Chapter One

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I glance down at my phone once more before looking back up. The picture of the woman named Cass will probably be forever engraved into my mind after having to look at it so many times. I push through the crowded airport for any sign of her, but even after looking for fifteen minutes there is no luck. With a sigh I shove my phone into my back pants pockets and continue walking forward. I lean up onto my tippy toes and when I do I finally see a white sign being held up in the air.

Welcome to San Fransokyo, (Y/n) Sloan.

Letting out an aggravated sigh of relief I adjust my backpack on my shoulders and pull my suitcase behind me, trudging towards the sign. When the crowd in front of me finally parts I almost trip over my own feet. It's not the woman Cass holding the sign, but rather a boy around my age with dark hair, and a shorter boy positioned beside him. I walk up to the pair wearily and offer a small and polite smile.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," I say, pointing up to the sign, "Who are-"

"I'm Tadashi," the boy holding the sign smiles down at me, offering his hand. I reach out and take it in my own, giving it a polite shake. "And this is my little brother Hiro," he says, gesturing towards the younger male who is staring disinterestedly at his shoes. "Aunt Cass couldn't make it, the diner was swamped with customers. So, she sent Hiro and I instead. I hope you don't mind," he shrugs, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"That's fine," I smile at him politely before looking down to Hiro. "Hello Hiro, I'm (Y/n)," I say and offer him my hand.

All I get in return is a huff before he turns and walks away towards the exit. My hand drops back down to my side as I watch him hunker away. I feel a hand rest itself on my shoulder and look up to see Tadashi giving me a sad smile.

"Sorry about him. I promise he isn't always like that. He's just going through a lot."

I nod at him and turn my eyes back to the exit doors that Hiro is making his way through. "That's fine. Everyone goes through things sometimes," I shrug.

Tadashi lets out a small sigh before tossing the welcome sign into a nearby trash can. He turns to me with a smile and takes my suitcase from off of my hands.

"Well then, let's go see Cass!" Tadashi says excitedly, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the packed crowd, towards the exit. I blush a little as I stare down at his hand in mine.

There's no hiding that Tadashi is attractive. With glistening raven hair tucked neatly inside his faded ball cap. His dark brown eyes that no doubt would melt like honey in the warm sunlight. His smooth olive skin, with light watercolor blush painted across his cheekbones.

It seems he himself has even forgotten he clasped my hand until we make it back to the cab. He glances down to our intertwined hands then back up to me before nervously pulling away. His face immediately reddens as he turns to place my suitcase inside the trunk of the cab.

"S-Sorry," he mumbles quietly as he shuts the trunk.

He walks over and opens the door up for me, gesturing me to get in. I slide into the middle seat next to Hiro and Tadashi slides in after me. It's a tight squeeze, but I don't have the confidence to do any complaining.

As we take off Tadashi begins telling me all about Cass and the Lucky Cat Café. He explains that Cass has owned the small café for as long as he could remember and how it's her pride and joy, apart from him and his brother of course. He tells me all about his experiences at SFIT and how Hiro will also be joining us there, and it's his first year as well. Before I know it, we've arrived at the small diner.

"Aunt Cass is going to be so excited to see you, she hasn't shut up about it since your father called her a few weeks ago," Tadashi says with a smile as we make our way to the door.

I smile at him as I hold onto the straps of my backpack and pull my suitcase behind me. Hiro walks in front of us and flings the door open, not bothering to hold it for either of us. Tadashi simply sighs and holds the door open for me with a smile. I smile in return and walk into the café, my eyes widening at how many people are packed in here.

"Oh! You're here! You've grown so much," a dark haired woman, presumably Cass, squeals while rushing towards me and swallowing me in a hug. When she pulls away she smiles brightly, "Ah, you still have your father's eyes. Anyways, I'm sorry I'm so busy. Tadashi, can you take her up to her room?"

Tadashi smiles as Cass retreats back towards the kitchen and nudges my shoulder lightly. "Come on, I'll help you get settled in," he says before taking my suitcase from me.

I follow him through the restaurant and to the stairs in the corner. The stairs creak a little as we make our way up them and I notice the pictures of Tadashi and Hiro lining the walls. When we make it to the top Tadashi leads me into a small but cozy room.

"I hope it's okay. I know we don't have a lot of space but I tried to make it as cozy as possible," Tadashi sighs as he sits my suitcase down next to the bed. "I picked out the bed spread and rearranged the furniture the best I could, and I even asked Honey Lemon for some advice, but in all honesty I'm not sure what a girl's room is supposed to look like," he laughs a little.

I smile at him and sit my backpack down on the bed, giving the room a quick look over. "It's perfect. Thank you," I say as I reach for my suitcase, "You don't have to help me unpack. I don't want to be a bother or anything."

"You're not a bother at all," Tadashi immediately replies. "Besides, I'd rather help you unpack than have to go down and help Cass with the café anyways," he chuckles.

I nod and unzip my suitcase. The two of us spend the next thirty or so minutes unpacking all of my things and putting them neatly away. My last item is a picture of my father, my mother, my brother, and I. I sit it down on my bedside table beside my lamp before sitting down on my bed next to Tadashi.

"You must really miss them," he says quietly, smiling at the photo of my family, "I know it's hard, but you have to look on the bright side." He places a hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "Besides, you have us now. I'm sure we can offer you some great company. I want you to be able to act like family around us."

I laugh a little, placing a hand on top of his. "Thank you, Tadashi. That means a lot," I smile at him.

"I think we're going to be great friends soon anyways."

I nod to him in agreement and glance back to the photo of my parents. Tadashi's hand leaves my shoulder and the bed rises next to me. I look up to see him walking towards the door.

"If you're up for it, we can head to the mall. Cass wanted me to take you and Hiro shopping so I could show you around the city. I'll just be downstairs," he smiles before walking out of my bedroom.

I sit on my bed for a few more moments before looking through my clothes. Grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt I shut my door. I change quickly and brush through my hair before sighing at the mirror.

"Okay, (Y/n), this isn't too bad. At least you've already made a friend," I say to my reflection. I let out a huff and shake my head before turning towards the door. "An attractive one at that," I mumble under my breath as I exit my room.

I slowly make my way down the stairs, stopping every few seconds to admire the childhood pictures of Tadashi and Hiro lining the walls. When I finally make it down to the café I see Tadashi waiting for me at the bar, Hiro seated next to him. I walk up to him and tap his shoulder, causing a wide smile to spread across his face when he turns around.

"You ready?"

I nod and take a step back so Tadashi can slide off of the stool. Hiro jumps off of his stool and hurries out of the diner, not even giving us a second glance. Tadashi sighs and leads me towards the door, holding it open for me to walk through. As the cool summer afternoon breeze hits my face I can't help but smile.

"Well, let's start the tour then," Tadashi smiles at me, matching my strides as he walks beside me.

I simply smile in return and nod my head, admiring the bustling and busy life all around us. It's nothing like where I came from. It's crowded, and packed, in comparison to my small town. For the first time since my arrival, excitement begins filling up my body.

I think I might like San Fransokyo after all.


i know this chapter high key sucks, but i promise it will get better!!!

oh! and if you know anyone who could make a cover for this book, let me know, please!!!

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