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Hoseok sat on the leather couch near to Yoongi's desk as he write down today's schedule for him. There's so many things to do, from signing contracts, to meeting with a business partner, then going to a couple more interviews after that. But he has to stay strong, there's a fat check waiting for him at the end of the month and boy does he need the money.
After finishing it, he walked over to Yoongi to help him with all the papers on his desk. They're all filled with words and signs from various companies. Hoseok puts them together into different files nicely, tighten the strings to close and labeled them one by one. They both work in silence. It's a lot different from working in the coffee shop as you'll hear music playing background and the sounds of customers talking, ordering mixing all together, but here, there's only sounds of papers, pens and computer keyboard clicking. It's a lot more intense comparing to the shop.
After a while of doing so, the finally finished. Both let out a sigh of relief and get ready for the next thing today, going to a meeting. Yoongi looks over to Hoseok, who's still checking again to see if all of the contracts are signed and put in the correct files. Soft sunlight shine through the big glass window behind them onto the boy's  small figure, it's like heaven light shining on him. So pretty.
"Wear the clothes you wear at the coffee shop next time." - He said, eyes still admiring the younger's glowing beauty. How come he didn't notice actually how good looking the boy is when he was at the coffee shop all this time? He knows that the boy is pretty and has cute smile, but up close, he's like a god sent angel.
"I will." - Hoseok looks over, giving him a soft smile that shows off his little dimples, which increases his beauty even more.
Yoongi was about to do something as he leaned in but was quickly cut off by the boy as he got up from his seat.
"The driver is ready for you, shall we go, sir?" - The older snapped out of his head and nodded, he stood up to grab his long jacket and left with the younger who followed behind him with some files in his hands.
They stayed quiet for the whole ride, Hoseok hands caressing the files, feeling the smooth paper texture underneath his delicate finger tips, and Yoongi is enjoying the view of an early morning Seoul. He wishes it could always be this peaceful so he doesn't have to deal with crowded places and can actually enjoy the beauty of this city.
After a bit more of driving, they arrived at a big building, almost as big as Yoongi's. As they got out of the vehicle, the cold breeze immediately hit Hoseok, sending a shivers dowm his spine, since it's close to winter now so the air is getting cooler. He regrets not bringing his jacket with him and quickly runs into the building to get some warmth.
As they got to the floor where the meeting between Yoongi and his partner happened, they suddenly hear soft moaning coming out of somewhere. And to Hoseok's surprise, Yoongi immediately headed to where the moans were coming off. He opened the door to a giant meeting room and hitting them both in the eyes is the imagine of a tall, broad shoulders man in a black suit biting on the neck of..Namjoon??
Hoseok gasped in shocked, he knew that Namjoon has a boyfriend but this guy?? The CEO of Jinhit Entertainment, the second biggest music company in Korea?? And other than that, Namjoon is a bottom???
"Ah look like my friend is here." - The suited man stopped as he saw them standing at the door - "Go wait in my office, I'll come back to you later baby."
The male pecked onto Namjoon's cheek as he turned around to leave.
"Oh hi Hoseok, didn't know you got a job." - Joonie joked as he saw his friend and casually walked out like nothing had happened. Hoseok looked more confused than ever, he rubbed his eyes, making sure that he wasn't delusional and saw something that's out of his mind.
Yoongi walked in and took a seat as the younger followed then stood next to him.
"Ah, who's this new one?" - The man asked as he also pulled out a seat to settle himself in.
"O-Oh, my name is Jung Hoseok. It's a pleasure to meet you." - The boy bowed and greeted him honorificly, such a polite kid.
"Kim Seokjin, nice too meet you." - He smiled nicely, placing both his arms firmly on the arms of the chairs he's sitting in.
Yoongi signaled his assistant to give Jin the files that they brought which he obeyed nicely. He explained the things in the contracts and telling Jin where to sign.
"Remember that I'm 2 years older than you, kid." - Jin said, holding up the papers to read it over - "Don't tell me what to do."
"I know, but your company relies on mine to grow." - Yoongi shrugged, leaning back into his chair and crossed his legs.
The older nodded in defeated, he can't deny the fact that without the help from SG, his company wouldn't be able to be as successful as today, and for that, he's very grateful. After finishing reading the whole thing, he clicked his pen and signed all of it. Hoseok stood there and looked over the two men, they all seemed so grown up, well they're both close to 30 years old so it's understandable, but the energy that exported out of them and simply how they act and talk, they all make him feel like they've been in the game for very long time, but still, they're only in their 20.
The meeting ended quite a bit quicker than they planned it to be, well for obvious reasons, so they got themselves a bit of free time before going to an interview.
Hoseok stands there quietly in the elevator next to his boss, hands putting behind his back and fingers tangled together. It's surprising that he could stay shut this long, since he's always talking and laughing with Jungkook at the coffee shop. Weird how a different atmosphere can change you in a short period of time.
"Let's go have some coffee before we go to the interview" - Yoongi says, breaking the silence between them - "Since we have some free time in our hands."
The younger nods in agreement as they walk out to their vehicle and get in.

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