Get Some Rest... |Levi Ackerman x (Sick) Reader

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"Heichou! Heichou! *cough* *cough*" You rubbed your nose as you ran up to your captain, Levi Ackerman.
"Tch," he sneered at you. "don't touch me."
"Oh wow..." You sniffed again. "You're as cold as ever today." He clicked his tongue and walked away from you.
"Hey, (Y/n)! What's up?" One of your best friends, Hanji, asked as she walked over to you.
You sighed as she stopped in front of you.
"What's wrong?" She tilted her head.
"Why is Levi such an asshat?" You looked at her with desperate eyes. "Aww...(Y/n), he's always been like that..."
You pouted as you glanced to the right of you. He sat there, drinking his tea.
~Time skip~~~
"Alright, brats! It's time for cleaning!" He stood there sternly.
You eventually got assigned to clean up the mess hall with Mikasa.
After a while, (you both were almost done,) the room started to get really...REALLY...bright.
Then everything went black.
~Time skip again (to when you wake up)~~~
You opened your eyes. Looking to your left you saw the wall. Looking to the right of you, you saw,
"C-Captain?!" You tried to stand up and salute, but he tried to hold you down.
"Relax, brat. I'm only in here because you fainted while cleaning the mess hall with-"
"MIKASA! I HAVE TO HELP HER!" You tried to get up, and again, he held you back down.
"First of all, don't interrupt me, second of all, stop yelling in my damn ear. You're in a bed because you're sick. I understand you want to work, and..." He stopped.
"And...what?" You tilted your head.
"And...that's what I love about you."
Realizing what he just said, your face turned a (very) deep shade of crimson.
The captain, liking me?! What the hell is this? M-Maybe I'm imagining this. After all, you do imagine crazy things while you're sick, there's hallucinations, and sounds that mess with your brain-
"(Y/n)?!" He looked at you in panic.
Haaaah...he called me by my name...
"C-Captain! I'm...fine. I think. But, a-after you said...that, weren't you going to say something else?"
"Tch. Are you fishing for compliments, (Y/n)?" He smirked.
"N-No...! That's not it!"
"I know. You don't have to keep up the nervous act around me right now. On the battlefield, you act the way you normally do." He stood up from the stool where he was once sitting. "Now. This conversation here, doesn't escape your mouth. Understand?" He folded his arms like normal.
"I-I understand. Captain." You saluted under the blankets.
"And, (Y/n), from now on," he turned around, facing you.
"Call me Levi. You deserve it."
He walked out of the room and shut the door. From inside, I could already hear him being bombarded with stupid questions, paperwork, and cadets complaining. And from the sound of it, he was fucking tired of it all.
~Time skip, ONCE AGAIN~~~~
It was very late in the day, and the cadets had just finished training. Levi ordered everyone to go to their bunks and sleep. He ran to (Y/n)'s room and carried them to his room. For being short, he was surprisingly strong. He grabbed the blanket and pillow from your room and set them in there too. He laid you down on top of the pillow and draped the blanket over your sleeping body. He bent down and whispered, "Good night, (Y/n)..." And he kissed you on the forehead. Then he sat up and went to go do his paperwork.

(A/n-So I said I probably wouldn't write today. I was very wrong. (I thought I wrote something about that but I didn't.) I wasn't going to write because I was stressed about my plane ride back to Chicago. Alas, it was cancelled. All the flights to Chicago were cancelled. Lucky me. So I have to stay in California until SATURDAY. I had so much stuff to do????? And then I have to stay here??????? It's not like it's that big of a problem tho. The weather's really hot, but I get to stay inside most of the day so that's good. It also prevents my parents from yelling at me for how much money I spent. '^^
But, anyways, thanks for reading!~)

(A/n2-Even if you believe Hanji is a boy, or gender-fluid, I'm using female pronouns. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

(I also respect your opinion I'm not throwing shade)

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