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His breath caressed your cheeks in short, warm waves. It wasn't much but strangely enough for you to feel him, feel the state he was in.

His chest pushed his arms closer to you, you could feel the sharpness of his bones on your muscles. And yet, somehow it was strangely satisfying to be so close.

Your fingers flinched, reacting to the beating of your heart. That stupid heart. For eons now you had thought it had finally grown tired of simple emotions such as affection, excitement.

But now it was pounding against the bones of your rib cage as if it tried to escape and drench the ground below with the last bit of blood that was within your veins.

Suddenly a few of his nails scratched over your exposed chest by accident. It wasn't painful, the gesture didn't even draw blood but it was enough to chase a shiver down your spine and make your lips part to release a quick breath.

How weird it was to see him this close, his white eyebrows curved upwards as if he were concerned about the colour of your eyes. His lips were slightly parted and you could catch a glimpse of his tongue.

You swallowed.

"Astarion.", a smile forced its way to your lips as you bend down, your head tilted in such a way that a strand of his starlight coloured hair tickled your nose. "Don't you think this is a little... too close?"

Your hands lay on his, fingers wrapped around his, so tender that they made you feel like you could snap them with ease.

If you would have wanted to. What you did want to instead was to feed him until that boney feeling was gone and his touch would feel more silky.

Just like his hair. That stupidly white, beautiful mane.

With gentle force you tried to push his hands down, wanted to force him to give himself some space. But his grip only tightened and he tried to get even closer to your face.

"Platinum.", now his voice was more firm, more demanding for an answer to his question.

You frowned.

"I don't know why that concerns you so much.", you sighed and took away the pressure so that he could push himself against you again with all the persistence he wanted.

What an odd change of heart this was. And so sudden as well.

Rolling your eyes, you averted your gaze to not have to look at him. Just a little longer and you could see yourself do things you had sworn to never do without consent given first.

"You're a vampire, Platinum.", somehow it annoyed you to hear your given name from his mouth rather than the one you had been brought into this world with. "Our eyes are red. Even Caza-!"

He stopped himself, bit his tongue and swallowed that cursed name whole without even thinking twice. A shadow crawled across his face and once more it was visible just how much he feared his master.

For a brief moment you looked down on him as he turned his face away in shame. His cheek rested on your chest. As if he sought refuge in you.

A sigh pressed its way through your nose. Your eyes fell shut, your hands found his shoulder to gently comfort him.

Vampire lords hold much greater power than you could imagine. Changing eye colours, or rather choosing which one we desire, is as simple as putting on makeup.", one of your hands rose to pat his head.

As soon as the thickness of his hair nestled into your palm you couldn't help but let out a soft breath. How pretty it was, so soothing to touch and complete.

His shoulders tensed below you, making you halt in your caressing movements. You looked down.

He had his face buried on your chest. You hadn't noticed but tears started to wet his face and your skin. Soft sobbing was stuck in his throat as he refused to cry out loud.

The trembling had returned and once more he was nothing but a fragile little thing between your claws.

"Astarion.", you placed your hands on his back.

"No...", it was more begging than a request that he whispered against your (S/C) skin. "I... I don't want to hate you, Platinum. I don't want to fear you."

At a loss for words you tried to turn your head to be able to catch a glimpse of his eyes, maybe throw a smile his way.

But he kept himself so close to you that it was as if he tried to become one. Perhaps that could save him from that horrors that chained his body in this moment.

"I... I'm not...", as he took a deep breath it made his entire chest rattle. "They love my hair... they touch it just like you do..."

Your eyes narrowed. His words didn't make any sense in your ears, yet it was so painfully obvious what he tried to bring across his lips.

Of course.

Why hadn't you thought of this sooner?

Cazador wasn't a man of anything but cruelty and even more cruelty. And now that you thought about it he also was quite lazy. Or spoiled by the powers he held.

Unlike you he did not venture out to gather blood to silence his thirst. The last time you had crossed his path on a hunt had been as he had snatched Brennan before your very eyes.

And yet he did not appear malnourished or thirsty.

"Don't talk if it hurts too much.", you whispered next to his ear and wrapped your arms around him.

Nothing but trembling and sobbing came from his lips. And yet. There was so much desire in him, so much need to finally get this off his chest.

Your eyes darted through the night that had now finally unfolded in its entirety. A soft breeze chased through your (H/C) hair and tugged at the brim of your robe.

Once more you called for the shadows, a hint of desperation tugging at the strings of your heart. And just like always they answered.

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