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I LEARNT TWO THINGS about the boy a few minutes later. One was his name, Dangali Kaka. The second was the last son of the Head of Administration. He was not nice enough to tell me directly, since he was more interested in repeating how I had called him an angel. I gleaned the information when his mother finally came to the office, plus the resemblance was uncanny and the only thing that was different about them was their accents—with his being thicker. She had been shocked to see him not in his classroom, and after some mother-son squabble, he left, but not without emphasizing how I would see his angel face sometime later.

Registration went easy, all I had to do was submit the teller proof of payment and choose the subjects I would offer. That was a new thing because the HOA explained that in an attempt to prepare SS3 students for University, Wellington Secondary School organized the classes in a similar way to tertiary schools. That meant students do not have their teachers come teach them in a permanent room, but move to the various venues where the subjects were to hold. Even though the different classes were still divided into Art, Commercial and Science, students who offered the same subject would most likely meet in their venues irrespective of where they fall.

Being an Art student, I picked Literature, Government instead of History, CRS and Biology, coupled with the compulsory Maths, English and Civic Education. Mrs. Kaka handed me the timetables for my subjects and that was all.

Outside, my brothers and Ike waited for me all through the process. I met the three of them seated in front of the office discussing about, in the words of Ike, 'a strategy that he wanted to try out'. When Odion and Akhere saw me, they grinned widely which was suspicious, but I chose to ignore.

"So, I got my class schedules. Weird saying it like that but that is what the HOA called it." I felt a frown sit gently on my forehead as I scanned it, checking for what would be my first class of the day. It was almost ten now, I had definitely missed two classes because a class period was for thirty minutes, except it happened to be double.

"Yaay," Ike was the one to talk, but the twin older by two minutes grabbed the paper from my hand.

"So, you have Government now."

"Government? I am late for that, I will just wait for CRS." I sighed, looking outside of the building to see no one.

"Yeah, no. Best to go there now, so that you can at least find your next class with people who might offer the same subjects as you." Odion advised and I decided that it was a good one. Akhere nodded from beside his older twin.

"Thank you," I started, "Now I need to go or I will waste more time. Or do you both want to follow me even into my classroom?" I raised a brow, challenging them subtly. Thankfully, they did not press on with their overly protective big brother aesthetic.

"As much as we would love to do that," Akhere fished out the keys to the car, "We have errands to run. And you are safe with little man here." He ruffled the hair of Ike who swatted at him. I gave a short smirk, in his next life he will decide to come as a tall human being.

"Alright Zeh," Odion used my house nickname, "See ya later. Try not to enjoy your time without us."

I rolled my eyes at his statement but smiled as I responded. "I was planning on doing the exact opposite." Which was the truth. No brothers, no pain.

As they left Ike and I heading towards the car, Odion turned to us and called out to Ike. He stretched forth his index and middle fingers almost like he was about to throw a peace sign which was weird, but the actual action turned out to be weirder. He took his fingers to his eyes and then pointed them at Jamuike. Akhere laughed by his side as he grabbed Odions collar and dragged him out of the administrative building.

After recovering from the strange display, I faced my best friend. "Well, that was something. How do we get to class?"

"Oh, yeah." Ike cleared his throat and adjusted his bag over his shoulder. He asked to see my schedule, noting the venue. "Alright, I'll take you to the building, because mine is on the opposite of the Room 002."

Shoot. I had forgotten he was a science student which meant we would have different classes. I had counted on his presence throughout my 'get Sopuluchi to notice me more than just his stepbrothers best friend or the sister of the boys he played basketball with' plan. My new nervousness must have showed on my face because Ike started to console me.

"We still have Maths, English and Civic Education together. And I think Biology, so don't worry."

With that assurance, he led me out of the building through a side door. For the first time in years—not counting the graduation day of my twin older brothers—I walked down the slope of Wellington Secondary School. My nerves racked me internally, and I fidgeted, playing with my nails unconsciously. I took in the white and blue buildings, counting each of them to calm myself. 1, 2. 1,2. Since I hated mathematics as much as I hated fried eggs, I preferred to count in twos. It was something my parents hated so much that they would never let me help them count money even if I was their last child on planet earth.

Soon we got to the front of a story building that housed a staircase in front of it. From my angle I could see each of the classrooms had people inside of it. My nerves shot up. Maybe I should have waited for CRS, but then I would not have Ike to guide me to the next class either.

"Hey," Jamuike held my palm and squeezed it gently. "They cannot bite you, plus I am sure you know a few of them from when you schooled here."

That was true, but that was still years ago, so I said just that to him.

"Then, if you get more nervous, just call my name three times and like Nollywood film I will appear beside you to fight your nerves with you." That made me laugh, genuinely, looking at the ground in the process.

When I looked at him, he was staring at me as if there had been something on my hair which made me nervous once again. "I should have dropped the hair abi, that is why it is looking strange since I don't usually make braids."

Jamuike did not respond and I pinched the hand holding mine. "Ouch," he cried out, finally letting go of me.

"That is what you get for spacing out. I said does the hair look good?"

He blinked continuously at first. "Yeah, no. It looks good, you always look good."

I sighed, it was hopeless to ask him when he had no fashion sense. I turned around to look at the building, before checking the time on my wristwatch. "Well, I have about 15 minutes of class left. So..."

"Me too," he nodded. I started to walk to the staircase to make my ascent up to whatever form of embarrassment being late would have.

"Hey Oze," Ike called me, stopping my movement. I looked at him with a raised brow, waiting for his reason. My best friend had a frown on his big forehead, which I would have teased him about if my mind was how to enter the classroom.

"Yeah?" I stretched the single word, expecting him to hurry up.

"N-never mind. See you later." He started to walk in the exact opposite of the building which left me glaring at his back for not being the gentleman he always claimed to be and watch me head up to the class. I huffed, but proceeded to climb up the stairs, heading straight to room 002.

Finding the class venue number was easy. I only had to pass by 001 to get to 002, so it was a lot like counting two's—which was what I was doing for my steps. The hardest part was taking the next step that led to the entrance of the classroom. I could hear a male voice explaining something about the history of the African Union. I closed my eyes, gulped down saliva and talked to myself.

"Best summer holiday ever starts with this class. So, move." And I did. I pushed back the fear of being new and the embarrassment of being late, or I thought I did. Immediately after I entered, the teacher stopped mid-speech staring at me with a questioning look. Same with all the students seated. I was sure I heard crickets or was it croaking?

"Good morning sir," I ignored the faces of my mates and faced the man on a green ankara native. If I could guess his age it would be around late twenties to early thirties. He rested on the table in front, backing the whiteboard where a few scribbles of words had been written. "I-I am supposed to be in this class." I searched my schoolbag for the schedule to show him, my hands shook. I had always been unable to face a group other than my family, so public speaking or presentations were not my thing. My nervousness tripled, my hands shook and in the process things in my bag fell out, my books, purse, registration slip and the Minnie mouse-shaped water bottle gift my dad had given me on my first day at the boarding school.

"S-sorry," I squatted to shove everything into my bag, successfully separating the schedule. The teacher still stared at me with his questioning look. After he saw the schedule, he nodded and pointed to an empty seat four tables away.

"Welcome, Oze Ighodalo, sit at the back there."

1, 2. I counted over my shaking frame as I headed for the chair. I heard light snickers as I passed by two tables, and the next person whispered 'Minnie mouse' loud enough for me to hear. That was all it took for regret to grow. I should have stayed at home for this holiday, it would not have been so bad with my brothers around. They could tease me for my things, but not mock me like the ones I was receiving in the space of two minutes since I walked into the classroom.

Once I got to my seat, the teacher continued with his teaching, but I was too embarrassed and sad to make out the lesson. Grateful that I was at least at the back of the class, I brought out my new notebook, placed it on the table and laid my head on top of it waiting for the shame to wear off, and time to pass by. So much for meeting someone with whom I would go to my next venue. This was why I never took advice from my brothers. Slowly, I faded into my daydream bubble of my own, but instead of dreaming about a boy, I thought about my bed. My sweet sweet bed that told me not to let go of it but because I was so adamant on other things I happily got off. Now look who wanted to crawl back to it.

"Minnie mouse is cool, I once had a crush on her." I raised my head at the sound of the soft male voice whispering to me from the front, ready to give the him a piece of my mind for bringing it up. How did that relate with me? Who cared if this weirdo had a crush on a cartoon rat character. Whether she was a mouse or not, I classified everything as rat.

"Yeah, I don't ca—" I stopped, my mouth opened agape after seeing the boy looking at me from over his shoulders. "Sopuluchi? Hi." How had I not noticed that my crush was in this class? I had even walked past him.

He chuckled, "Do you know I have the exact same water bottle, but it is mickey mouse." No, I did not. I could not find the words to speak because now his words reminded me of the little scene where my bottle fell out. However, he whispered on, not mocking but comforting. "Ignore them who don't know the value in such a water bottle. I never liked drinking water, but with that bottle, I drank gallons and carried it everywhere with me." He chuckled, perhaps remembering his days with the bottle.

"Really?" I created an image of the Sopuluchi carrying a mickey mouse bottle with him, it was a contrast to his matured popular personality.

"Yes, mickey was what I called my beautiful bottle," he started to gesture I think he forgot he was in class for a moment before placing his hands down quickly. I took that as an opportunity to speak.

"How original I am sure mickey mouse would have been so proud," I felt my face light up with a smile.

Sopuluchi's body vibrated from laughter that infected me and I placed my head on the table afraid that my own laugh that drew out with short hiccups would attract the Government teacher. We did not have to try very hard because the teacher called our names. "Mr. Akubundun and Miss... Ighodalo, care to share with the class what you are laughing about?" I raised my head instantly, with every pair of eyes dancing towards Sopuluchi and I. I bit the inner of my cheek, a technique to stop my laugh.

"Well, not exactly Mr. Udoh. It is a private matter between Micky and Minnie mouse that could make or break the world." I was sure they all understood the reference because of my bottle. A burst of light laughter spread round the class, and even the teacher could not resist.

"Mickey and Minnie mouse better pay attention before I send them out," Mr. Udoh played along before carrying on. I smiled, feeling comfortable in the class now. I was ready to start paying attention when a bell rang from a distance away.

"I could not complete my explanation because of the mice in my class." Everyone laughed as the teacher started to pack his books off the front table. "We will continue from here next time. Have a lovely day."

The entire room immediately exploded into a fit of noise. Some pushed their chairs back loudly, others talked to themselves loudly. I sat still, aware now that I would have to find my way to the CRS venue.

"So, Minnie—" I raised my head to see Sopuluchi now sat 180 to face me. "Art department right?" I felt my heart swell. Once I mentioned to him that I was an art student when I visited Ike. I felt overjoyed that he remembered. I nodded quickly, beaming.

"Sad. That means we don't have any class together again, apart from the general subjects which would definitely be in the big hall."

I felt the sadness spread across my face when his words reminded me, he was a commercial department student. "Oh."

"Doesn't matter though. I must show you pictures of mickey, so one way or another, we have to make an appointment."

Appointment like hangout? I did not ask though, that would have seemed too desperate. I only nodded again, short of words.

"What is your next class?"

I rummaged through my school bag to bring out the schedule, unable to recall the subject I had seen on it before. "CRS."

"Ah, Bible. I think..." he trailed as he turned around to scan the rest of the people in the classroom. "Christy," he shouted, getting the attention of a plump girl in a black jeans and a purple shirt. He waved her over when she looked at him. I waited, unsure of what was happening. In quick strides she was beside his desk.

"What is it Sopu?"

"You're in art," he simply said, earning a glare from the girl.

She looked like she was about to beat him but shook her head. "Why are you stating the obvious? I don't want to be late for Mrs. Chidi class."

"That is why I called you. Meet Oze," he gestured to me, "She has CRS too." That seemed to calm the girl's face for a brief moment as her eyes roamed around me.

"Okay, we have to hurry though, no one must be late for CRS or you must quote a bible passage that talks about being late and I don't know anyone." Her hurried aura caused me to rush too, quickly getting up from my seat. I managed to tell Sopuluchi thank you without melting into the ground.

"It is no problem Minnie. See you soon," he smiled widely, and all I thought as I and Christy got to the venue were the soft wrinkles that planted themselves underneath his eyes.


Hi, how are you doing? I apologize for not posting last week as stated, but light issues. So, here you have one on Monday. Thank you for three hundred reads too, very excited for the future of this story with you.  I will be posting the next chapter soon too. 


QOTD: Do you have an embarrassing moment? What was it?


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