Chapter 9

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Image of Daniel Egiro in the media above

Tomiwa POV

i yawed tiredly what a week! from serving punishment with Tiana, to serving more punish at home because of Tiana and the stupid food fight, to having customer subtly insult me because i didn't let them insult me. it was a tough week indeed and in as much as i wanted to stay home and rest possibly study for all those impromptu test i couldnt . I mean i want to but couldn't because as early as 7 am in the morning Miss Okiki had already began to cause fight. like how? whyyy? as a matter of fact why this early in the morning Infront of the house?

See its not course, some people were just born to be a real thorn in the flesh. it was the sound of her argument with one of the neighbours that even woke me and my brother up. my brother didn't sleep out today because he wanted to wake up at home for a change so we sleep in the same room and on the same bed. a giant teddy bear to demarcate, ridiculous i know. but that was the only way we could sleep with our minds at rest. don't get me wrong, the same thing would have happened if i were to be a guy, we just didn't like our bodies touching each other while we were asleep. the minute we finished saying a word of prayer miss Okiki barged in not even bothering to knock.

"look at them never to doo well association! e dide ilee ooo!! stand up and go and do something meaningful with your life. its 9am and you people are still sleeping ahannn fear GOD. you is that the house chore i said you should be doing every Saturday?"

i didn't bother to give her a response i just mumbled my greetings to her- which by the way was a complete waste of time because she didn't acknowledge it. she just kept raining insults on me like i am the reason she hasn't gotten married yet. i just muted incompetence words at her and went a head with the Moring chores, and since i had done my best to keep the house clean over the week i didnt need to do much today. all i did was sweep mop, dust,and wash another huge amount of  clothes. by the time i was done i went to hit the shower an got dressed in a regular trouser and a round neck T-shirt . with just brown powder and lip gloss on my face i went to work with the little change my bro left behind for me.

" and were are you rushing off too ? "

Miss Okiki stoped me when i was almost out the door. great just great what could she possibly want this time ehh.  latter she will be saying i don't come into work early on Saturdays and now here she was trying to delay me this fine Saturday morning. taking in a huge poof of air i stiffend my face making sure it was void of any emotion as i respond.

" i am going to golden fray company ma, my shift already started"

" and so, is it not my company. my friend wil you get back into that kitchen and make us something to eat. if you like burn the food again shogbo i am waiting for you "

" alright ma. one bread and egg coming right up."

Just like that i went back into the kitchen to prepare the bread and egg with tea for her. i made some for my self as well because i was also hungry . i would have made for my brother as well but then while i was busy cleaning the house he already left for his job as  bolt rider . once i was done eating i went back to the sitting room where Miss Okiki was seated to pack her used plate so  I could wash it. now i was free to go, finally i quickly check the time on the wall clock in the kitchen only to find out it was just 10 am. chai miss Okiki she will never cease to amaze, if it was just 10am now that mean as the time she barged into the room it was probably 6 or 7am in the morning and she said it was passed 9.

this woman truly never cease to amaze me. i took a bike to make it faster and when the bike man was few streets away i told him to drop me so i could walk the rest of the way. if someone had told me i was going to run into Tiana and we were going to exchange words, maybe i would have told the bike man to drop me in front of the company gan gan. unfortunately  i didn't know hence why i was literally  almost in the middle of the street trying to talk some sense into Tiana  who still thinks i was trying to steal Smith from her . like girl grow up already the world doesn't revolve around you. After she was done with her yelling and empty threats, i finally looked her in the eye and said.

"look Tina, or Tiana,  whatever the heck your name is. i wasn't destined to be a bitch. And even if I was, there is  no way I'm accepting that destiny.  i am not like you who derives joy in making other  people life miserable. So, if at all you are going to be throwing empty threats at some one , then try someone who is actually buying it, not me . "

I told her steringly  she grinded her teeth angry blazing from her eyes, but i just ignored it and walked away. yep i walked away while she kept yelling profane and vile words at me.

"oh really! you pathetic fool you think i am throwing empty threats ! oh we'll see ! you haven't seen the last of me bitch!"

she kept yelling and saying all sorts of things. and it left me to wonder why people like her aren't in a psycatric hospital yet. it is really baffling so to speak but that wasn't my problem in anyway, i wasn't afraid of the babe at all. All this one is doing is just making noise and disturbing the neighbourhood. she is just all bark and no bite a toothless dog if you ask me and i know just how to deal with such people .

i got there just in time for  my shift my partner Ron was already on his way out i nodded at him and he nodded right back at me in acknowledgement before handed over to me.  immediately  he left new set of customers  walked in ,  jessy and Tom that were on shift with me at the moment as we were all attending to the costumers in line

" good Morning this is golden fray, may i take you orders"

i said in the most loving voice i could come up with. the customer smiled at me as i took his order, its ether he was flirting with me or he was being genuinely nice either way the smile never left his face and before i knew it it became a smirk. i gave him a pluse lip smile hoping he would catch my drift that i wasn't interested.

"thank you for shopping with Golden frays, i hope you come again soon."

" oh i will, as long as you still work here"

he said responding . He winked at me in responds before leaving  with his order which was 6 packs of small chops. i sigh burying my head  into my palm to calm my anger before the next customer came In front of me.

" hi umm morning i would like to order for a packs of chicken and chips please. its eat in oh and add some more sauce on it."

" alright miss coming right up."

i said to the lady in front of me, she smiled and waited patiently  until it was done. Orders were coming in and going out smoothly and few minutes after 3, my brother and his friend walked in. since there weren't any more customer to attend to i nodded to him in greeting and he gave me  short wave in response as greeting .

"Wow ! who is that beautiful fountain of gorgeous"

My brothers friend said and before i could respond or walk over to them to greet them properly, my brother already came up with a better response glaring at his friend saying.

"That, is My little sister pervert. now back off!"

"How sweet of you to interval Bro. If you didn't I would have put you both in a hospital."

i said once i had gotten to their table with their usual orders - which was two packs of small chops each and cold Smoove to go with it. my brother smile at me drinking out if his Smoove while his friend commented.

"Feisty and beautiful. Me like."

"Awwwwn how sweet, one more word and me break You "

I responded glaring at him and he faked a Shiever like what i said might have affected him, but i knew that he was just calling my bluff. he was my brothers age mate what he did was expected. all he said to easy the building tension was

"Okay okay take it easy tiger, no need to scratch my eye out."

I groaned and rolled my eyes at him before going back to work as two more customers were coming in now. i attended to then and they were pleased with how polite i was. they even decided to tip me self and i was really shocked, customers kept trooping in and out until it was 5pm and we had to close. at the end of the day it was I and my brother that had to clean up the company before heading home.


The end of another awesome chapter guys, probably the longest chapter ever. I hope you found it just as interesting as I found it when I was writing it. Any who with no further ado

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