A Working Student

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"I'm glad you guys offered me a job here but...."

Nagisa adjusted the lab coat Koro-sensei gave him

"Are you sure this is fine? I don't think I'm qualified to work in a hospital... Not to mention I'm still in college..."

Takebayashi looked at him after he changed to his uniform and hummed

"Don't sell yourself short. Dr. Koro trusts you and you have proven your worth to us, the staff. Not to mention your academic performance isn't something to scoff at."

Nagisa smiled nervously

"I'm glad you guys acknowledged me and my grades improved mostly because of Koro-sensei's tutoring but...."

Nagisa paused a bit as he glanced at his notes from Koro-sensei in what to do aswell as the hospital's rules

"Are you sure a newbie like me should be a part of maintaining ward 26?"

Takebayashi paused before looking at the bluenette's eyes

"Well.... your role is mostly due to your influence towards Akabane. Remember last time?"

Takebayashi said folding his arms across his chest


He remembers the time when he had an exam. He took a week studying for it.
Even if Karma did wait for him for a week once he became too attached when he came back and started wanting him to himself. He thrashed, ripped up his mattress, threatened anyone who looks at him, and screamed for his Nagisa.

He couldnt control himself, Okuda immidiately called Nagisa for help, luckily the bluenette just finished his exams and was already running towards the hospital.

"What's going on with Karma?!"

Nagisa yelled slamming the doors open, startling Takebayashi and Okuda a bit.

"Nagisa do you know a way to calm him do--"

Koro-sensei was cut off by another blood curdling scream from the red head.

Nagisa ran inside the glass room


Nagisa went up to him and hugged him tightly, rubbing circles on his back

"Shh. Im here, Im right here Karma"

The red head immidiately calmed down from his tantrum and started hugging the bluenette back tightly.

Sobbing a bit into Nagisa's shoulders he lets out a whimper.

"I thought you didnt like me anymore"

"That's not true, I was just a bit busy Karma."

Karma gives him a small nod against his shoulder.

Nagisa went and sat down on Karma's bed. The red head snuggling into his chest.

"Dont leave me...."

"I wont, I promise."

The rest watched from outside the room  as Nagisa "tamed" the red devil.

And that gave Koro-sensei the idea of offering Nagisa a job here.

"Since I moved out of my parents house getting a part time job is kinda important since I'm in college now so I guess I can't complain"

Nagisa chatted as he pushed a cart of food for the patients of ward 26

Takebayashi chuckled a bit as the continued to talk

"I'm also in college too so yeah getting a source of income is important when you're by yourself."

"I'm thankful that the pay here is actually quite good"

The stopped infront of the two large doors that had several warning signs around it before going inside.

As per usual the other parients were rioting inside their rooms before slowly calming down once Nagisa gave them the food

Takebayashi was actually quite impressed. Sure most patients quiet down once you give them food but there are still some who would make an effort to create as much noise as possible while eating. These patients actually ate their food silently for the first time!

Is it because Nagisa was the one serving it?

'And here I thought Akabane was the only one who is influenced by his presence....'

Takebayashi thought to himself

And speak of the devil!

Karma instantly stood up and ran towards the glass, wanting to be as close to Nagisa as possible despite the obstacle.

Instead of giving the food normally (through the small opening in the glass) Nagisa opened the door and skipped towards Akabane.

"Karma! I missed you!"

Nagisa placed the food on the bed before hugging Karma

"I missed you too!!"

Karma yelled in reply while hugging back

Takebayashi couldn't help but sigh at the two

"You guys just saw each other yesterday..."

Nagisa jumped at the statement aswell as Karma making the redhead go behind the bluenette as if he's hiding

'...you're taller than Nagisa, Akabane. I can still see you.."

Takebayashi thought while Nagisa chuckled

"Don't mind him Takebayashi-kun, he's just a bit flustered someone pointed it out."

Takebayashi raised an eyebrow at what Nagisa said while the bluenette turned to pet Karma's head

'Flustered? Akabane is?'

If what Nagisa said is true then how he knew is something beyond the understaning of the 2D maid loving Takebayashi

"Well I hate to break it to you but there is one more person you need to feed Nagisa-kun. We need to wrap it up until lunch."

Nagisa nodded while saying goodbye to Karma who, despite not wanting him to go, waved back anyways.

"So the last one is in the room right infront of Karma's?"

Nagisa pushed the cart towards said room before looking inside

'He's all the way at the back, hiding in a corner...'

"Don't mind him you can just leave the food there, he'll eat it eventually..."

Nagisa glanced at Takebayashi first before looking back at the person who was sitting in a corner

'He's awfully quiet... I thought Koro-sensei said Karma was the most silent patient in this ward..."

Nagisa shrugged it off before placing the food on the floor.

Instead of leaving it there like Takebayashi said Nagisa opened his mouth to say something.

Not that he could hear him anyway.

Nagisa left soon after, getting ready to go to college. Excited to see Karma again after his classes.

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