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Sparkling red eyes looked at you. Cazador Szarr was a vampire lord and made no secret of it.

He and you shared a history torn by old friendship and new rivalry.

Or was it disgust?

You couldn't quite decide. Usually it was more disgust. Just like at that moment.

His slicked-back hair was so black that it almost disappeared in the night. Or it was just the shadows trying to bite out a piece of him.

"Caz.", your eyes clouded with boredom.

For a moment you had been annoyed at his cockiness, Brennan would have been a really good pet. But at the end of the day, he was just a mortal and you couldn't bring yourself to mourn them when there were millions to choose from.

"The name is Cazador.", two pointed teeth emerged as the corners of his mouth turned up in displeasure.

You shrugged your shoulders.

"An incredibly vain name you've given yourself.", you said. "A vain name for a vain man."

Wind swept through the empty streets, taking hold of your silver robe and making it sway gently.

"Your name is Platinum.", he replied with an amused grin and a raised eyebrow.

"A name I didn't give myself. It was given to me."

"By all the hells, you sound like you're talking about a christening."

Now it was you who had to smirk.

"Perhaps.", you twitched a hair of horror from your shoulder. "Tell me, did the blood burn in your throat? He was a human. They have a bit of a thing for being blessed. More than other species."

All at once, the smug grin was wiped from Cazador's face. His tongue curled. Of course, blessings didn't matter to vampires. At least not for those of such high rank as you two.

It always surprised you how easy it was to play with his perception. And you couldn't help but ruin his joy. He would quickly find something to amuse him again. Probably something cruel.

The darkness returned to your face.

"You stole something from me.", you reminded him, taking a step forward as long tongues of shadow licked over your exposed (S/C) skin.

Challengingly, he lifted his chin to meet your gaze.

"If he was so important to you, you should have bitten him faster.", he hissed, a grin appearing that made you want to rip the skin off his skull.

What would he look like underneath?

Most creatures bled profusely. But this man could hardly be anything other than mould. Just looking at him was enough to send a sickening shiver down your spine.

"He was meant to be a pet.", you breathed into his face with an icy expression.

He flinched at the touch of your breath on his skin. Then he curled his mouth and clearly showed how dissatisfied he was that you obviously had some power over him.

Satisfaction spread through your chest and you had to smile. Yes, that's exactly how it should be. He might be snooty, but you held something in your hand that paralysed him.


Although you two were equals, vampires of the same rank, he still had respect for you. Because unlike Cazador, you didn't present your skills on a silver platter for the whole world to see.

You had to keep your resources to yourself. So your enemies didn't know when the limit had been reached and you were in trouble. And if anyone wasn't supposed to know your limit, it was this man you were looking down on.

"He was delicious.", his eyebrows raised and once again he gave you that arrogant smile.

Your eye twitched.

"Careful, Caz.", you said in a warning tone. "Barking dogs get beaten with sticks."

Again he was unsettled. This time he took a step back.

"What do you want, Platinum?", he hissed. "The boy is dead. Why mourn him?"

You shook your head. Shadows hugged the edges of your face.

"I am not mourning. I am simply not amused."

"For what reason?", his nose wrinkled, small wrinkles running through his ash-coloured skin.

Your cold gaze left him for a moment. Boredom crept into your brain. But you refused to leave the subject. He had already interfered too often in things that were none of his business. He was becoming annoying, a real nuisance.

One corner of your mouth pulled up and you let out a smack before you looked at him again.

"Four.", you said and showed him four fingers.

He frowned in confusion.

"Four what, Platinum?", your name dripped off his tongue like poison.

"Four spawns. That's how many you stole from me, killed or...", you pointed at Brennan, or rather what was left of him. " feasted on."

"This one was unmarked."

"I will not argue!", you suddenly thundered, your voice so powerful that it chased away all the shadows around you.

Foaming anger burned into your face and for the very first time the vampiric red shone through the (E/C) of your eyes.

Cazador bared his teeth.

But you knew he wouldn't attack you. He would never do that. Because he secretly feared that you would strike him down without batting an eyelid.

No matter what laws it would break, you would kill him. Even if it was the last thing you would do.

So he decided to be clever and soothe your temper.

"Platinum.", a sweet smile played around his lips as he half bowed to you, one hand pressed to his chest.

"Less words, more reparation.", you hissed. "You cost me four spawns. How do you intend to compensate me?"

A sigh escaped him. He actually had the audacity to roll his eyes in boredom.

"Blood for blood.", he huffed. "We know the customs. Choose one of mine. Four if you insist."

One of your eyebrows raised. In your opinion, Cazador was not known for having good taste. But you were willing to consider it. After all, your name was always murmured in the darkness when a lost soul begged for mercy.

"Surprise me.", you said, and stepped back into the shadows. "Expect my visit in the near future."

And then you disappeared.

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