New patient arrival

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??? pov

I was stalking my prey to be like my idol Jeff and when I finally get my chance to kill this person and when I loom above my target bed with him sleeping I get hit from behind and knocked out but I hear a word that pisses me off of a male

Male: Go to sleep little princess.

I wake up in a straight jacket and strapped down to a bed by leather straps and chains while a few police officers are outside my hospital door talking to each other until a ugly blonde busty lady comes in writing notes on my behavior as I observe her

Dr. Bitch: Young lady why would you harm yourself and others?

???: How did I get here bitch?

Dr. Bitch: We got a call from an anonymous source saying we need police to make an arrest and get administered to an asylum for care and treatment.

???: Interseting so once I get out I'll find him and make him go to sleep.

Time skip to the asylum

I was admitted into a all female asylum while being wheeled to my room just to see it a padded room with a bathroom with a young looking male outside my room with a clipboard with gorgeous matching (eye color) and (hair color) as I found my senpai screw Jeff

Senpai: Nina Hopkins, I'm Doctor L/n just behave and maybe we could be cure you were you could possibly be a member of society again.

Nina: Maybe I enjoy killing senpai.

Senpai looks at me before signaling I get in my room just to see a table and a single chair and a bed as the police officer removes my cuffs and set me on the bed before strapping me to the bed as senpai holds a needle of something and injects it into my neck and I start getting tired as he blind folds me due to me stitching my eyes open and I pass out

Doctor L/n's pov

After my patient falls asleep we remove the restraints and the straitjacket and we leave the room and I return to my office to review my patient case file and when I arrive I see a white wolf with black hair wearing a eye patch and a priest outfit reading a book sitting in my chair at my desk before looking at me

Wolf: Greetings my son I noticed you got a sick child of god I came to give you one piece of information that vital for her.

Doctor L/n: Yes father.

Wolf: Don't show or tell her anything of your personal life and have her watched 24/7 and if she springs loose lethal force trust me she a killer and apparently your her senpai.

I look at this priest but before I could call security a sword blade against my throat as he in front of me looking up at me as his face shows insanity before he suddenly disappears and I get at my desk and start reviewing my patients file till I clock out to go home but on my way out I hear a haunting voice from her room

Nina: Senpai were you going senpai don't leave me.

I leave the asylum and get in my handed down car my father gave me we fixed up and I get in my silver 1969 Ford Mustang and drive home and when I arrive home I crash instantly on my bed for the night

Nina pov

After senpai leaves I look around my room for any ways to escape but the everything made without springs or firmly attached to the floor causing me to sigh before flopping on my bed wishing senpai was in here with me as my thoughts are interrupted by a brunette flat chested nurse outside the door to my room

Nurse: Nina Hopkins lights out get to bed.

Nina: Bitch stay away from senpai or else.

Nurse: Noted violent behavior against the staff.

I get near the door and smile crazy like

Nina: Any slut that talk or touches senpai are dead once I get out this room.

Nurse: Well you won't be leaving this room without restraints. Plus your just a crazy fan girl with no chance of release you should've went straight to the chair.

The slut leaves as I start pacing around before laying on my bed and put my blindfold over my face to sleep and I have a very great wet dream about senpai making sweet passionate love to me to impregnate me but woken up by the pigs getting me in my wheelchair strapped to it to sit me at the table just to see senpai with coffee and breakfast for me as he tapping his pen on the table as security guards are behind him

Senpai: Miss Hopkins last night you threatened a staff member. Now I normally don't suggest this but your a special case.

Nina: I hope you take care of me senpai with your hands all over me.

Senpai starts writing notes before I start eating but I'm injected with something into my neck as I look to see a doctor just to see it that brunette from last night

Nina: Bitch.

Senpai: Now that you been injected with a special device so if you lash out you die, you escape you die, you temper with it you die. Any questions?

Nina: Who gave you this thing in my neck?

Senpai: Classified. Now I want to discuss your childhood and why you snapped.

Nina: Why don't we be alone and I'll tell you senpai maybe in your office?

Senpai: Miss Hopkins I was given strict instructions about your treatment and your not to leave this room cause it my job to make sure we have safety for both staff and patients.

Nina: Please call me your princess senpai.

Senpai: Not happening now quit stalling and start talking about your childhood, please.

I start looking at the ceiling humming while tapping my right hand fingers into the table

Senpai: I guess were done here for today now get your hands on your chair so we can follow up on safety procedures for both are intrest I'm assuming you want to live and we don't want to get hurt.

I put my arms on my wheelchair arm rests as that bitch straps my arms to the chair before getting me against the wall and they leave as senpai at the door with my food tray, cup, and silverware

Senpai: Miss Hopkins if you keep this behavior we might have to move you to a different facility and we want to be your friend but if you won't cooperate.

Senpai leaves and a security guard removes my restraints while senpai holding a digital pad looking at me and as I get free the guard leaves before the door shuts as I roam my padded room thinking about senpai till I get on my bed while senpai observing my behavior while I'm swinging my legs like a child before I see the brunette talking to my senpai and I start seeing red I rush to the door and slam my hands against it as I stare at this hoe

Nina: Senpai mine slut back off.

Senpai writing down something before looking at me

Senpai: Miss Hopkins back away from the door now.

I start growling at the brunette before backing away while senpai writing down stuff

Senpai: I'll see you later night with your medication you'll be taking to help you sleep and make you docile.

They both leave as I look around for a way to escape that I missed but the problem this thing in my neck which makes me give up and lay on the bed

Nina: Oh senpai I want you to hold and love me.

I put my blindfold over my eyes to rest till later I see my dinner of a small salad with breadsticks and water next to a few pills as senpai outside my door observing me again and I eat before taking my medicine and get back on my bed to go back to sleep

Senpai: Sweet dreams Miss Hopkins. Tomorrow we'll pick up were we left off this morning.

Nina: Night senpai.

I fall asleep for the night and have a dream of me killing every girl near senpai before raping senpai for talking to those sluts

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