Sudden Change

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Koro-sensei practically dragged Nagisa out of the room and towards his office.

Once they were there Koro-sensei started to lecture him

"How many times do I have to tell you that if I say you stay put. I dont mean you can go roaming around!"

Nagisa lowered his head

"Im sorry Koro-sensei"

Koro-sensei ran his hand on his black hair before sighing.

He placed a hand on Nagisa's head, petting it.

"Its fine Nagisa. Curiosity is one of humanity's greatest powers and is also a weakness. But it sometimes makes us brave."

Nagisa smiled at that. Koro-sensei always finds the positive in almost everything.

The bluenette's smile faltered though making Koro-sensei frown.

"Hey, Koro-sensei. What was that room called?"

Koro-sensei flinched at the question and sighed

"You know how I told you there are 25 wards in this hospital?"

Nagisa nodded

"That was the 26th. A hidden ward where the occupants are people who suffered greatly that it made them go all manic or psychotic."

Nagisa perked up at that.

"So this is a mental hospital?"

His personal teacher nodded slowly.

"Then why didnt you tell me?"

Koro-sensei gave out a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his head.

"Well.... my past students either got scared or had an accident while coming here. That's why I didnt tell you AND why I told you to stay put in the lobby."

It was Nagisa's turn to laugh awkwardly at the last part

"So what do you think of him?"

Koro-sensei asked all of the sudden


"Akabane Karma"


Nagisa placed a hand in his pocket and squeezed the marker he used earlier.

"He's alright I guess... He didnt really strike me as a crazy type though."

He looked at Koro-sensei dead in the eye while he took out a file in one of his many drawers.

"Akabane Karma may seem normal but he is the most dangerous patient in ward 26, and ward 26 is home to the most unstable patients in the entire hospital."

Nagisa looked at Koro-sensei shocked. Karma seemed behave when he saw him.

"That's why I didnt want tou to wander off. Knowing you you might have eventually found the doors to ward 26 and guess what? I was right.."

Koro-sensei added before placing a hand on the bluenette's shoulder.

"Thats why I dont want you to meet him again. I dont want you to get hurt."

Nagisa looked at Koro-sensei. He was the only person who acted like an actual parent towards him. So Nagisa reluctantly agreed.

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As morning came Karma immidiately woke up remembering a certain bluenette from yesterday. Just thinking about him made Karma smile.

The red head sat down on the floor and leaned against his bed, looking at the two pairs of doors through his glass walls, a small bounce while he was sitting down.

He wondered if Nagisa will visit him again. Imagining the bluenette bursting through those doors and giving him a beautiful smile made the red head feel excited.

All of the sudden the doors burst open.

Karma looked forward to seeing the bluenette only to be disappointed to see a girl with glasses and braids.

"Who was she again?"

Karma asked himself and frankly didnt care as he still looked at the doors the girl came through from.

Okuda looked at the patients with fear since she was quite a timid person. She glanced at Karma and saw him looking at the doors behind her. She looked at it aswell, curious.

"Is he waiting for someone?"

Okuda shrugged off the thought while she continued to give the patients their food.

"H-Here you go Akabane-san. Your b-breakfast"

Karma didnt break away from his intense stare contest against the doors.

Okuda shrugged, noting down his attitude and left.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Minutes passed and Karma sat there waiting

"I wonder what he'll wear the next time he visits me!"

Minutes turned to hours

"Maybe we can draw stuff on the glass again! Its a good thing the janitor didnt clean them off"

Karma looked at his glass wall and chuckled at all the stuff the two of them drew.

Hours slowly turned to days.

"Maybe I can get him to come in here! And then we can actually have a normal convresation!"

Karma waited and waited and eventually it has been a week since he has seen the bluenette but Karma's patience did not waver even the slightest.

He just sat there, and stared at those two paticular set of doors.

The door suddenly opened much to Karma's suprise only to see two people.

The girl with braids and glasses and a guy with weird hair who also has glasses.

Karma squinted his eyes and looked at their name tags.

"Takebayashi Koutarou and Okuda Manami?"

Karma shrugged and continued looking at the doors.

Tekabayashi immidiately glanced at Karma who wasnt even paying attention to him.

"He's been looking at the doors for a week now! I dont know WHAT to do!"

Okuda whispered harshly as she clung to Takebayashi's arm.

Takebayashi speed walked towards Karma's cell, opened the door and sat down beside the red head, who didnt even notice him coming in.

"So. Whats gotten you so interested in the doors?"

Takebayashi joked a bit but frowned from the lack of reaction.

Okuda watched helplessly as Takebayashi was trying to make a conversation.

She sighed and was about to leave when she saw scribbles on the glass near the floor.

"I-Isnt that Nagisa-san?"

She asked pointing towards Karma's doodles of the blunette.

Karma flinched while Takebayashi looked at where she was pointing at and nodded.

"Yep no doubt about i--"

He was suddenly cut off by Karma whipping his head towards him and started asking questions.

"You know Nagisa? Do you know how he is? Is he going to visit me soon? Can he maybe hang out with me inside the room next time? Does he still remember me?"

Karma asked suddenly being all talkative all of the sudden.

The two assistant doctors looked at each other before looking back at Karma

"I dont know if Nagisa-san's coming back here Akabane-san..."

Okuda said much to Karma's disappointment.

"Well... maybe you would want to meet Koro-sensei? He's Nagisa-kun's personal teacher"

Takebayashi suggested making Karma look at him.

Okuda laughed

"out of all the students Koro-sensei teaches Nagisa-san's probably his favorite"

Karma stood up, dragging Takebayashi with him, and placed his hands on the other's shoulder shaking him around.

"Can you make him meet me? I need to see Nagisa! Is that possible? I just want to hang out with him again! Maybe you can inform him? Maybe a scheduled 'meet up'?"

Karma said quickly while shaking Takebayashi around harshly making Okuda worry.

"A-Akabane-san please dont shake Koutarou.."

She said but since it was in a hushed tone Karma didnt hear it, either he didnt hear her or didnt care.

"W-we'll inform Koro-sensei if you really want to meet him"

Takebayashi said as Karma's grip loosened and he nodded happily.

Okuda smiled at the red head knowingly.

"To think that someone like him could fall for someone in an instant..."

She thought as she looked at Takebayashi.

"Nagisa-san I need you to tell me your tricks."

She added in her mind as she happily walked side by side with Takebayashi towards the door.

Before leaving the two waved at Karma who sat back down and looked at his and Nagisa's doodles.

The red head smiled.

- -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Koro-sensei walked into ward 26, looking at Karma who seemed suprised.

"Thats the guy that dragged Nagisa away..."

The red head thought darkly not knowing that he was the 'Koro-sensei' he was supposed to talk to

Koro-sensei felt Karma's bloodlust targetting him. He calmly walked towards his glass room and unlocked the metal door.

He went inside and saw that Karma was looking back at the doors.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Koro-sensei asked while folding his arms.

Karma didnt reply and continued watching the doors.

Takebayashi and Okuda said that in order to get the red head's attention he had to mention Nagisa's name.

Koro-sensei sighed.

"You know, Nagisa talks a lot about yo-"

He didnt even got to finish his sentence before Karma snapped his head towards him and started.

"You know Nagisa? How is he? Is he doing fine? Do you think he'll come to visit me? He's such a good companion"

He started babbling on and on about how great Nagisa is.

Koro-sensei watched in awe.
Karma tends to be quiet and keeps to himself. The only times he says something is when he wants to kill someone.

This is the first time he saw Karma be interested in something.

As a doctor Koro-sensei wants to help his patients and get them out of the hospital. Normally, he would support his patients if they were ever interested in something but Karma's interested in Nagisa.

Nagisa's like a family to him. He didnt want the bluenette to be mixed up in all of this....

Koro-sensei sighed

He's gonna have to talk about this to the others...

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