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"Dammit!", Astarion hissed as his arrow hit the ground once again, scaring away the target he was supposed to hunt.

An amused chuckle made your throat vibrate. Arms crossed you looked down on him, feet dangling in the air while your back rested against the trunk of a tree.

"Patience, my darling.", you said.

He let out a deep snort.

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but once I want something patience is not my strength.", he bit back with a shrug and a sarcastic look on his face.

You sighed.

"So I've leaned.", your dick twitched between your legs as you remembered the impatience that had brought you sweet release last night.

It made you smile, although also made you feel deep shame. This was not the moment to dwell in perverted memories.

Night had fallen and so it had begun. Since Astarion was better fed now he had build enough strength to carry the bow. You hadn't had a chance to introduce him to daggers yet but there was time and you wanted him to be able to keep danger at a distance.

So, it had been easy to find a good way for training. Hunting. And not just anything but wild animals since it was also a good way to teach him how to survive if he ever found himself hungry and alone.

Something in the back of your head pretended like that would never happen again since you refused to let him go now. He was yours and utterly loved.

Only a fool would have left his side.

"Am I getting possessive now?", you asked yourself with a smile while Astarion ran off to chase after the hare he had missed mere minutes ago.

Leaves rustled and branches broke below his feet. It was still a little chilly but soon the weather would change and warmer days would turn the nights quite pleasant.

You toyed with the thought of showing him some more survival tricks like reading footprints or how to find shelter easy and quick.

And he seemed like he was in desperate need to learn how to make a campfire as well. Then again, Astarion was no man for physical labour and he surely didn't desire to learn it either.

He was more of a showman, entertaining and charming in such ways that he could get whatever he wanted. And now he even was confident enough to demand someone cater to him.

It was a pleasant shift from his former self but you also couldn't help and curse yourself. You truly had spoiled him rotten. Though you didn't mind since you had all the time, and wealth, to cater to this extravagant taste.

For a brief moment you let your head fall back against the trunk of the tree. A soft brews caressed your face, made the strands of your (H/C) hair dance.

It smelled of fresh mountain water and the salt of the sea. This exact scent had been in your nose for years, all day every day and yet. It seemed new all of a sudden.


Or maybe that was just the joy you dwelled in.

Leaves trembled to sing a sing of the moon and stars. They shimmered in a deep, dark blue, shadows wrapped around the trunks and made the branches shake.

They were still so full of their own will. But now their wants died down whenever you ordered them to. They returned to your feet like dogs to their master.

It was sweet new power. Perhaps it got to your head a little as you napped two fingers and painted the forest around you in a lightless, formless dark.

Blood rushed through your veins. The beating of your heart pressed against your rib cage.

Had you always harboured these kinds of powers?

Or had they now fully committed to your guidance since they deemed you worthy?

Whatever it was, it was new and different from before. Slightly similar but not at all the same. It would take a while for you to figure things out, how to control and make the best use of their new versions.

But what did that matter?

Immortality had many downsides but one very big one in particular. It took away the worth of many things. All things first for time, that one thing that chained all mortals of all races.

No matter if tiefling, human, elf or dwarf they were all bound to time. Some to more than others but still at the ends of their lives there was death waiting.

For the longest time you had seen it a curse, something that had stripped you of something so natural and important. Urgency, the pressure to do certain things before it was too late.

But now everything had shifted. It was a blessing in disguise for immortality meant you had so much time to spent with Astarion.

As much as you desired. And as much as he'd allow.

The thought alone made your chest feel lighter. You could waste away nights and days just laying in bed, kissing that pale skin of his and it wouldn't feel like a waste. You could ravel in little moments until your soul was satisfied.

All because time did not matter.


Again, something dark crossed your face. The smile died and instead the shadows wrapped around your neck. You threw a glance at your fingers. They were still as black as sin.

However, it started to feel like it had always been there. Like it was a part of you that you had finally allowed to be without consequences.

If you thought about it that wasn't all that unlikely. This was you, a manifestation of your deepest insides, black and twisted with the same kind of darkness that Vellioth the Martinet had betrothed you with.

It was a final kiss of your old master. It disgusted you. And yet. You couldn't deny how much use you could make of it.

Endless cruelty though endless power. All you had to do was reach out and accept it as part of yourself.

Just how Vellioth the Martinet had always wanted you to.

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