Tiny intruder

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Will clenched his heart, feeling its pressure rise rapidly as he sat in a corner. After the call from the Prime Minister, Will was left in a panic attack, something that happened quite often with he was a kid. Back on Colossal, he witness his mother being killed in a car accident when he was 12. The person responsible was never charge, having ran from the scene and didn't return to his home town. Every night until he met John, he'd have nightmares about her death, watching her fade from existence and leave him behind on Colossal. It scared him every night whenever he went to sleep.

So, when John came into his life, the nightmares had suddenly vanished. No amount of guilt climbed into his mind. No mother was killed repeatedly in his dreams. No mysterious cloaked man was running away as he tried to chase the man responsible for her death. All of them were replaced with John, his love more real than any other guilt he felt. Will would still have panic attacks every now and then, but John will always be there to help him whenever he felt the need to panic. And this was one of those times.

"Will, baby, you need to calm down." John said as he took a few steps forward, making his way to his boyfriend. Will's body started to shake. "I-I c-can't."

"Yes you can. Remember those breathing exercises our therapist taught us?" John replied, taking a seat next to Will. He wrapped his arms around him, allowing the blonde to feel his heart beat. Will was able to stop shaking, but his heart was still going at a rapid pace. "Y-Yeah?" Will managed to say, feeling John's hand rubbing his back. "In for 4. Out for 8." With that, John inhaled for 4 seconds and released for 8. Feeling his boyfriend's heartbeat slow, Will shakily inhaled for 4 seconds and released for 8. The two of them repeated this gesture until both of their heartbeats matched.

Smiling, John kissed Will's forehead. "There you go. There you go. Who's the best boyfriend in the world~?" Will snorted at the joke, a smile appearing on his face. God, he loved him so much.

Warning Warning! Intruder detected

With lighting speed, both boys pushed themselves up from the floor and made their way to the sensors, the only part of the ship that seemed to be functional apart from the cloak. "Archer, scan the ship." John ordered as the ship did as it was told. "Reading 3 life signals. 2 in center brig and 1 at entrance door. The intruder appears to be Terran. A human." Both boys widen their eyes. They've only crashed on Earth 5 minutes ago and a human has already found their ship. Could this day get any worse?

Will gave out the second command. "Can you identify the human? Its name? Gender?" The ship scanned itself a few more times before completing its analysis. "Human identified as Mindy Harper. Age 20. Female."

"Where is she headed now?" John asked as the ship did one final scan. "The Power Grid." The boys turned on their heels and raced to their destination. The Power Grid was filled with the new energy retrieved from Neptune. This power has never been tested and they weren't sure what it was going to do to a human. They had to find her, before she hurt herself.


When Mindy stepped into the UFO, the cloud of smoke had evaporated and she was greeted with nothing but the dark. Mindy waited a moment before a row of light lit the path for her. She squealed in delight, making her feel like she was on a red carpet and the camera's were flashing on her.

With lighting speed, Mindy raced her way down the ship, her excitement too wonderful to contain. "This is so awesome!" she cried as she followed the lights. It wasn't until they made it to the third door that she realized that this ship was a whole lot bigger on the inside. Skidding to a stop, the pigtailed girl took a really long glance at the door. It was made of metal, just like the material on the ship and it had a sign on it. Mindy took a couple of step back to try and read it, but once she made it to the end, the sign was still too high up for her to see.

Just when Mindy was about to give up and explore another part of the ship, the ground began to rumble at her feet. Using one hand to keep her steady, Mindy looked to where the rumble was coming from. She couldn't see it, but she did start to hear voices. "Where is she?" One of them said, followed by a pair of foot steps. Really really big foot steps. Mindy may not have been able to see the new life forms, but she did get a glimpse of a huge shadow. It looked like a human. But...bigger. It was as tall as a skyscraper and it got worse when it started to move.

Towards her.

Mindy raced toward the 3rd door with the sign she couldn't see. "There it is!" Mindy froze, looking in the direction of the voice from earlier. What she saw, almost made her pass out.

There, just miles from her, were two 50ft tall men. One of them was a blonde and the other was a redhead. They were both wearing space uniforms that reminded her of Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. The two men were too far away for her to see their expressions, but she was too scared to call out or say anything.

One of them, the redhead, took an aggressive step forward. "Hey, don't go in there." The anger in his tone shocked Mindy more than their steps. With a squeak of fright, the human continued her journey to the door, running faster than her legs could carry her. "Wait, please!" The other giant man said. Mindy ignored him and slid through the closed door, trying desperately to get away from the giant monsters.

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