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It's now 6:00pm, Yoongi is finishing up some works on his laptop while Hoseok's resting on the leather couch near him. Their intimate session earlier literally takes the breath out of him. He doesn't have anything to do now because his boss told him to canceled all their plans today in the morning, but he also doesn't want to bother the other cause he seems like he's concentrating on his works. He looks so charming when he's focusing on something, his eyes squint a bit, face looking sharper which lets out a very mature aura. Hoseok doesn't know that he has been staring at the man until he looks up, making him flinches and quickly looks away. Yoongi smiles at the embarrassed boy, watching his ears flushes with a shade of red.
"Let's go have dinner." - The older proposes, standing up from his seat and walks over to his assistant.
"You're done with your works?" - The younger asks, receiving a nod from the other as an answer.
"Let's go to coffee shop you worked at." - He says, grabbing his long black jacket that's laying on the leather couch next to the boy and put out a hand in front of him - "Come."
Hoseok blushes a bit and takes his hand, then they walk out to the elevator, fingers tangled together, it feels so heartwarming. As they go down, Yoongi texts someone really quick, especially with only one hand, which surprises Hoseok a bit. He can't even hold his phone nicely and drops it all the time, so to text someone with one hand like that is very impressive to him. After a bit, the elevator reaches ground floor and the door slides open, the first thing that hits him is the cold air from the air conditioner and the night weather of Seoul combines, making him shivers. He imagines how even more cold it's going to be when they walk down to coffee shop, he regrets not bringing a jacket with him today cause he thought it's going to be warm. Then suddenly an employee walks up to them, handing Yoongi a denim jacket. Hoseok's a bit confused as he looks at the jacket then looks at the employee, he seems to be out of breath.
"H-here's the jacket you asked for, Mr.Min." - The guy says in a breathless voice, almost inaudible because of how hard he's breathing.
"Thank you, Min Hee." - He says without an expression before the employee bows, excusing himself and gets back to his working place.
"Put this on." - Yoongi looks over to the younger one - "I told him to come to my house and get it for you since it'll be cold at night."
Hoseok eyes widened, he can't believe that the man would do that for him, and also how fast the employee was as he had to run from here to the older's house to grab the jacket and then came back in like 10 minutes or less. Is he secretly The Flash or something?
He puts it on, immediately feeling the warmth hugging him and lets out a smile that he doesn't even know he was doing. The man chuckles softly from the boy's cuteness.
"Thank you, sir." - He looks at him, smiling fully now , it's like the sun is shining again all of a sudden.
"Call me Yoongi, and you're welcome." - The man smiles sweetly, pecking the boy's head and makes him blushes again for like the millionth time.
Then they walk out of the building and head down the street to the coffee shop. It's definitely colder than in the building, so much more than Hoseok expected. But luckily he has Yoongi's jacket on him or he'll definitely freeze to death in this harsh weather. It's literally so cold that there's smoke coming out whenever they breath.
The street is rather empty, comparing for a weekend night when people mostly go out and have fun, but tonight is different. It's nicer like this though because they won't have to push through a sea of people or accidentally get hit on, which is really annoying and dangerous. They stay quiet, hands holding tight to each other, it's not that they're shy or anything, it's just they enjoy their company like this. Having some time alone to think whatever you want in your head isn't so bad, it's quite relaxing almost. After a while, they finally reach the coffee shop. Yoongi opens the door for Hoseok and walks in after him.
"Hyung!" - A voice shouts out, catching the attention of the two of them.
It's Taehyung, he's back from trip with Jimin. They seem fairly tanned, probably from swimming at the beach in the bare sunlight of Hawaii. God these kids are literally born at the finish line, they opened a coffee shop then just leave it there for someone else to be in charge of, knowing damn well that it will be filled with customers everyday, and just go on trips after trips without having to worry about a mere thing. They're literally living everyone's paradise.
The blue hair boy runs over and taking both of them into a big hug, pressing the older ones against each other.
"I miss you guys!" - He says with a baby voice, looking up at them and shows off his adorable boxy smile.
"I miss you more, TaeTae." - Hoseok replies with a soft smile, patting the younger's head lovingly.
The boy lets go of them after giving them the biggest boxy smile and walks back to his lover, Jimin. They've known each other since they were kids, going to the same school with each other for years then fall in love, it's like a typical romantic movie script. Jimin works as a professional modern dancer, always performing at well known stages, even overseas. He's always in the eyes of the public, but he doesn't care as he always express himself however he wants. From his clothing styles, to his relationship with Taehyung, he has never been afraid of judgment from others. They're so happy together, always smiling and laughing like little kids, they're what represents "pure love" as the ways they love and care for the other is always so sweet and comes from the heart. People are all inspired by their perfect relationship, some even sets it as a goal for themselves. Jimin gives the older two a wave, smiling brightly before railing his suitcase inside along with Taehyung.
After the boys left, Yoongi and Hoseok sit down at the older's familiar spot, now having another person across him. The place is now emptier than the morning, no one would really go to a coffee shop on a fun night so it makes sense.
Jungkook walks over with two menus in his hands then hands them over to the older two, he clicks his pen and prepared himself to write down their orders.
"Everyone asked where you were today, Hobi-hyung." - The youngest says, finishing writing down their meals and collecting the menus.
"Really?" - Hoseok tilts his head a bit, asking in disbelief.
"Yea, they were always asking where's the sunshine of the shop." - The boy's saying make him blushes, he has been blushing so much today that his skin might as well turn into pink, not the cream color he's having.
Jungkook chuckles at the older's shyness before walking into the kitchen to place their orders and leave the two alone. After the boy leaves, Yoongi holds Hoseok's hand gently, rubbing his thumbs onto the silky skin of the other softly.
"Sunshine" - He says quietly, only loud enough for the younger to hear - "You are one."
The boy blushes deeply as he listens to what the man says, immediately looks down to the table's surface, feeling his ears burning up so much that it might melt off. Yoongi smiles at the embarrassed boy, he's so delicate looking, like a beautiful piece of glass that reflects rainbow shades when the sun shines onto it, but is also so easy to be broken and needs to be treated with love and care. Their eyes meets after Hoseok has calmed down from his embarrassment, he has such beautiful, dark brown eyes that literally holds all the greatest things on this planet. It's like God has taken two of the most shining stars and used them to make his eyes.
"My sunshine."

No one is reading this but im sorry for this messy chap, im really tired lately so I can't really work out anything nice to write down.
Anw hope u enjoy it!

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