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I landed, well, rather crashed on a planet that sounded like Nimbuk when the map said it. Hey, I was getting better, at least I was bothering to read the names of planets.

When I landed on Nimbuk, I remembered why it sounded so familiar. In a weird twist of fate, this was where I'd come to escape the Resistance the first time. Thus was where I'd voluntarily fallen into prostitution. This was where it'd begun.

Nimbuk was the slum hole, the drug Lord's world of the known Galaxy. It was ruled by money and sex and the more power you had, the more slaves were at your disposal. Street children ran wild, shoving their little fingers into to folds of coats and pockets, hoping to grasp a wallet or two. Some weren't even that good, they would just hope their victim didn't like running. In the doorways and entrances to alleyways, prostitutes hung, showing more cleavage in so many different ways that my already filthy mind was now black.

Occasionally, there'd be a shootout, women and children alike would flocks from the area. Sometimes, the children would be ferociously giggling as they ran, leading me to believe that they had some sort of connection to whatever had occurred.

But I paid them no mind, my only goal was to find a worthy buyer so I could trade in for something less conspicuous.

So I crash landed in a junkyard, escaping with my satchel just before the thing blew. Rude. This was bad, this meant I had to either steal another fighter or buy one. Both options were tedious in their own ways. I dusted myself off and glared at anyone who sideways glanced at me.

I got used to the familiar fluidity of the men's hands that reached out at my sides and swatting them away. I was on a mission, which was currently to get a secure room to stay in.

I walked down the Main Street, my hood low over my face. Briskly, I passed drunks and children and sluts alike. I moved with purpose and direction, fluidly slipping through the crowds.

Nimbuk was once a paradise for the rich and famous. People would come here, spend a couple of months in luxury and then go back to whatever they did before.

Then the First Order rose and Nimbuk became the front lines in the battle. The richies fled, leaving the planet empty and barren. Some genius convict guy figured out that the this empty planet was awesome to escape guys trying to hunt him down. Soon enough, everyone was flocking here, building shady establishments and deteriorating the condition even further.

Made it easier for me, to escape from the Resistance and skirt away from the First Order. I'd make a living off my talents, get the plane and get out of here. I stopped and sighed, making a quick turn to the closest inn. I paid my entry and locked myself in my room, my nose wrinkling at the stink of sewage and rotting foods.

The room was simple enough, a bed and bedside table with a desk and a showering room attached. The bed was wheezy, the desk had been broken at some point and don't get me started about the shower.

Nimbuk's sun declared that it was dusk and through the window, I watched the sun lower and the children scatter for the safety of wherever they slept at night. Then the place came abuzz, lights lit up displaying the services on offer, sluts reappeared in more glittery clothing.

I sighed and pulled away, voting against the idea of food. Nimbuk's food was often infested with some thing or another and I would appreciate not getting food poisoning on my first night here.

The bed was dusty, resulting in me sneezing a couple of times before I settled down. My satchel was strapped to my waist, my dagger was under my pillow. I was safe for now.


"So, you were offered a position by the Resistance," the dream sharpened into focus. A man stood before me, clothes in complete black. He didn't have a mask on, somehow I felt there should be one. His hair was the same inky black as his clothing his eyes were sharp and glaring. "A glorious task. And instead, you escaped."

"I'm a runner." I managed, like speaking was a hard task. "All I'll ever do is run."

Suddenly, he loomed larger. "I hope you won't do that to me." He sounded as if we were certainly going meet and that it was going to be some star-crossed arrangement.

"You seem no more different than anyone else," I replied scathingly. "I don't know who you are, and how you know me but I assure you, you won't get to me."

He laughed, chillingly. "Don't worry Neoma, I will see you soon enough."

I wretched myself from my bed with a scream. Holding my dagger out in a shaky manner. It took me a few seconds to realise that there was no creepy, black-clothed guy trying to kill me. And I dropped my dagger, doubling over in relief.

It took me a few moments to realise the intense heat that I was in, the screams in my ears and the flickery light.

The building is on fire!

I grabbed my satchel and dagger, running down the smoke-filled stairs, covering my mouth. Smoke burned my eyes and I almost tumbled to the floor. The entire lower floor was burning. My skin flamed with the heat and I spotted a clear path of escape.

Holding my cloak close to my body, I rushed through, leaping through the open doorway as flames enveloped me.

I hit the ground painfully, taking a moment to regain my breath. I scrabbled to my feet as I noticed the presence of Stormtroopers. They were spurting fires at the shops and buildings. A few stray children ran and screamed but they were mostly shot down.

I stumbled backwards, almost into the flames. I jerked out with a cry, alerting some of the nearby troopers. They began to fire at me. I ducked for cover, pulling out my blaster and firing, five stormtroopers down with four bullets. Rusty, but it would have to do.

In the moment of no fire, I ran for cover near a non-burning building. Slightly idiotic of me as a light filled my vision and I fell to the floor. The right side of me exploded in pain and I clutched at the grungy floor, cursing.

When I reopened my eyes, a Stormtrooper was standing over me, his gun levelled at my chest. I erupted into a bitter sneer. "Do it." I scowled.

The stormtrooper pulled the trigger, and in that moment, my life flashed before my eyes. My poor upbringing, my escape to the Rebellion, Poe, escaping the Rebellion, being on the run.

Then I noticed that I wasn't dead yet, rather, the blaster bullet was hanging in midair, a millimetre away from my chest. "My life just flashed before my eyes," I exclaimed. "I've gotta get meself a life!"

The heat of the blast began to burn away at my clothes and I began to squirm. Whatever was holding it wasn't doing a good job if I was going to die anyway. Almost in response to my thoughts, the most peculiar thing occurred, the bullet lifted, hung in midair for a second, then went flying into the nearest building, the windows burst outwards in flames and nearby stormtroopers flinched.

I staggered to my feet, assessing the best way to run.

That was, until I saw him.

Swathed in black robes that surrounded him in a mesmerising fluidity, reminding me of the way prey is caught in the predator's gaze.

This person was a predator. He moved with power and authority. The stormtroopers backed away as he moved forwards. I was frozen, not a 'I'm glued to the floor and can't move' but a 'I'm so horrified and scared to the bone I don't know what to do'. He looked closer, stopping before me. My hands trembled and I suppressed the urge for my body to shake. Only my hands and lip trembled.

"This is the one." His mechanical voice spoke. He reminded me of something; the clothes, the power, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Go back to the ships." He commanded.

Stormtroopers began marching out, the air was void of screams so only the crackle and occasional collapse of structures could be heard. Flames licked the sky with fiery tongues, pushing away the blackness of the atmosphere and that surrounded this man.

"I wouldn't fight if I were you." He said, waving a hand over my face, causing me to tumble into darkness.

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