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Scratch Scratch Scratch

He continued to scratch on the glass walls of his room

Tap Tap Tap

He stopped scratching when he heard footsteps going near him

He couldn't hear them properly because of the glass but he can read their lips

"Don't mind him you can just leave the food there, he'll eat it eventually..."

He continued to curl up in his corner as they gave him the food

He glanced at the person who gave him his lunch before widening his eyes slightly in suprise

His blue hair and eyes are all too familiar to him

"It's nice to meet you"

The bluenette mouthed the words before leaving him in his room
He's jealous

See you tomorrow

He's very jealous

He glared at those words the pretty bluenette left on the hand of his red haired neighbor

He scratched the surface of his glass walls

He gritted his teeth in anger

He started scratching the walls ever since the blue haired boy greeted him

He resumed scratching the wall while watching the bluenette jump in that annoying red head's arms

He continued to scratch despite his blood smearing the glass

And he didn't stop
He had an urge

The urge to kill him

The urge to kill the boy with blue hair

He's not dumb, seeing just how close the two are he knows he won't return his feelings

The bluenette was too in love with that red head after all

But he doesn't like it

He doesn't like seeing the two act like they're the only ones on earth

Acting all lovey dovey

So if he can't have him might aswell kill him!

That way atleast he would be the last person the bluenette saw, right?

It's funny, this feeling, these thoughts

They're oddly familiar...

Rio sighed as she continued to watch dr. Koro stare intensely at a piece of paper

"What is it that got you so invested in his record?"

Koro looked up at the blonde before looking back down

"I wanted to recheck his history, see if it has anything to do with why he's scratching the walls"

Rio shrugged her shoulders

"Maybe it's because he wants to get out?"

She suggested while Koro simply kept reading what's on the paper

"It might just be a habit of his"

Rio gave him an accusing eye

"Let's face it, you were never interested in the history record of ward 26, only his."

The blonde girl walked up to the doctor before forcibly pushing the paper down on the desk

"You're only interested because he's your nephew"

She threw a glare at the dark haired man before stepping back and wait

Koro sighed and talked about the said patient's history

"He gets jealous easily"

He started, making Rio raise an eyebrow with an expression saying 'what's your point?'

"And the way he expresses it is problematic"

Koro stood up and walked towards a file cabinet and pushed it aside revealing a hidden drawer labeled ward 26

The dark haired man used his fingerprint and input a code before opening it and grabbing a folder

"One time he got jealous that a schoolmate got a higher score than him in a test and with his family's social status he made his schoolmate's life a living hell by spreading false rumors, threatening his friends and relatives and bribing teachers."

Koro flipped to the next paper in the folder

"Another time he got jealous that a kid was allowed to have a cute dog but he wasn't. So he stole the dog, killed it in a gruesome way and left the body at the front door of the child's home"

Koro continued to list all the crimes the patient has done until he was at the last piece of paper

"Before turning the age of 17, he witnessed his mother having an affair with the butler. Instead of telling his father, he drugged his mother and killed her once she passed out, afterwards he managed to frame the butler of the murder."

Koro sighed as he read what happened to his sister-in-law before proceeding to the last case

"Due to the loss of his wife and a student, his father became strict with his teaching and focused more time in his education. Seeing this, the patient most likely did not appreciate his father no longer giving him attention. His father was his last victim before being sent to the Ankyou Asylum due to him being a minor"

Koro placed the folder back in the drawer and closed it shut before letting out a sigh

"I'm suprised you didn't take him in earlier"

Koro faced the blonde and gave her a smile

"He might have been family but we weren't even close. I didn't know about him until after he was sent here"

Rio's eyes widened at that

"But he's your nephew. You should have at least heard about the news of having a nephew from your brother"

Koro continued to smile as he went towards his desk and sat down

"Nope! We weren't even that close, my brother and I"

The blonde girl gave him a doubtful stare

"But earlier, you seemed so out of it that I thought you were feeling sad about your brother's death"

Rio instinctively took a step back as Koro's smile widen and stared at her with his dark and emotionless eyes

"Is that what you thought?"

There was silence in the room before Koro spoke again

"I just thought that it would be a pain to go to another relative's funeral"
The scratching was loud

It was loud but he couldn't hear it

He was certain noone else would be able to hear it too seeing as he's surrounded by glass walls and his neighbors were having a riot

He could tell with how much they're moving their bodies

But they all stood still when the doors opened

Two people came in

One pulling a trolly and the other holding a bag

Some of the patients were still scurrying about but it was quite the drastic change from when they weren't here

Of course he knew it was because of the bluenette, he observed

He watched as they proceeded to give everyone their lunch before stopping infront of his room

He continued to stay in his corner and continue scratching though, in fact he didn't stop even when the two came in

In the corner of his eye he watched as the two converse with each other until the other that was not his bluenette fumbled with her bag as if she was looking for something

It seems like it was important seeing as she threw a fit when she pulled out nothing

He cringe when the bluenette waved towards his red haired neighbor before talking to his companion

Once she ran out the room he could visibly see the rest of the patients freeze and remain silent while the bluenette continued to smile

He saw him grab a bowl of food from the trolly and try to open the small panel

The bluenette continued to struggle with it before sighing in defeat

It must be jammed and refused to open

He thought the bluenette would either give up giving him lunch or call someone to help him open the panel but he was suprised when he saw him stand up and walk towards the locked door

The bowl of food left cold on the trolly

Was he trying to open the door?

He thought as he abandoned his corner and walked towards the center of his room and froze when the bluenette's eyes caught his

He heared a click which made his eyes widen

Is it unlocked?

It's unlocked right?

Which means the blue haired boy is finally within my reach right?

That means....

He saw the bluenette take a step back, not knowing what to do

He looked so scared and vulnerable

That's funny

Those are two words he wouldn't describe Nagisa


He remained frozen but his fingers twitched a bit


His mind went blank as he walked towards his door

He heard muffled banging from the red head in front of him but he ignored it

He pushed his door slowly before stepping outside of the confines of his room

Not believing that he was finally outside

Why was he so eager to go out again?

Something shiny and sharp that was on the trolly caught his eye before something blue caught it again

Oh right

He ran towards the bluenette before snatching the knife from the trolly

I was gonna kill hi-

His eyes widen and he froze for a second when he heard it

"Asano Gakushuu?"

He heard the bluenette say his name in a soft, confused yet unafraid voice


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