Chapter 1.

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In the heart of the ancient forest, where whispers of magic dance among the trees and shadows hold secrets untold, a single leaf fell, heralding the beginning of a tale that would echo through the ages. The gentle breeze stirred the trees and the brush as the warm sun gently peeked out from its hiding place beyond the mountains, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow across the forest floor.

Not a creature seemed to stir besides an occasional chirp or chitter, as if the very essence of the forest held its breath in anticipation. The flowing streams aired out a pleasing and refreshing sound, their melodious babbling harmonizing with the rustle of leaves and the occasional creak of branches swaying in the wind.

Yet, despite the apparent tranquility, there was an undeniable sense of anticipation in the air, as if the forest itself was waiting for something—or someone—to arrive and set its wheels of fate into motion.

A solitary figure, cloaked in the muted hues of tan, stood at the water's edge, their form obscured by the shifting shadows of the forest. Clad in armor of weathered leather plates, they appeared as a spectral presence, as if drawn from the depths of the ancient woods themselves. With an air of enigmatic purpose, they knelt beside the murmuring stream, their presence casting an aura of mystery upon the tranquil setting.

The figure carefully dipped their hands in the cold refreshing water and brought their hands to their face to drink.

The figure carefully looked around as they drank as if they were expecting someone to be following them or trying to hunt them. Once they seemed appeased with the fact that no one else was in this forest besides themselves, the figure arose, and laid back the hood of the cloak and pulled down the mask from upon their face.

The figure was not a towering warrior clad in armor, nor a seasoned elder with tales of wisdom etched into their face. Instead, it was a younger girl, her form slender and graceful, her olive toned skin catching the gentle rays the sun had given and her black hair gently swaying in the breeze like the tendrils of shadow that danced among the trees. Yet, despite her youth, there was a sense of quiet determination in her stance, a steely resolve reflected in the fiery intensity of her red eyes that seemed to pierce through the forest with unwavering intent.

The girl's features were set in a mask of determination, her jaw squared with resolve and her lips pressed into a firm line. But it was the war paint adorning her face that spoke volumes of her story—a tapestry of swirling patterns and vibrant hues that told of battles fought and wars won, of sacrifices made and victories earned. Each stroke of color was a testament to her courage and her strength, a silent declaration of her allegiance to a cause greater than herself.

For the girl was no mere wanderer or curious traveler seeking solace in the embrace of the wilderness. She was a warrior, death's right hand woman, forged in the crucible of conflict and tempered by the fires of adversity. Her path had led her to this sacred grove, guided by the whispers of destiny and the call of her own innermost convictions.

"You did it again Zee" the girl whispered to herself "you just had to go and take a contract that targeted a powerful enemy didn't you?". Zee looked over at a body laying mangled in the grass. The grass around the fallen soldier was stained red from the fight he had tried to put up against her.

The hair on the back of Zee's neck prickled as a distant rumble reached her ears, the unmistakable rhythm of horse hooves pounding against the earth. With a sense of urgency, she cast a wary glance around the forest, her senses on high alert. The canopy above cast shifting patterns of light and shadow across the forest floor, dappling the moss-covered ground with patches of golden sunlight. Shafts of light pierced through the dense foliage, illuminating the dense undergrowth and casting long, eerie shadows that seemed to dance and sway with each passing breeze.

Zee's heart quickened its pace, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she realized the gravity of the situation. The forest, once a sanctuary of solitude and tranquility, now seemed to close in around her like a suffocating embrace. With practiced ease, she reached up and pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, obscuring her features in shadow as she moved swiftly through the underbrush.

Every rustle of leaves, every snap of twigs beneath her feet sent a shiver down her spine, a primal instinct urging her to move faster, to seek refuge from the unseen danger that lurked just beyond the edge of her vision. She navigated the twisting pathways with a sense of urgency, her movements fluid and graceful as she weaved between the towering trees and dense foliage.

The rhythmic drumming of hooves grew louder with each passing moment, the sound echoing through the forest like a harbinger of impending doom. Zee's breath came in ragged gasps, her pulse pounding in her ears as she fought to keep her fear at bay. She dared not look back, dared not dwell on the shadowy figures that seemed to haunt the edges of her vision, their presence a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked in the depths of the forest.

With a sudden burst of speed, Zee broke into a sprint, her feet pounding against the forest floor as she pushed herself to the limit. The trees blurred past her in a dizzying whirl of green and brown, the air rushing past her face in a cold, biting rush. She could feel the pounding of her heart in her chest, the blood roaring in her ears as she raced against the encroaching darkness.


As the streets of Cia basked in the soft glow of the setting sun, Zee made her way through the bustling city with a heavy heart. Her footsteps echoed against the cobblestones, a somber rhythm that mirrored the turmoil within her soul. Memories of the past haunted her every step, driving her forward with a relentless determination born of pain and loss.

It had been years since that fateful day—the day when her world had been torn apart by the merciless hand of fate. Zee could still see it clearly in her mind's eye—the image of her family, laughing and happy, their faces bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun. But that moment of joy had been shattered in an instant, replaced by a nightmare from which she could never awaken.

Skalendil—the name sent a shiver down her spine, a cold reminder of the agony she had endured. He had been like a shadow, slipping through the cracks of her life with deadly precision, leaving behind a trail of devastation in his wake. Her parents—good, honest people—had been his victims, their lives snuffed out in a cruel twist of fate that had left Zee alone in the world.

Since that day, Zee had wandered the streets of Cira, consumed by grief and rage as she sought out any clue that might lead her to Skalendil and the truth behind her family's murder. She had become a hunter in the truest sense of the word, honing her skills with a single-minded focus that left no room for doubt or hesitation.

But despite her best efforts, Skalendil remained elusive—a phantom lurking in the shadows, always one step ahead of her grasp. And with each passing day, Zee's resolve had hardened, transforming her into a cold and distant figure—a ghost of her former self, driven by a singular purpose that left no room for compassion or mercy.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the city plunged into darkness, Zee continued her solitary vigil, her eyes burning with a fierce determination that refused to be extinguished. For she knew that one day, she would find Skalendil, and when she did, he would kneel in reverence to her.


Just as suddenly as it had begun, the sound of hooves faded into the distance, swallowed up by the vast expanse of the forest. Zee skidded to a halt, her chest heaving with exertion as she leaned against a gnarled tree trunk, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She cast a wary glance around her, her eyes scanning the dimly lit forest for any sign of movement.

But there was nothing, save for the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze and the distant cry of a lone bird. With a shaky sigh of relief, Zee straightened up and continued on her way, her steps lighter now as she ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, her senses alert and her nerves on edge.

A little while later as the sun was in its golden hour and the forest was once again a calm place of refuge instead of a perilous escape route. Zee was still weaving too and fro between the thick underbrush of the forest. A sudden snap made Zee jump and turn, drawing her obsidian dagger from its scabbard and wielding it firmly towards whatever threat may be present.

However, when Zee turned to see what the threat was, there lay only a single curious fox. Its fur aglow with the warm hues of autumn. Its sleek body moved with grace and agility, darting between the trees with fluid movements that betrayed its wild spirit. The vibrant orange coat was accentuated by patches of pristine white fur, creating a striking contrast against the verdant backdrop of the woodland. With keen amber eyes that gleamed with intelligence, the fox surveyed its surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and cunning, a creature of the wilderness embodying the untamed beauty of the forest.

The fox moved with a fluid grace as it approached Zee, its steps deliberate and almost eerily reminiscent of a human's. Its amber eyes, filled with a curious intelligence, studied her with a keenness that bordered on understanding. With a cautious yet friendly demeanor, it closed the distance between them, its movements betraying a sense of empathy and recognition. As it drew near, the fox's demeanor shifted, its body language mirroring that of a sentient being, as if it sought to communicate with Zee on a level beyond mere instinct. With each careful step, it seemed to convey a silent message of companionship and understanding, bridging the gap between human and animal with a quiet elegance.

"Hello there Ember," Zee said as she gently and cautiously knelt to the ground to pet the fox "I trust your day is going much better than mine?". With a soft chuff, the fox padded closer, nuzzling against her hand with a gentle affection that belied its wild nature. Zee couldn't help but smile at the creature's playful antics, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the unexpected gesture of friendship.

"I trust you've kept Cali safe?" Zee asked the fox. The fox seemed to fully understand her and nod at the question. Zee smiled because it had been several months since she had last seen her "sister" and the yin to her yang, the perfect complement to Zee's personality.


In the heart of Wylnol, where the streets teemed with life and the air hummed with the energy of a thousand souls, Zee found herself swept up in the vibrant chaos of the marketplace. The scent of exotic spices mingled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, while colorful fabrics fluttered in the breeze, beckoning passersby with their tantalizing hues.

Lost in the whirlwind of activity, Zee weaved her way through the labyrinthine alleys, her red eyes ablaze with curiosity as she explored every nook and cranny of the bustling bazaar. She had always been drawn to the vibrant tapestry of city life—the sights, the sounds, the endless possibilities that seemed to lurk around every corner.

As she wandered deeper into the heart of the marketplace, Zee found herself momentarily disoriented, the maze of stalls and bustling bodies blurring together in a dizzying array of colors and shapes. She paused, taking a moment to catch her breath and collect her thoughts, when suddenly, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

Turning, Zee found herself face to face with a stranger—a girl with emerald eyes and a warmth that seemed to radiate from her very being. There was something captivating about her—a lightness, a joy that Zee couldn't help but be drawn to.

"Are you lost?" the girl asked, her voice soft and kind. Zee hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to trust this stranger in their midst. But there was something in her eyes—a kindness, a sincerity—that spoke to Zee on a level she couldn't explain.

"Sorta, but I could use the company," Zee replied. The other girl's smile became infectious as she extended a hand in greeting "I'm Cali." Zee took her hand in hers, feeling a spark of connection pass between them—an unspoken understanding that transcended words. In that moment, amidst the chaos of the marketplace, Zee felt a sense of peace wash over her—a feeling that she hadn't experienced in years.

As they walked through the bustling streets of Wylnol, Zee and Cali found themselves engaged in conversation, their words flowing freely as they shared stories of their pasts and dreams for the future. Despite their differences, they discovered a shared sense of purpose—a longing for something more than the lives they had been dealt.

With each step they took, the bond between them grew stronger, forged in the crucible of adversity and tempered by the fires of their shared determination. And as they navigated the twists and turns of the city, they found themselves drawn closer together, their hearts beating in time with the rhythm of the streets.


Zee ventured deeper into the forest, the fox still remained by her side, its presence a silent but comforting companion amidst the towering trees and winding pathways. The sun cast dappled patterns of light and shadow across the forest floor, illuminating the dense undergrowth and highlighting the vibrant hues of moss and wildflowers that carpeted the ground.

With each step, Zee felt a sense of tranquility wash over her, the worries and cares of the outside world fading into insignificance as she immersed herself in the natural beauty that surrounded her. The air was alive with the symphony of nature, the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds blending together in a harmonious chorus that seemed to echo the very heartbeat of the forest itself.

As they walked, Zee and the fox encountered all manner of creatures, from darting squirrels to majestic deer that grazed peacefully in the glades. The fox, with its keen senses and silent grace, seemed to navigate the forest with ease, leading Zee through hidden pathways and secret clearings that she would never have found on her own.

Together, they paused by a crystal-clear stream, its waters shimmering in the sunlight like liquid diamonds. Zee knelt by the water's edge, cupping her hands to drink from the cool, refreshing stream, while the fox lapped delicately at the surface, its tongue flicking out to capture droplets of water with precision.

As the day wore on, they continued their journey, venturing deeper into the heart of the forest with each passing hour. They traversed rocky outcrops and crossed babbling brooks, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves as they shared stories and shared a quick glance.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the forest in a warm golden glow, Zee and the fox found themselves standing at the edge of a vast clearing, a carpet of soft grass stretching out before them like a sea of green velvet. In the distance, the towering peaks of the mountains loomed against the fading light, their jagged silhouettes etched against the canvas of the evening sky.

With a contented sigh, Zee settled herself on the grass, the fox curling up beside her in a gesture of companionship and trust. Together, they watched as the stars began to twinkle in the twilight, their light casting a soft, ethereal glow over the forest below.

Zee often found herself pondering the stark contrast between their respective origins. Cali, with her radiant presence and gentle spirit, seemed to embody the very essence of life itself—a stark juxtaposition to Zee's own dark and shadowy existence as the daughter of death.

Yet despite their differences, or perhaps because of them, Zee couldn't help but be drawn to Cali's warmth and vitality. There was a lightness to Cali, a sense of hope and renewal that seemed to follow her wherever she went. In her presence, Zee felt a flicker of something long dormant within her—a glimmer of life amidst the darkness.

But as much as Cali embodied the beauty of life, she also bore witness to its fragility. Zee watched with a heavy heart as Cali's vibrant spirit faltered, her eyes clouded with sorrow whenever life was taken without reason or justification. It was a pain that cut deep, leaving Cali heartbroken and adrift in a world that often seemed cruel and indifferent.

And yet, even in the face of such sorrow, Cali remained resolute in her belief in the inherent goodness of life. She refused to let despair consume her, instead choosing to embrace each day with a fierce determination to make a difference, no matter how small.

As Zee observed Cali's unwavering resolve, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. For while Cali was the embodiment of life's boundless potential, Zee could only watch from the sidelines, a silent observer in the dance of existence.

But perhaps, Zee thought, there was a lesson to be learned from Cali's unwavering optimism—a lesson about the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of hope to triumph over even the darkest of shadows. And as she walked beside Cali, Zee found herself daring to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was still a flicker of light left to guide them through the darkness.

Suddenly, Zee snapped back into a conscious state of mind. She looked around and saw an overlook point on the ridge that she could see for miles from. As she worked her way towards it, the forest seemed to be getting more alive and cheery.

The sunlight seemed a bit more gentle and the fragrance of the flowers became slightly more potent. The birds sang a bit more giddy and joyous as they rang their chorus out for the world to hear. The deer and the wolves could coexist in harmony, and not an ounce of fear could be found in the air of this place.

After a while Zee finally made it to the overlook point and she smiled warmly as she laid her gaze upon a figure that was kneeling with their back to her. The figure had perfectly brushed and braided hair that laid gently upon her back yet still swayed slightly in the light breeze.

The figure adorned a simple dress spun from soft green and white fabrics, with a fitted bodice featuring delicate lace trim along the neckline and long sleeves tied at the wrists with white ribbons. The full skirt, adorned with intricate green and white embroidery depicting nature's wonders, swayed gracefully in the breeze, cinched at the waist with a slender green sash. The dress was complemented by simple leather sandals and a crown of fresh flowers, and a couple stains from the forest floor.

The figure was humming to herself as she pampered the woodland creature in front of her. A simple but sweet tune that made one feel at peace and not have a care or worry in the world.

"Cali?" Zee asked curiously. "Zahara?" the figure asked back before gasping and turning towards her.

Zee walked over to Cali only to be tackled by her in a warm embrace. Cali's slim, light figure was now wrapped around Zee. Her smooth skin felt calming and soothing to Zee, since anyone else besides Cali that had ever touched her skin had died.

Zee's Firlarthic heritage had cursed her to the point that anything she touched literally died. As Zee returned Cali's embrace, she couldn't help but marvel at the warmth and life emanating from her friend's touch. It was a sensation she had long yearned for but never dared to hope would be possible. As Cali pulled away, her eyes sparkled with joy and relief, mirroring the emotions swirling within Zee's own heart.

"It's really you," Cali breathed, her voice tinged with disbelief and wonder. "I've missed you so much." Zee nodded, her throat tight with emotion. "I've missed you too, Cali. More than you could ever know." They sat together on the grassy clearing, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of crickets. For a moment, just a mere split second, all was right in the world, as if the forest itself had conspired to bring them together once more.

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