Chapter 24

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I was on the company's dedicated scooter going from one location to another to make deliveries. Yeap, we just got the scooter but that's not the point here. No matter how hard I tried, my mind keeps drifting to what we were talked about, to what my brother spoke about yesterday. I had 15 deliveries to make all by myself today as punishment for not coming to work the day Miss Okiki asked me to.

I am just glad mid term test was over. The only reason why I am comfortably doing this, is because we are on a 3 days mid term break. Even though I wasn't in school before the midterm break, I am still glad to have it any way.

I was currently heading to No 15 Hera street at Sabo, there was a dedicated customer who never fails to patronize us there. I got there just in time to meet the customer stepping out of her house.

"Hello ma'am, delivery for Miss Ellen."

"Oh... Tomiwa, just in time. I was about leave for work."

Miss Ellen was a presenter at Lagos Traffic Radio and her slot was in the afternoon but she always goes there 2 hours earlier. I smiled at her and climbed my scooter off to my next costumer which was not too far from her, at Alagomeji, if I wrote the address correctly. Once I got there, I took the package that belong to the house and I rang the door bell twice. Just as I was about to knock the door, it flew wide open.

"Good morning. Delivery for Mr Jide from Goldenfreys"

"Oh... peaches thanks. Here is your pay and oh... a tip."

I passed him the box of 6 cupcakes and 6 small chops. Before I got the chance to thank him for the large tip he left me, he already slammed the door on my face. I sighed, looking at the large tip that he left me. He didn't even wait for me to say thank you. Such a kind hearted human.

"Thanks..." I muttered before leaving on my scooter to the next customer.

So far I have only delivered six and I still have eight more to go. I just hope I can get everything delivered today because I know another punishment awaits me if I don't. I looked at the list again, looking through it to see who else was on the list to delver to. The next customer was at No 3 community road around pako area. I kicked the engine start on my scooter and headed to community road. On my way there I saw Tiana and my brother in a car and my legs automatically hit the break.

What was I seeing? My elder brother Temidayo in a car with Tiana, the same girl that made my stay in Herbert Macaulay perp a terrible one. Ugh! I would say hate but hate is such an strong word. Despise is more like it. Why was she in the car with him? More importantly what were they doing together in the first place? I was boiling in anger as flashes of all our conversation was vivid in my mind.

His pathetic explanation for ghosting on me was that he went in search of his support friend Daniel. For a full one week he didn't call, text or email, and he just showed up in front of our house covering for me. I squeezed my eyes shot remembering how he was convincing me yesterday. Did he really think I was that stupid? He showed up in the hall during my presentation at DGT competition looking all bruised, and his excuses for looking like that was that he got hit by a car. Seriously if he did genuinely get hit by a car, then the injuries would have been worse than that, not to mention he would be in the hospital.

Basically all he told me last night were lies! Lies! and more lies! I can't even stand the sight of him right now. I know, the reason why he ghosted on me was because he went in search of Daniel Egiro to make him pay touching me inappropriately and making me do things I didn't want to. I shivered remembering how that day was one of the worse days of my life. But seriously he could have all least told me he was going after him, or that he went after him and he got his ass wooped pretty badly. Him lying to me is what will forever be a huge no no!

In as much as I wanted to get down from my scooter and walk up to his vehicle attacking him like a wild beast, I knew I was better than that. Besides, I had goods to deliver and I wasn't going to cause a scene in the middle of the road.

I zoomed off heading tol community road but not before sparing him a second glance not caring if he saw me or not. We would have a word when I get home but right now, I needed to calm down, the adrenaline pumping in my blood due to anger is making me drive faster. I had to take deep calming breath so I could slow down a bit. Thank God it worked as I finally slowed down.


"And then there was one."

I muttered to myself as I shivered in fright. Daniel Egiro my brother's 'supposed close friend' was on the list of people I am supposed to deliver snacks to.
I was directly in front of his house pondering on what to do. Do I ring the bell and leave his snacks here (small chops) on the floor and flee or should pass it through the window that was opened. If I said I wasn't scared I'd be lying because my legs were literally shaking like jelly unable to hold me up.

I took deep calming breath trying to calm my racing heart. I said a single word of prayer and knocked on the door but it only creaked open instead. I push it open wider to meet the whole place dark, cold and void of life.

"What on earth happened here." I mumbled and I dropped the box of small chops on the small center table before proceeding with caution. I saw shattered glasses on the floor, one of the couches in the sitting area was torn and the foam scattered everywhere. After a while I heard a voice, I heard Daniel's voice and immediately, I stood still as he came into view with a cellphone to his ears.

"Well, well, well, look who it is... Chioma, I'll call you back. She is here."

Immediately he said that, all the hair on my body stood on edge. I had Goosebumps and not the good kind. I gulped inaudibly as I began to sweat in a well conditioned sitting room.

"Hey look at that . My little ginger bread came to me."

"I am not your ginger bread. And I am only here to deliver the small chops."

"Really? Awwn and you are just going to leave that like. Come stay, have a drink with me."

He said protesting and before I could speak he went to get two sealed bottles of sparkly water. My body was at alert. Everything within me screamed danger, evacuate immediately. Before my legs could proceed the information my brain was sending to me, before I knew it Daniel was back in the sitting area with me. When I saw that the bottle was sealed I visible relaxed, he passed me something to sit on and I reluctantly sat down on it. I watched his every move carefully ready to bolt out the door if he tired anything funny. Good thing the door was still wide open so that put my mind at ease just a little bit.

"Look I know you are upset with me. But please hear me out. I promise not to hurt you in whatever way. Just relax okay? Take your drink, I just want to talk."

I sighed looking at him skeptically. He sighed as well knowing I didn't believe him, then he took his own drink and took a huge gulp out of it. After a few minutes of hesitation I took a gulp from my own bottle as well but because I was actually thirsty. I ended up finishing it at a go, drowning the whole bottle.

If someone had told me that I was going to end up entering a trap that would ruin my life literally, maybe I would have thought about coming here.

If someone told me that he spiked my drink, maybe I wouldn't have taken that drink. But all that second guessing ,was too late now because right now I was slowly slipping out of consciousness. It was only a matter of time before I passed out. And before I did, I heard him mumble loud and clear saying...

"Lets finish what we started."


Omo this chapter was a little hard to write. In as much as I wanted to change POV so I can describe what happened after Tomiwa passed out, I didn't have the heart to do that.

It was just so heart breaking for me but I most confess, it was another awesome chapter guys, probably the longest chapter ever.

I hope you found it just as interesting as I found it when I was writing it. Any who with no further ado

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