Chapter 19

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"What happened?!" Chloe asked, her mask and suit on. She and Violet had arrived as fast as they could to DO.G. headquarters. Jogging alongside hem, Nelson explained, "Someone decided to blow two more walls here. Whoever it was had taken a pair we had just caught today and stabbed Octo. Dante and Pepe are badly injured-"

"Wait, Octo was stabbed?" Chloe questioned, almost stopping in her tracks. Nodding his head, Nelson explained, "We don't know who but they stabbed Octo and left him there to die apparently." Deeply confused, Chloe demanded, "Is he still there?"


"Take me to him."

Eyes widening with surprise, Nelson quickly turned right as he called over his shoulder, "This way!" Chloe raced off after him while Violet continued on towards the hosital wing. Digging out some keys from his jacket pocket, the golden retriever unlocked the door. Nodding her head gratefully to the agent, the gray tabby cat stepped inside.

Octo was laying on the floor, a long knife laying on the ground beside him. His paws were pressed up against an ugly wound in his chest as he drew in shaky breaths. The greyhound's eyes were wide with fear when he saw Chloe step into the room. "Atlanta... why are... you... here?" he mumbled, blood drizzling down the corners of his mouth.

Sighing quietly, Chloe approached her nemesis. Kneeling down beside him, she lifted her paws up towards her face. Taking a deep breath, she pulled off her mask and placed it on the ground beside her, revealing her face to her archenemy. Surprised, Octo mumbled, "This is... a new side... to you..."

"I just want to ask you one question, face to face," Chloe spoke softly, "What made you turn to a life of crime in the first place?" The tabby cat always wanted to know but she never got the chance in the past. She might not ever have another oppurtunity in the future. Glancing sideways at the tentacles attached to his sides, Octo whispered, "I just... wanted... to be... normal again..." Sighing, he closed his eyes and laid his head back.

Feeling and finding a pulse, Chloe looked over at Nelson and ordered, "Get a medical team down here. He needs help." Leaving the room, she didn't bother to grab her mask.

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