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A cold breeze chased through the corridor. Curtains moved with the force, small leaves and blossoms jiggled. It smelled of old wood and fresh air.

Your eyes were glued to the spot right in front of you. Even though there was nothing for the eye to see you could sense a presence.

Something shifted, a flinch tugged at the back of your head. Then it was gone. Only spots on the carpet gave away that someone had been standing there.

A breath pressed itself through your nose. You didn't feel like sighing. In the end you had no desire to argue and fight about reasons you've had to turn a new spawn.

You've had your reasons that benefited everyone in this house, including Horren and yourself. But Lorelei seemed to want to be blind to those. He just saw another and feared that he'd loose his position.

Which was odd since you never had a favourite. They were all your darlings. And he knew as well as anyone else that you only loved as long and deep as others allowed you to.

Old wounds, you thought to yourself and turned to Horren.

His eyes stared into nothing, trying to figure out what you looked at for so long without moving. Annoyance crossed his face.

"Don't worry.", you gave him a gentle push to get him moving before another issue arose. "Your senses will sharpen as well. It will help you sense their presence."

"Why is he so irritated?", Horren let his sword fall to the soft sheets of his bed.

The door fell shut with a snap of your fingers.

"Who?", you asked and looked around.

Just like its owner the room had started to change as well. The walls had turned to a deep brown, almost black. Silver and grey adored the walls in details.

It smelled of leather and steel. Like a fight. Just how it seemed suitable for the former Constable.

Horren's hands loosened the neckline of his leather vest that kept his chest protected from stabs of smaller blades and other attackers from the dark.

"Lorelei.", it was surprising to hear that he had remembered his name.

Although that didn't seem too impressive since Lorelei managed to be the center of many peoples attention. Not just because he had an enchanting kind of beauty but also because he never missed a chance to make sure others knew of his opinion.

It was simply in his nature to be confident, a man for everyone who could light up a room with his sheer presence.

That was the reason why you had once chosen him. But now that choice seemed to come back to bite you.

"Lorelei is just worried.", you said and placed two hands on Horren's shoulders as he sat down on the edge of his bed. "He loves this family."

"Family.", Horren frowned.

"Right. I forgot that the city guard isn't famous for their freedom."

"I dedicated my life to the safety of this city. There was no time for... anything else."

You eyed his face, a little old but not too old yet. Though it was clear that time was running out for him. He was at a point, or rather had been at a point in his life, where he would have been forced to choose.

One last chance to change directions. Now it was too late anyways. Vampires were sterile. A blessing of nature since it would have been an absolute disaster if the ones who would never die could create offspring like the mortals.

If no parents ever left the party it would soon be overfilled with children, grandchildren and so on.

"We are your family now.", you said and breathed a kiss to the top of his hair.

He stiffened. His gaze jumped up to meet yours. For a brief moment he stared at you. Confused, you tilted your head and smiled.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.", his voice was calm but his eyes watchful. "I'm not a man for... men."

A huff escaped your lips.

"Ah, yes, I remember you said something like that.", your hands left him. "Don't worry, I don't sire spawns for those purposes. Not anymore."

He frowned for a second before it dawned on him that it seemed to be the closest reason as to why someone would turn a mortal into a being that was far more powerful than the simple mind could imagine.

To soothe the loneliness.

Something in you shifted as his realisation became visible. Even though you couldn't have cared less about what other people thought it didn't sit right with you that he could have seen someone like... Cazador in you.

That alone was enough for you to feel dirty. Stained even. With evil itself.

No, that wasn't quite right. Evil has a reason. Cazador just did things as he pleased. In the worst ways that existed.

Sucking in a sharp breath you fought down the memory of his face, the feeling of his hands on your throat and the sharp, burning pain that had spread on your skin as his nails had pierced it.

You still remembered that look in his eyes. Strangely sorry, almost regretting.


Your eyes fell onto Horren again. He still say still on the edge of his bed, hands rested on his knees. He waited. Like a perfect guard dog.

"Hm.", your lips twitched, curled into a satisfied expression. "Do you want to know why I offered to turn you instead?"

His eyes twitched. Interest lit up inside the vampiric red.

"You like men a certain way.", he said bluntly.

It made you chuckle. How direct he was. No nonsense.

"You have a good eye and I am a picky man.", you agreed and wiped a strand of dark hair out of his field of vision. "In every way. But no, I did not pick you for... whatever you assume."

"Then what?", one of his eyebrows rose. "I was a dying man. Your offer saved me."

"It also cursed you. Bound to eternity."

"As of now it's a blessing. And I'm sure it will remain so for many years to come.", he freed his arm from his clothes to present an arm that was fully healthy. "My flesh used to be black. Every move meant suffering. But now I am more than I used to be. So what is my purpose?"

Your eyes rested on his flesh.

"Protect what I cannot.", you said. "They aren't fighters."

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