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Shadows wrap their long, dark fingers around your neck, caressing your (S/C) skin as if they were finally seeing a lover again after years of longing.

You used to play with them, allowing them to explore you. When one commanded the darkness, one had to give something back from time to time in exchange for its almost limitless power. And if it was just a little play with your body then you had nothing against it.

But at that moment, you had no thoughts for the shadows.

(E/C) eyes rested on the new spawn. Like a damsel in distress, you held his hands in yours. They were small, with long, slender fingers. You could easily cover them with yours.

There was still a little warmth in him. A tiny spark of life.

You had to smile.

White hair played around his surprised face. The high cheekbones were partly due to his malnutrition, but you could also see that he had a naturally angular face.

He was beautiful, with the right details to keep his masculinity from fading.

"What a pretty dove you are.", you tilted your head to read his eyes.

Confusion was clearly visible on his face. Confusion and fear.

"Let go of me!", there it was again, that voice.

"So snippy.", you chuckled and loosened your grip.

Upset, he tore himself away from your hands and jumped back a long way. You were pleasantly surprised to realise that he was nimble on his feet, agile and yet sure-footed.

The thought occurred to you that Cazador had conquered him and assigned him to guard duty. Or to give his life when some unpleasant mortals gathered outside your gates.

But then it would be reckless to let him lose weight like that.

"Hm.", you frowned, thinking aloud.

"What?", also frowning, he raised his shoulders and shook his head.

There was this expression on his face, one corner of his mouth upturned and a little challenging.

How much he looked like a charlatan. A real little beast instead of a dove.

"Ah, you've found your voice again.", you bowed your head. "How pleasing."

You were about to take a step towards him when he raised a hand in warning. Only he was unarmed.

"Who are you?", his voice trembled and you could clearly see a glint in the red of his eyes.

It was not self-confidence, not will. It was tears.

Your eyes travelled down his torso. His whole body was trembling. He was about to lose his nerve.

"Of course.", you breathed softly and stepped back again. "I'm sorry. I had no intention of frightening you."

"Whatever! Who are you?!"

Your gaze lowered, your eyelids only half open so he wouldn't think you saw prey in him.

"They call me Platinum.", you answered calmly. "And you are my compensation for your master's audacity."

A shiver ran through his scrawny body. His eyes widened and one could see all his thoughts crossing them. Then his hands dropped and everything inside him seemed to break. Gone was his fighting spirit, the will to defend himself.

This was a debt to his master. And he was the payment. Astarion was certainly smart enough to know that this was not a matter he could decide. He simply had to obey.

As a good spawn should.

Stuttering breaths made his scrawny chest quiver. Bones pressed against his pale torso.

Your eyes twitched in agitation. There were dark marks on his skin, around his neck and collarbone to be precise. Your eyes sharpened and you could recognise fingerprints.

Someone must have strangled him.

Your fingers twitched, lifting out of reflex to stroke the sensitive spot with the tips. He shuddered under your touch.

By the absolute, he was frightened like you would never have thought possible.

Suddenly he sucked in a sharp breath, gathered his trousers and knelt in front of you, his hands resting on his thighs. His red gaze travelled up to you, hesitantly, as if in a cruel routine that he never once enjoyed.

Confused, you looked down at him, one eyebrow raised.

He hesitated. Then one hand slid the shirt off his shoulder to expose pale skin.

"I await your orders, my lord.", his voice was brittle and nauseatingly submissive as he looked back up at you.

Everything in you resisted what he expected. For a moment you just stared at each other.

Then you had to laugh. It wasn't a genuine laugh of joy, but one so hateful that it would have killed Cazador if he had been there.

"What a fucking bastard!", you laughed out loud as hatred choked your throat. "Someone should disembowel him."

Surprised by the sudden curses, the eleven at your feet threw his head down.

"I shouldn't say anything.", he muttered.

His fingers clawed at the fabric of his trousers. You stopped laughing and only a bitter expression remained on your face.

"No, probably not. He's very vindictive, I know. If anyone knows, it's me...", a sigh escaped you as you ran your hand through your (H/C) hair.

What would you do with such a poor creature?

He didn't move. It was as if he had turned to ice. Or as if even the slightest movement without permission could burn the skin off his flesh.

The moment allowed you to take a closer look at him. The first impression in Cazador's palace had not been deceptive.

He was indeed very thin, with pointed shoulders and a scrawny chest. Even though you could probably have counted his ribs, you appreciated his good looks. There was something mischievous about him, something charming.

But not for you. For you, he was all fear and subservience.

How you hated it.

"Platinum!", Albert's voice suddenly tore your thoughts apart.

Relief spreads through your chest. Finally a nice change.

"My darlings!", a smile broke awoke on your lips as you turned your head to greet the group of onlookers. "And Horren. How delightful."

The icy blue of Horren's eyes had faded. Now there was only a vampire looking at you.

"Master.", he bowed his head and his powerful voice made the room tremble.

"Platinum is enough.", you reminded him and let your gaze wander to Lorelei.

He had furrowed his brow and was staring at the newcomer.

"Another one.", he muttered with a bitter expression.

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