At Gunpoint

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Sarkar is dead.

His bloodshot eyes remain wide open, a knife protruding out his stomach.

"What were his last words?" Varman, the son of Sarkar speaks.

"Maalik," Gonda bows and addresses Varman, "we shall stand by you at all costs."

Varman bangs his solid fist on the table and a crack appears on the glass surface.

"I asked what were his last words?" he thunders.

Varman shifts his attention to me as I walk to the middle of the room. With one last glance at the dead body of the former master of my life, I turn to whom I must serve now.

"I would like to begin with what Gonda said, that we all are with you at all costs."

Varman isn't a fool to treat me like the mere pawn Gonda, but he does look irked and frowns with his lips sealed.

"I wouldn't doubt you, Hussain."

"Then let me remind you that your uncle, who has been hiding for the past ten years, is thirsty for the throne."

Varman's moustache twitches and he strokes his long beard.

"Maalik, your father's last words were - Andheera is coming back."

Varman rises from his seat. Ire dances in his ebony irises, the silvery shine of the chandelier drawing a mesh of light and shadow on his tanned face.

"So it is understandable, Father knew about him returning and as expected, got killed."

He walks with the gait of the Sarkar himself, with that distinct limp of his family.

"Whoever did that, I need them alive."


The shot of a gun shocks us all and the window shatters. The bullet just passes by Varman, grazing his cheek and leaving a bleeding scar. The bullet, unfortunately, hits Gonda, who is dead on spot.

Suddenly, the timer clicks. Sneakily I take it out.


Two more mins.

I look around frantically.

My soulmate is here?

But I don't have time to think about the pleasant now.

Immediately the men take up their arms. At once the door is flung open and we charge out. Soon, the enemies reveal themselves- the men of Varman's uncle Andheera. A clash ensues.

I have already killed five men of the enemy, but in this fight, I have got away from the group while chasing a sixth man to the dusty storeroom. He tries shooting me several times after which the bullets run out, and while he is nervous I kick him in the groin and snatch the gun from him. The coward lays on the floor with his hands blocking his head.

It is when the timer clicks a second time.


Ten more seconds.

They are coming.

I keep looking at the timer in a daze as time runs out.


A gun pokes the back of my head.

"You are in danger, Hussain."

The timer turns off.

"Who are you?" I ask, my heartbeats running wild.

The man grins. It is devilish and echoes in the room.

"Andheera, here to conquer."


Word count: 500 words.

Sarkar: literally means Goverment, but is also used to refer to your boss or master.

Maalik: Master.

So finally i did write something for the Aim to Engage 2022 contest! And out of all the mushy and romantic stuff that could have happened, like a sweet accident leading to a stranger helping you(had this scenario in mind) or probably meeting a doctor soulmate in a hospital (this too, I had in mind) i chose to write something dark. Well, some darkness is always good!

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