Chapter 1

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Before we start!
(Y/N) - your name
(L/N) - last name
(H/C) - hair color
(H/L) - hair length
(H/S) - hair style
(F/C) - favorite color
(F/CL) - favorite clothes
From:New York City
Likes:animal,shooting zombies,hunting zombies
Dislikes:mean people,hates seeing people died,don't like bullies
That's all!!!you were actually wearing this\/

Your POV
I was running with my friends Ashley and Jenny from the zombies I turned around and shoot them with my pistol.then suddenly i saw a little kid crying behind the tree then get attack by a zombie it was on top of the kid screaming for help but I ran towards them and kicked the zombie on the face I carry the child"hurry (Y/N)!!!"she said I nod and ran after them to the abandoned building.

We ran inside and Ashley quickly close the door behind us and we heard zombies banging on the door we panting so hardly then I put the child down"hey kid you alright?"i ask them and they replied 'thank you for saving me!'they sign "good because you survived great job kid!"i said and smiled and they smiled back'I'm frisk and who are you people?they sign I stand straight and put my hand on my hip"my name is (Y/N).(Y/N) (L/N) this is Ashley and Jenny.we are the zombie hunters!"I said Ashley waved at them and they waved back Jenny gives a smile and they smile too but we walk upstairs to the rooftop but then I stopped infront of the door I look at frisk giving me with confused look "frisk are you ready to see the city?"I ask and they nodded slowly I hold e doorknob and turn it then opens we see the city is on fire

I looked at frisk and see they're eyes with scared they hugged me tightly then they looked up to my face I pat they're head"it's alright I know it's bad to see this....."I said they looked at me with an idea they back up a little'can you guys come with me!'they sign with excitement We we're confuse and then we nodded frisk checked in Ashley's bag"Hey what are you-"and then she got cut off by frisk showing the phone and then they text someone and they put it back and we waited for the something or whatever it was......

???? POV
I was so happy for frisk freed us in underground I was baking cinnamon pie but then I heard my cellphone just ring I picked it up and see the message from frisk it said 'mom I need you to get ink!please it's emergency!' I gasp and ran upstairs then went to sans room I knock quickly "sans!sans!there's something wrong.frisk is in trouble!"I shout and sans open the door"where are they?!"he said I called frisk and they picked up"my child where are you?!?!"I shouted worriedly they explain everything "what kind of AU are you in?!?!"I said and they said they don't know"sans go get ink!"I said "got it!"he said and teleports away oh frisk please be okay....?

Sans POV
I teleport to the omega timeline where every versions of me lives here and I see ink talking to dream I ran towards ink"ink something is going on!!"I shouted ink flinch and turns around "what is it?"He said I started explaining and ink was shocked"okay we need to warn everyone!"he said and call everyone in meeting oh shoot if tori finds out that frisk is dead I am in so much trouble I thought.....

Your POV
I was lying against the wall holding my sniper rifle and lying infront of the window I looked at outside of the window and see a zombie eating a guy with blood everywhere I look away and growl I hold sniper rifle tightly then I look at my friends seeing playing cards "four hearts?"she said"go fish!"she said then I heard a scream all the way of outside I looked outside of the window and see.......skeletons?the one who scream is blue scarf and grey armor with blue gloves and boots getting attack by a zombie male I looked at my friends Ashley holds frisk because they were fear to seeing people dying by zombies "girls take care of the place and frisk.i'll take care of the zombies....!"I said in angry tone and grab the axe and shotgun then putting them on my back then I grabbed my 2 pistols and put them on my legs and ran outside to the skeleton I grabbed my axe and swing it down cutting the head I used my foot to pushed it away from the skeleton I looked at the crying skeleton with fear in they're eyes"are you okay?"I said in calmly voice he looked at me with Light blue tears "thank you human for saving me......"he said while he hugged me tightly but then I growls behind me I let go of him and turn around see 10 zombies around us I look at the skeleton he was hiding behind me with scared I looked at the zombie getting closer to us I swing my axe and slashed the zombies head I see Ashley using sniper and she shoots at the zombie i carry the skeleton guy and ran passed the zombies then We made it and then I closed the door quickly I heard them banging the door I sigh in relief "uh can you tell me your name?"I asked he smiled "I,THE MAGNIFICENT SANS SANS THE SKELETON BUT CALL ME BLUEBERRY OR BLUE!!!"he yelled I quickly covered his teeth and shushed him"shh!do you want us to get caught by zombies?"I said quietly he shook his head to NO I let go of him and sigh"okay blueberry I'm (Y/N)"I said then we went to the others I see frisk ran up to him and hugs him then there was glowing yellow inside of his pocket he looked at it and grab it inside then pulled it out it was golden orb I heard a voice I heard 'blueberry if you can hear us please answer!' "Don't worry the magnificent blueberry sans is here!"he said "blueberry oh thank asgore your alright your brother is worried about you!"it said blueberry smiled"Guys guess what I found frisk that you telling me about!"he said and then there was a portal right behind us i heard running footsteps coming towards us I turn around and raised my pistol aiming at the head it was a skull "AH!please don't kill me I'm innocent!"he said I lowered my gun down slowly"who are you?"I ask he smile at me"I'm ink sans,but but call me ink!"he said the one I aim is the golden prince?"I'm dream sans but call me dream...."he said he looked at me with scared"did I scared you with my pistol I'm sorry."I said he snap out in reality "oh no it's alright you didn't mean it!"he said then ink explain everything to us to get us outta here I heard the zombies downstairs barge the door open loudly I peeked and see zombies coming upstairs I went to dream"we must hurry and get out of here!"I said and frisk grabbed our hands and pulled us in........

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