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A melody hummed in your throat as you walked along the long corridor. Your fingertips wandered over the walls, which were lined with silk and wallpaper.

It was dusty. It had probably been a long time since anyone had dusted, this house was almost as old as you were. Or possibly even older. When you had settled in this place, the estate had already been built, not on your behalf.

You made a mental note that Cillian might be given a task again. Albert didn't have a hand for cleaning and Lorelei hated it with every fibre of his body.

You wondered if Horren would enjoy looking after the house in your absence. And if not, it wouldn't be so bad. What worried you was him living with the other spawns.

He hadn't even woken up yet, nobody knew if and how long it would take for him to wake up and realise that he was now an immortal being.

The mood of the others was already under a bad star. That annoyed you a little. After all, you saw no reason for unnecessary arguments. Or even bloodshed.

A sigh rolled from your lips as you reached the end of the corridor. Another door had appeared. Its wood was almost as black as Horren's hair, adorned with white fittings and an ivory doorknob.

The palm of your hand pressed against the wood. It trembled under your touch. The property responded to its rightful owner.

A soft click made your ears twitch. A lock opened. Then the door opened slowly to let you in.

You didn't have to ask for entrance. This was your home. It would do as you asked. The closed rooms only served to provide your spawns with security. Both against strangers and those who often showed their faces in this house.

It was dark inside. Curtains darkened the room, black silk and white embroidery. The floor creaked under your weight as you moved towards the large bed that stood in the centre of the room.

There would be as much space in this place as Horren felt he needed. And if he wanted more space, everything would expand and fulfil his wish.

Just like it was with the others.

This was your realm and you commanded everything. Your word was law within these walls. Space and time did not exist.

The floor creaked under your feet again.

Someone moved sluggishly in the sheets. You wanted Horren to hear your arrival. If he liked, you would allow him to send you away again. He still had a lot to get used to. You had no intention of rushing him.

After all, you two had all the time in the world and much more.

A growl escaped Horren as you came to a halt next to his head. His eyes opened a crack and you were disappointed to realise that the vampiric red was already beginning to drive the blue from his eyes.

"You are awake.", a welcome smile playing around your lips.

Pointed teeth bared themselves. When Horren saw them, he licked his own teeth with his tongue.

"They're not shake.", you said, so he didn't have to waste his strength on asking questions. "Not yet. It will hurt when they grow. Eventually you'll get new teeth. Like a child."

He nodded in understanding, closed his eyes again and turned round. Soft sheets nestled against his bearded face. You let him rest.

Soon the vampire in him would try to banish everything human and his body would change so much that he could die from it.

Your gaze travelled around the room. Much of your spawn's rooms reflected who they were.

Lorelei had a room full of beautiful things, much like himself. Cillian had a lot of art to display and Albert hoarded books.

They all had something you appreciated about them. However, they all lacked one thing.

Power. None of them were warriors.

Until the last few days, that hadn't been necessary. But not more than a week ago, a shiver had crawled down your spine that you had never felt before.

No, that wasn't quite right. You had felt it once before.

Back when Cazador had taken the Vampire Lord's place. Or at least when you and he had shared it.

Your eyes travelled over the walls where empty sword holders hung. The first thing you would have to do was to have a silver sword made that Horren could carry despite his vampiric nature. Chains wouldn't be bad either.

But unfortunately, you still lacked a power that was not of a physical nature. Brennan would have made a fine mage in your ranks as a budding healer.

But Cazador had taken him before you'd even had a chance. Much to your distaste. Once again you were overcome with that irrepressible irritation.

It was hard to believe, but only a few centuries ago you had valued Cazador as a friend. It was strange that you seemed to be immune to change, but he had changed so much. The Cazador you had seen that night had nothing to do with the man you had once called friend.

A sickening shiver crawled down your spine. You shook yourself.

"Be that as it may.", you growled and strode back to the door. "I wonder what weapons you like other than the sword?"

Your eyes travelled to Horren one last time.

Deep circles appeared under his eyes. They seemed to weigh so heavily that his whole face looked as if it was caving in from exhaustion.

A pity, he had been such a handsome man. But you hadn't chosen him for his looks. At least not entirely.

He was supposed to guard this house and everything in it. And if it was ever necessary, he would give his life for yours. Even if it seemed impossible that your power would one day reach its limits.

And yet.

You didn't want to take any risks. Not when it came to this estate, those men you called your darlings. They were your greatest treasure.

If one day the darkness swallowed you whole, you could leave with a smile because you knew that they had eased the loneliness to the bitter end.

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