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I jumped. I smacked the alarm clock across my room, making aloud thud against the wall. I got no sleep. A thunder storm rolled in last night, making it impossible. Dry tear marks were visible in the mirror. My reflection looked horrible, I had black bags under my eyes, my hair was in knots, and dry tears were on my cheeks.

"Time to wash up Lucy," I yawned, splashing water on my face.

"Meow," I looked down to see Plue. He was rubbing against my legs. I whipped my tear stains away, and brushed my hair.

"How about this?" I held up sweatpants and a hoodie. Plue meowed.

I quickly got dressed, ran out of my room, slid down the bannister, and ran to the kitchen. I put Plue's food down, and grabbed an apple.

"Meow?" Plue watched as I grabbed an umbrella, and my backpack.

"It's supposed to s-storm later." Plue bobbed his head, acting like he was actually listening.

"Be home after 3:30." I swung the door closed, locking it, then ran to the bus stop.


"L-lucy?! What happened?!" Erza exclaimed as we sat on the bus.

"I didn't sleep at all." I rested my head against the window, watching as we passed the trees.

"Wasn't there thunder and lightning last night?" I nodded.

"It was loud." I shivered, thinking back to last night. There was no rain, only loud thunder, and bright lightning.

"Anyways, what'd you do the rest of your weekend Erza?" As soon as I brought up her weekend, her face grew into an apple.

"I-I went on a d-date with J-Jellal," She looked away from me, while I shook her shoulders.

"Erza!" I fangirled the rest of the way to school.

Erza walked in front of me, and as soon as she got of the bus, Jellal and the rest of the group were there, and they were looking at me.

"What crawled into your house and killed you?" Levy asked, looked at my raccoon eyes.

"Nothing," I yawned and motioned for everyone to move out of the way.

"Lucy," I looked to Juvia.

"Just remember Juvia loves you, okay?" I watched as Juvia's figure ran from Gray's.

I nodded, and watched my feet, "Lucy, are you feeling, okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine why do you ask-" I lost my balance and fell on my butt.

It was when I heard a motorcycle engine that I got annoyed. I followed everyone to go see Natsu, and watched as Juvia slowly walked next to me.

"Lucy, you look like a raccoon." I yawned, holding up my index finger.

"I didn't get any sleep last night," I grabbed Levy's shoulder.

"Lu, you okay?" Levy looked up at me with the most sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorta d-dizzy," My legs started to wobble.

"Lucy!" Levy yelled as I started to fall.

All I saw was black after that.

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