The new Mindy

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Will's peaceful sleep had been interrupted by a gentle slap to the face. He groaned and opened one of his eyes. And then, he screamed. The sound alerted John and Mindy who were now fully awake. "Will, what's wrong?!" he cried as Will placed his hand over his heart to take a breath. "Is everything alright?" Mindy asked once Will was done freaking out. "Um're a..." he was lost for words.

Mindy looked behind her to find John wearing the same shocked expression as Will. "What's wrong?" it was John who answered, after clearing his throat. "You're...a Colossian." That was all it took before Mindy raced out of bed and looked in the mirror of the boys' dresser. The glowing that use to be there was gone, her normal skin color returning to its original state. The energy that had shocked her that night had done its job. Like Archer said, she was now the size of a normal Colossian. Hell, she was a Colossian.

Mindy gazed at the two Colossians that were still in bed, but their heads were completely looking in the other direction. "Uh, guys-" she wanted to call out until she realized the situation. Unfortunately, because of her massive growth, her clothes had been torn off in her sleep. Mindy screamed at the top of her lungs desperately trying to cover herself.

"Archer!" John yelled. "Find some clothes please." The ship responded immediately. "Yes sir."


After that exposing fiasco, Mindy was able to find some clothes that were just her size. The space suits were identical to John and Will's and the femine wardrobe was surprising huge. Or maybe she was still thinking about being a human.

Mindy walked into the bridge of the ship, finding John searching for something on the controls and Will examining a small tiny crystal. Will noticed her first. "Morning." he said as Mindy smiled. "Whatcha guys up to?"

"Trying to find out which one of these crystals is a real diamond." Will replied placing the diamond back onto the table. Mindy tilted her head in confusion. "Why do you need a diamond?" The Colossians froze, looked at each other and then back at Mindy. "Well, you see Mindy...we can't exactly go back home." Mindy gasp at what John said. "Why not?"

"Well you know that unstable energy that you were electrocuted with? It was suppose to be a new type of electricity that the Colossians were going to test out. But our ship was out of gasp so we had to make a crash landing on Earth." John explained. "Our ships are powered by rare diamonds that are only found on Earth. Without them, we're stuck here."

Mindy gave them both sad eyes. She never thought that her friends couldn't go home. "I'm so sorry. I must've caused a lot of trouble." she said turning her head away with a blush. Will gave her a smile. "Hey, it wasn't anything we couldn't handle." Will poked her sides making her giggle.

Just then, a ringing noise was heard. "Incoming call! Incoming call!" Archer announced as John raced to the controls and answered it. On the screen was a woman in a blonde bun with glasses. She was wearing a uniform identical to the space suits they were wearing but her's was a dark green. "William. Johnathan."

"Prime Minister." Both John and Will said as they clamped a fist over their hearts. Mindy stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. The woman, the Prime Minister, seemed to notice. "And who is that?" Both Will and John widened their eyes not sure of what to say. Mindy cleared her throat. "Um...I'm Mindy."

"State your ship's name. Your space number."

"I...uh..." Mindy didn't know what to say. But luckily, she didn't have to think before John butted in. "She's a human. Or use to be." The Prime Minister turned to John, her face now widen with curiosity. "What happened?" she asked-demanded as Will spoke next. "She uh...found her way into the ship and was exposed to the unstable energy that we retrieved from Neptune."

The Prime Minister didn't say anything for a while. She only gazed at the timid human now turned Colossian standing behind the male Colossians. "Are you aware of the situation befallen on you girl?" she asked her and Mindy didn't know if it was an insult or a curious question. She simply nodded her head as the Prime Minister regained her attention on the other two Colossians. "I simply called to inform you that the recuse ship is only 2 days away from Earth. You should get a response from them by tomorrow. As for this new...development. We shall settle with that when you arrive back. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am." The two Colossians replied as the Prime Minister nodded. "Let me know of any further updates." With that, the woman hung up on them as the boys breathed a sigh of relief.

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