope on the couch.

"Huh?" You said confused, you picked up the envelope off the couch and looked at the front and back, looking for a name. But there wasn't any name, so you looked at the details of the envelope.

It was pearl white with enough decal to make it fancy and there was a blood red stamp to keep the envelope closed.

'Maybe there's a name inside?' You thought to yourself as you carefully opened the envelope and slid the paper out. You opened the folded paper to reveal a love letter that read;

Dear y/n

You are the most perfect woman I have ever seen. From your shining e/c eyes to your fierce determination. All of these things I find extremely attractive, and very intimidating in a good way. That's why I wrote a letter instead of telling you directly, I'm afraid you're big of a wild card and I have no idea how you will react to this letter, but hopefully you aren't mad.

With love,
Your secret admirer
(A/n: Sorry I'm pretty bad at writing love letters, that's probably why I'm not in a relationship, ah yes the sad life ;-;)

You blushed as you read it, but sadly Evie had walked into the train and saw your blush.
"What are you reading?" Evie asked, scaring you. You slightly jumped and put your hand on your heart, "My god Evie, don't scare me like that."

She chuckled "Back to the question, what are you reading?", you shrugged "Someone sent me a love letter." "Can I see?" She asked,
"go ahead" you replied handing her the letter.

She analyzed the letter for a few minutes until she finally said, "The handwriting looks a little familiar, but I just can't put my finger on it." She handed the letter back to you "I'll let you know if I think of it" she said and turned out of the train car.

"Hmmm" you said looking at the letter again.

-----Somewhere else on the train-----

After Evie walked out of the car where Y/n was located and headed straight towards the caboose. Sure enough her brother was there writing on something. "Hello dearest brother" Evie said, breaking the silence, Jacob jumped and hid the paper behind his back.

(Evie is just scaring everyone today)

"What were you writing?" Evie asked, raising her brow "n-nothing" Jacob stuttered. Now she knew something was going on. "I saw the most peculiar thing today" she said with a smug look on her face. "R-really, what?" Jacob asked, "apparently y/n has a secret admirer" Evie said.

A flash of knowledge passed through Jacob's eyes, 'now I know he's got something to do with it' Evie thought. "Yes, the note was very lovely and must have been thought out carefully" She said, " What I thought was funny is that the note seemed to have, what looked like your handwriting."

Jacob just sighed in response, he knew he had been caught. "Okay yes; I was the one who wrote the letter, happy?" Jacob said, Evie just offered her twin brother a gentle smile "Jacob if you love her, tell her."

Jacob sighed once again "I know I should but I'm worried if rejection, what if I ruin our friendship?", they say in silence for a few seconds until Evie broke it, "How about I go and investigate her feelings towards you, and you can decide the rest." She then left and Jacob sat staring at the floor, thinking.

---- Back to your pov-----

You were sitting in a chair still looking at the letter, when Evie came in. "I have some ideas on how to find out who wrote the letter" she said, "Really?" You said, hopeful.

"Y/n do you have any idea who might be in love with you?" Evie asked, sitting in a chair across from you. You shook your head,"Okay well who do you have feelings for?" She asked again.

You blushed, "w-why do you need to know?" "Someone might feel the same way " Evie stated. "Promise not to laugh or be mad?" You said, "Cross my heart" "I may or may not have feelings for your brother."

You held your breath, waiting for her reaction. But she surprisingly just smiled and got up, "I have all I need for right now" she said and walked out of the room.

--------Evie pov----
(Have some Doritos *showers you all in the beautiful tasty chip*)

Evie walked back to the end of the train where her brother was still moping around. "Jacob" she said, causing him to look at her. She could tell by how glossy his eyes were that he had been crying. "Jesus Jacob, pull yourself together!" Evie exclaimed,"What did she say?" Jacob said ignoring Evie.

Evie smiled, "she said she had feelings for you."

With those words Jacob quickly straightened and stared at his sister, wide-eyed. "R-really?" He said in disbelief, "Yes Jacob."

Jacob did an un-Jacob action and hugged his sister.

"Jacob Frye put let go!" Evie ordered, he did as asked and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "Sorry." "So what are you going to do now?" Evie asked, "You will see in due time sister" Jacob answered.
(He didn't really answer the question but whatev's, here have some more Doritos *throws a whole bag*)

----Time skip to tomorrow----

You woke up and yawned. As you sat up you noticed a envelope on your night stand identical to the one from yesterday.

'Another one?' You thought grabbing it, you opened the envelope carefully and sliding the paper out.

Dear y/n

I hope you didn't throw away my last letter, and hopefully you won't throw this one away. To end this whole mystery, I would like you to meet me on the roof of Buckingham Palace at 9:00 pm. If you wish not to join me, I understand fully. But please take my love seriously.

With love,
Your secret admirer

"On top of Buckingham Palace?" You questioned aloud, "what a romantic."
(*cough* get the reference? *cough*)

You decided to bring the letter to Evie, to see what she thinks. "I think you should go" She said, "Really?" "Yes, really."

---- unlikely time skip to 9:00----

You climbed up to the roof of Buckingham Palace without getting detected by the guards. As soon as you planted your feet on the ground, you noticed a trail of rose petals heading in a direction.

'Hmmm' you wondered and followed the trail.

It led you to a candle lit picnic with a beautiful view of the palace gardens. "I guess he is a romantic" you said aloud.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. "You got that right love" Jacob said in your ear, making you blush.

"J-Jacob what are you doing here?" You asked, unraveling his arms from your waist, he said "Well you know the letters you've been getting?"

You stared wide-eyed at Jacob as it all clicked, "Jacob I-" you began, but was cut off by his lips on yours.

(Here come da badly described kissing scene HOLD ON TIGHT MOTHERTRUCKERS)

It took you a couple of seconds to register what was going on. Once you regained your senses, your eyes fluttered close as you kissed back. You tangled your hands in his brown locks, while he put his hands on your hips. Jacob smiled into the kiss.

Yuh broke the kiss to breath and just stood they're gazing into his hazel eyes. "Well let's eat shall we?" Jacob said, motioning his hand towards the picnic.

Welp... I suck at writing
Stay awesome my friends

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