A Runaway Witch Pt 2

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I was sitting against a tree in the woods as I was listening to my music on my old school iPod.

I was humming softly as I did so.

I sighed as I started to work on my magicks.

I felt more stronger using my magicks at night than at day time.

I took a breath as I wanted to try a spell from a craft I've been wanting to try but been scared to-

Astral Sorcery.

It always seemed to intrigue me of its craft since I first read up in my passed down spell books about it.

It was a rare craft that barley anyone could master.

Only witches and warlocks born to practice this craft could master it.

Including a witch who was killed for her craft.

I took a breath and began to practice the spell under the full moon light.

I began to chant the spell-

"Nastura, masata, culada, manano-" I chanted.

I opened my eyes.

"NANI!" I yelled and shot a blast of stars at a tree.

Hitting it, they disappeared into golden sparkles, and the marks were still in the tree.

I had wide anime eyes and an amazed look on my face.

"Holly shit on a stick." I swore, still amazed.

"I actually DID IT!" I yelled happily as I jumped up and down excitedly.

I haven't felt this happy in years.

I screaming excitedly as I continued to jump around happily.

"FUCK YES!" I yelled as I continued to jump and down excitedly.

Zarok's Point of View:

I watched as this teen almost grown woman jumped up and down happily.

Sure it was cold but I could tell she was only wearing a shirt and a long sleeve, and a pair of jeans and knee boots.

I was still in shock at the spell she had casted.

The first spell Hyria casted to push herself forward in her craft to start it.
Which she had easily managed to success at that said first spell.
Not that I was surprised, she had always worked hard on her craft to push herself forward to master it.

"OW! And those pricks of my adopted parents said I can't do shit of magic." The girl taunted to nobody in particular, since she thought she was alone, not realizing I had been watching her for quite sometime.

"JOKES ON YOU SELENA AND SHAWN! I DID IT YA FUCKIN' PRICKS!" The girl screamed, more than a normal excited.

"YE-AH!" She cheered again, and them did something rather stupid in my opinion.
She punched the tree she stood by.

"OW!" She cried in pain as she immediately retracted her hand back from the tree and held it to her chest, trying to prevent the pain to get to her.

"Okay, dumb idea on my end, I blame myself for being so over excited over that." She admitted out loud.

She inspected her hand.
"Eh, don't blame myself that much though for getting that happy over casting that spell. I mean, it WAS the first spell of Astral Sorcery I had EVER casted, so obviously I would be happy about it succeeding on the first try." She told herself as she inspected her knuckles on the hand she punched the tree.

I smiled, amused at her actions now.
Hyria was that exited when she managed to succeeded to cast her first spell in Astral Sorcery.
Which did lead her to punch the marble wall of her home, which she had immediately regretted it.
I teased her throughout the day of it, even after I had tended to her wound she had made on her hand from punching the wall out of pure happiness and excitement.

The young girl sighed as she saw whatever she had done to her knuckles, as she then began to inspect her palm.
I couldn't see it completely from where I stood, but there was some torn skin on her knuckles along on par with blood that slowly bleed from the wounds that I could see from the distance I stood at.

She let out a 'tsk' from her mouth as she looked back at her knuckles.
"Eh, I've been through worse when it came to those two assholes I call my adopted parents." She said as she took the wound as it was nothing.

She let out a heavy yawn, as she stretched her back, making some popping noises from what I guess was her spine as she did so.

She rubbed her dull and lifeless (e/c) eyes after she was done stretching out her back.

"Okay, I should probably head to sleep. Not gonna make a fire though so I don't draw attention, UNWANTED attention at that." She told herself.

She pulled out something from her bag, and pulled out an article of clothing from this century.

She slipped it over her head as she then put a hood part of it down off her head and she let out a soft hum in delight at the article of clothing on her now.

"God I fuckin' love hoodies and are blessed by Lilith that they exist." She said as hugged herself, a rather soft smile was on her face.

I guess she had put on a so called, hoodie I guess then.

She sighed as she closed her bag she pulled the hoodie from and used it as a pillow as she laid down on the ground.

"Okay, I'm so damn glad that I ran away finally. I don't know how much longer I could've handled being in that mad house and town much longer." She said as she gazed up at the night sky above her, seeing the strange femnomion of the countless constellations that were out at the moment, and apparently right above not over the girl but myself as well.

"I don't know how much more I could take any of that physical abuse and bullying anymore." The girl said with a sigh at the end, as she closed her eyes.

I felt my blood boil at her words.
She was being physically tormented?

I immediately realized my thoughts on that as I quickly shook my head and blinked rapidly to rid myself of those thoughts.

What was it that was making me think way of someone hurting her like that?

I sighed silently as I looked up back from my feet, seeing the girl now apparently asleep.

I sighed softly this time as I slowly walked up to her sleeping figure, making sure not to make a sound that could wake her up.

I stopped once I was next to her, thankfully still, sleeping form as I kneeled down next to her.

I carefully took her hand into mine as I gave the wound a closer inspection.
She said to herself this was worse, what has she gone through of tormenting for something to worse than this?

It was completely bloody, as some bone along with muscles were showing as well.

It makes me wonder, what has she gone through for it to be worse than this?

I sighed silently as I knew this wasn't the time to think on it.

I stood back up as I waved my staff over her person, which as he spell I had casted, made the girl and her bag began to float in the air, as she was still sound asleep.

I sighed silently again as I moved my staff to make my spell so that the now floating bag and girl were following behind me, through my portal-

Off to my castle.......

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