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"Hey," Nyla looked over her shoulder as Carol walked into the kitchen, "nice stack."

She nodded towards the plate of teetering pancakes on the counter beside her and Nyla shrugged, lifting the corner of a flapjack with a spatula before flipping it effortlessly.

"I stress cook. The guys stress eat. It's a win-win."

"Especially at five in the morning. Couldn't sleep?"

"Don't know if you noticed, but no one gets much sleep around here."

Carol sat at the island as the sizzling sound of batter pouring onto a hot griddle popped in her ears, the warm scent wafting through the air. She knew what Nyla was going to ask and Nyla knew that she knew what question was on the tip of her tongue.

"Nothing yet. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Nyla said as she poked at the bubbling batter, her heart deflating even though it was exactly as she expected, "I should know better than to get my hopes up every time."

"I smell food." Pietro rounded the corner, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He came to a full stop at Carol lounging over the island, watching Nyla work over the stove.

"Okaaay.." he muttered under his breath and went to dig out a plate and fork from the cabinets.

"Piet, you mind setting up the table? Just in case anyone else is in the mood for breakfast today."

Pietro nodded absently and in a bright flash, plates and forks were neatly lined up on the long dinner table with a pitcher of syrup and two little saucers of butter.

"Impressive," Carol said.

He bowed in thanks and trotted back over to Nyla, taking three pancakes from the stack before sitting down at the table.

"Carol, you hungry?" Nyla turned and waved her spatula around. Carol shook her head and stood up.

"I'm good. I should be getting down to the lab, see if Dr. Banner has anything new today."


She quickly grabbed two plates and forked some pancakes on it, handing it to the woman.

"He and Thor have been down there for awhile. Make sure they get somethin' in their stomachs, yeah?" Carol nodded and walked out just as Rocket entered the kitchen with Rhodes.

He rubbed his hands together excitedly, the both of them sitting down as Nyla set two large stacks of pancakes on the table.

"I love this girl."

Rhodes chuckled at Rocket's remark.

"You never go hungry with her."

"Too bad she's taken," Pietro muttered around his water glass.

"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows innocently as Nyla turned, a look of disbelief on her face. Steve and Nat walked in just then, collapsing into seats of their own.

"Tell me, Steve," Pietro eagerly leaned over the table and pointed his fork at Nyla.

"What do you think of Danvers having the hots for Nyla-Rose?"



Nyla whirled back around to her pan, her face as hot as the burner it sat on. She heard a small scuffle and the sound of Pietro yelping in pain, Steve and Rhodes chuckling in response as Nat growled at him under her breath.

She didn't think anyone would have noticed the strange tension that came to life when Nyla and Carol were in the same room together, but she lived with people who had their senses kicked up to high alert. Nyla just didn't expect anyone to be invested in who she was interested in. Of course, there were times she'd catch herself having an almost flirtatious conversation with Carol before she excused herself to her room to slap some sense into her head because what the hell is she thinking? Her brother's missing and the world's been turned upside down and she's flirting?

But, she couldn't help it. Carol Danvers was a confident and strong woman with an aura that practically reverberated waves of independence.

Carol Danvers needed no one. But when she came back to Earth, she realized that maybe, just maybe she did. And maybe that someone would be the witty and sharp brunette with glittering obsidian eyes and a smile that really was the bee's knees.

"How long has she been lookin'?" Rocket asked, his mouth full of chewed up pancake. Steve grimaced at the sight, making him open his mouth wider.

"She's been in and out for almost three weeks now," Nat reported, picking up a pancake and folding it in half, "she should be close."

"Why would you eat a pancake like a burrito?" Pietro demanded.

He slid the pitcher of syrup to her.

"At least put something in the middle!"

"Piss off."

Nyla smiled to herself as everyone began to squabble. She enjoyed the little moments where everyone could forget, just for a time, that the world hadn't spun right off its axis. She shifted over to the sink and reached for the pan, crying out in pain as her fingers came into contact with the heated metal.

"Hey, hey," Pietro was by her side in an instant, concern written all over his face as he carefully grasped her wrists.

"You good?" Nyla nodded, looking over his shoulder to see Steve sipping from his glass and smirking.

"I spaced out, P. No biggie," she said reassuringly, a tad bit uncomfortable by the look on Steve's face. She gently took her hand out of his and ran it under the cold water.

"I'll wash the dishes," Pietro sniffed and rolled his eyes comically, "apparently someone can't do the easiest chore without hurting herself."

Nyla made a face at him.

"Nobody asked you."

Pietro returned the gesture and filled the sink as Nyla walked out of the kitchen. She didn't notice her mom get up and follow her all the way to the lab.

Nat had been planning to try and talk to Nyla-Rose about everything, but every time she was about to, the assassin would lose her nerve. She knew that leaving it where it was wouldn't be enough.

At least, not for her.

"Carol left?" Nyla asked Thor. He was sitting in the corner of the room and was jolted out of his thoughts as Nyla walked in.

"Just a few minutes ago. Banner found something. Also, I thank you for the pancakes, they were delicious." Thor paused for a moment before adopting a casual tone.

"You ask after her a lot. Is there—"

"What? No! It's nothing like that! I'm just—just, ya know, concerned. As a friend would be," Nyla rushed to defend herself almost breathlessly, making Thor grin.

"You're lying."


Thor threw his head back with laughter, the sound so loud that Nat shrunk back a little.

"It's complicated," Nyla sighed.

She threw herself in the chair beside him.

"I don't know who to talk to, but it's nothing new in this day and age."

"Why not speak to Natasha? She's standing right there."

Nyla whirled around in her chair as the mother walked in, looking a bit shamefaced for being called out.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she admitted.

Thor took the pointed glare she sent him as a signal to leave the room and he quickly did so.

" there anything you want to talk about?"

When Nyla said nothing, Nat let out an awkward laugh, making Nyla give her a questioning look.

"I'm just used to you sharing everything with me."

"That was when I was 15."

"Look, I know we haven't resolved our issues. It's been three weeks and I know I shouldn't want the same old us, but I do."

"Well I don't."

She hadn't meant to say that. It just slipped out from the small pieces of bitterness that took root in her mind, that was stubborn and didn't want to forgive Natasha even though it was all over. There was nothing else that mattered than the situation at hand and it was the selfishness inside her that wouldn't let it go. Nyla honestly regretted even thinking it when she saw how hurt her mom was.

"I didn't mean that," Nyla tried to say, but Natasha abruptly got to her feet. Her shocked and injured expression turned into stone as she looked at her daughter.

"I know I've kept your past a secret and I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about it now. What I did, I did to protect you," she said, her voice trembling and her fists clenching.

"Mom, I—"

"Don't. I get it."

She walked over to the door and looked over her shoulder.

"I'll be in the gun range if you need me."

And just like that, she was gone, leaving Nyla-Rose with the worst feeling of guilt eating at her chest.


That night found Nyla-Rose in the training room, her fists pounding furiously into one of the punching bags. Sweat dripped from her forehead down to her chin and her muscles screamed for her to stop, but she continued on despite the ache. The room was empty besides the young woman lost in her own thoughts or at least it was until the lights began to flicker and she looked around for the source of the problem. Pietro was playing with the lights, a smirk on his face as she rolled her eyes at him.

"You okay?"

"No," was her short and swift answer. He trotted over to her, watching as her torso twisted and her shoulders rippled with pure strength.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Sure," she said breathlessly.

"I'm a total" punch "actual" punch "wholesome" punch punch "asshole."

Pietro stopped her before she could hit the bag into non existence. He'd seen her lose track of time when training.

"You need to sleep, Nyla."

"I don't need to do anything," she said in a low voice, but she didn't lift her fists to continue.

"It's 2 in the morning."


Pietro nodded as she groaned and began to unwrap her hands.

"Thanks, P."

She didn't notice when he began to move closer, the strong desire to hug her overwhelming his senses as he wrapped his arms around her, ignoring how sweaty the girl was and her complaints of how much she smelled.


She jumped in response, pushing Pietro off of her as he fell away, cackling like a witch. Rhodey rolled his eyes from his place at the door.

"Y'all alright?"

"Yeah, we're good. What's up?"Nyla picked up her water bottle and shot a stream of water into her mouth.

"It's Tony. She found him."

Nyla's eyes widened and in her hurry to ask him where, began to choke on her water. Pietro slapped her back until she could take in deep gulps of air. She quickly threw on a shirt over her tank top, slipped off her gloves and hurried over to Rhodes, her eyes watering.

"W—where is he?"

The Compound began to rumble, the training equipment shaking violently and Rhodes gestured with his head. Pietro and Nyla-Rose ran through the building, following him as he burst through the doors and into the morning darkness. Steve, Pepper, Bruce and Nat were already standing outside, their heads raised to the sky as Carol, in her full glory, descended slowly with a huge ship on her shoulders.

The ramp began to open and Nyla drew in a sudden breath as a woman with blue skin accompanied a skinny Tony from the belly of the ship. Even from afar, she could see how exhausted he was, holding onto Steve with all the strength he had.

"Tony..." she breathed.

She made her way over to her brother as he hugged and kissed Pepper. Right when his eyes landed on hers, he gave her a shaky smile and she carefully wrapped her arms around him as Pepper backed away. Her heart felt almost complete at his simple touch and she squeezed him a little tighter, so very grateful that he was alive.

"Don't ever do that again, okay?" She urged.

Tony let out a breathless chuckle.

"Not planning to, sweetheart."

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