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"You taught him how to play Speed?" 

Sam sounded so surprised by the thought of Nyla and Bucky playing cards, she couldn't resist giggling.

"He was pretty good, too. Some of the corners got caught in the metal chinks, but otherwise it was fun," Nyla explained.

Once Steve had left with Sam and Sharon, Nyla had  dug out a pack of cards from Sam's duffel he'd left behind. She knew he always kept one on hand for a round of poker when time offered such luxuries, but those were very rare. So, Nyla decided to take the opportunity to get acquainted with the U.S.'s Most Wanted Man of the Year and not to her surprise, he was very quiet.

She didn't want to overstep into dangerous territory although his one word replies weren't much of an expression towards whether he disliked casual questions or not. Once he had gotten the hang of Speed, he seemed to thaw out a little and by the time Steve and Sam arrived back at the warehouse, Bucky was the smallest bit more relaxed. Especially since he noticed that not once did the young woman glance at his arm with distrust or doubt. She focused steadily on making sure he enjoyed himself and the playful banter she'd take up with him made him feel somewhat better than usual.

Their arrival was a reminder, a reality check to what horrible situation they would be getting themselves into and Bucky's mood dampened as quick as a rock sinking in the sea. After meeting up with Clint, Wanda and their new recruit at the Leipzig Airport, Nyla-Rose had dressed in the catsuit that Wanda brought her and armed herself with the weapons Clint had stolen from the Compound's armory.

Thigh holster with a hand pistol and a small black baton that extended approximately three feet out.

Now, Nyla sat waiting with Bucky and Sam in one of the airport's terminals, her nerves being shot to pieces as she realized that she was a step closer to not only being grounded for the rest of her life, but possibly being a firsthand witness to the falling apart of the team.

The plan had been simple.

Find the Quinjet.
Get on it.

But, what was to come wasn't that simple. She knew they'd be there, that they'd be waiting and then, they wouldn't wait anymore.


When was anything ever in the life that she lived?


Rhodes kicked off from the ground and soared into the sky, his suit reading the airport for heat signatures and locking in on the images.

"Got three in the terminal, Wilson, Barnes and...Rosie?!"

Natasha paused and in the second she hesitated, Scott miniaturized before shooting to his regular height, knocking the redhead off of her feet.

"Excuse me, metal head? Rosie's in New York," Tony barked, flying through the airport.

"Funny, you say that," Pietro countered, "so was Wanda."

"He can't be that stupid, can he?" Natasha growled into her comm. She dodged Scott's right hook before he disappeared and a sudden force held her by her wrist and threw her head over heels. She zapped the little man off of her wrist and stood, cracking her neck and focusing on the terminal.

"Apparently he is and then some," Tony snorted.

"I can understand why he has Wanda, but Rosie?"

"Don't stress, Nat. I'll get her."

"You'd better. Or I'll take out Steve myself."


Nyla impatiently drummed her fingers on her thigh as Sam scouted the terminal. Bucky couldn't help feeling the slightest bit disturbed as the young woman bit her lip nervously.

"You okay?" He asked.

Surprised to have been addressed, Nyla nodded automatically only to sigh and sit back against the railing they were crouched against.

"I don't know what I was thinking, leaving the Compound. I'm not my mom," Nyla said nervously.

The pre-battle jitters were really getting to her.

"Your mom?"

"Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow?"

Bucky nodded.

"Is that why you're scared? Because you're not your mom?" Nyla paused, mulling over Bucky's questions. He took her silence as an answer and carefully patted her shoulder.

"Nyla-Rose, you're you. And that's enough."

"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway...Got it," Sam's voice pulled Nyla away from the eye contact she'd been holding with Bucky and she cleared her throat awkwardly before scrambling to her feet, Bucky right behind her.

"Come on! Let's go!"

The three of them began to sprint through the airport and just as Nyla was beginning to think it wasn't the strenuous exercise that was making her face flush a few degrees higher than normal—


"What the hell is that?"

Nyla looked up at the towering glass windows to see a figure dressed in red and crawling along the glass as quick as lightning.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam mumbled and before he could send Redwing out, the figure smashed through the window and swung down, kicking Sam into a kiosk. Nyla froze as Bucky swung his metal arm around only to be stopped in its track as the new guy caught his fist.

"You have a metal arm? That's awesome, dude!"

Nyla whipped out her baton and snapped it open to its full length, catching the boy in his side and sending him a lot farther than she thought he'd go.

Sam had gotten back up and just as the spider thing went airborne, he took chase and yanked him upwards, the both of them tussling in the air, leaving Nyla to look at her hands in awe. Bucky was looking at her, too.

"Did you—"
"I don't—maybe it was the baton—"
"The baton?! That doesn't make sense!"
"What in this whole situation makes sense to you, Bucky?!"

"A little help!"

It had been amusing to fight the boy off of Sam and Bucky. He'd managed to stick the both of them against the ground with webs that were coming out of his hands and just as Nyla had flew her baton and knocked him straight into Redwing, he'd sent out one more web that snagged her arms to her sides, making her tumble heavily to the ground.

Bucky was the first to escape and after teasing Sam about it for a few minutes, freed the both of them. But, the amusement had vanished, chased away by the intensity of a sensitive situation and as Nyla ran after the others to the hangar, she hoped with everything in her that they wouldn't be waiting.


"Captain Rogers," Vision's voice echoed through the airport, slowly descending as Rhodes landed nearby with a man in a black cat suit in tow.

"I know you believe what you are doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Nyla's mouth was dry as Natasha made her way to Tony's side, the Spider-Man and Vision on her left.

The dread that Nyla was feeling once she saw the look on her mom's face was enough to make a grown man fall on his knees and curl into the fetal position. She had that mom look, the one where she finds you digging through the cookie jar in the middle of the night with crumbs sticking to your chin and a glass of spilt juice all over the floor.

Well, not quite, Nyla thought.

Times that by 100 and there was no way she could possibly piss off her mom even more.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked.

Nyla stepped up beside Wanda, flexing her hand in preparation to extend the baton in her wrist strap.

The sky was a clear blue. The sun shone brightly, a ball of light sending off the warmth of its rays.

And yet in that moment, Nyla had such a strong sense of terror and anxiety that it wouldn't have mattered what the day looked like. No matter what possible dreams she could come up with, the young woman  never thought she would raise a hand against some of the people that had raised her, loved her, and taught her everything she knew.

"We fight."

Nyla-Rose was scared.
Not of the fight.
She knew enough to be ready.

But, of the outcome.

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