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Once Natsu dropped me off, I walked inside the mansion. It was quiet, like it always is. I honestly wish my parents would come home.

"Plue I'm home!" Plue came to the stairway, meowing.

I laughed, "Plue, you never fail to make an appearance, do you?"

Plue and I walked across the carpeted hall, walking into my room. Right at the doorway, it turned into hardwood floor. My boots made scuffing sounds as I walked to my closet. I took my shoes off, throwing them into my closet.

Plue started sniffing the air, "MEOW!"

I tilted my head curiously, "Plue, what's wrong?"

"Meow," Plue looked out the window.

"S-Storm?" I shook my head.

"This is the 18th time mom and dad aren't here during a storm." My bottom lip started t quiver.

I closed my window's in my room. Headphones, caught my eye.

"Maybe it'll block out the noise?" I walked over to my headphones, starting to play music while I continued on my book.


My eyes were like saucers, even with headphones on, it's loud. My legs made there way up to my chest, acting as a defense.

"T-thund-" Another boom could be heard, as I shrieked.

"P-plue!" Plue snuggled up with me in the corner of my bedroom.

Water slid down my cheeks, and screams of pure fear could be heard from my mouth.


My eyes directed toward the window and instantly watched as the tree outside my window was shot down by the lightning.

"T-that t-tree!" My legs came down, lowering their defense.

Plue walked over to some earmuffs, the one's you'd wear on Christmas.

'Lucy, just use these earmuffs whenever you're frightened. All your problems will wash away,' Momma's voice!

"I need to get them!" I leaned against the wall, sliding up, just for stability.


I plugged one of my ears, using the other hand to hold me up on the wall.

"I need to get those earmuffs!"

(STORY POV) *Lucy was 5*

"Momma!" Little Lucy ran to her mother.

"Oh honey, what's the matter?" The older woman caressed the little one's head.

"T-the thun-"


"AHHH!" Little Lucy screamed, clinging to her mother's leg, refusing to let go.

"Shh, it's alright honey." Layla reached into her bag.

Seeing as it was early spring, the rain was quite cold. Layla took out her earmuffs, handing them to Lucy.

"Here you go darling," Layla smiled as she watched her daughter try them on.

"Thank you Momma!" Lucy smiled, dancing around.

"Lucy," Lucy continued to dance, not hearing anything being said by the older blonde.

"LUCY!" Her mother yelled, making Lucy take her earmuffs off.

"Lucy, just use these earmuffs whenever you're frightened. All your problems will wash away," Layla smiled, and turned towards the door.

"We'll be back soon Lucy." Lucy waved goodbye, stuck with a silent house.

Lucy had always been a smart little girl, and she was very precocious. Lucy was aware she would be taking care of herself, but she would never be alone, because she had Plue.

The part Lucy struggled to understand is why her parents hadn't come back after that trip.


Lucy confidently walked across the room, plugging her ears, even if she had wobbly legs, she had to get those earmuffs. Lucy was in a very emotional state, struggling to realize the earmuffs were on the other side of the room, and she would have to get there...



My ears had a stinging feeling, and my fingers hurt. I practically stabbed my fingers in my ear.

"Need to get them," My legs were going in all different directions.


Even with my ears plugged, my eyes could still see everything. Eventually, my knees gave out, sending my quivering body to the floor.

"I don't care h-how long it t-takes, I need those earmuffs!" Tears were running down faster now, but I paid no attention to them, I kept trying.

My body squirmed across the bare floor, I looked exactly like a worm.

'Just little further,' I kept telling myself.

"You can do this!" I pumped my fist in the air, signaling clear determination.

I crawled a little further, straining my arm. "Got them!" I pulled the earmuffs over the headphones. I then crawled into bed, silently thanking my mother before falling into a deep slumber.

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