Epilouge - The Beginnings of a Counterattack

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After discovering Nico wandering all over the forest all by herself, Mori Yazawa carried her on horseback as he rode back to Otonokizaka, hoping to restart a new life there. Once they dropped there, he thanked Kanan for assisting and allowing them to use her horse. She welcomed it before she left to begin a long journey back to her village which is at the northern region of Wall Emi.


Dad tried to find a new home for the two of us. It was difficult - the crooks took our cash so we literally had no money to buy anything we needed. Furthermore, the stress of losing our mom and siblings made us worry further as to how we will be able to survive.

Worse still, my mom disappeared. Dad tried to search for her but she is nowhere to be found - all I remembered was that she said she left to find something that I will need to kill all Alpacas.....ugghh...my memory is so blurry right now....

Whatever the reason was, mom gave me an envelope with a long note inside. It is the only thing she left me that I found in my pocket. It read:

Nico, my daughter. You should be reading this by now.

First of all, you won't see me for a long while. I know it bothers you since I should be taking care of you - more so that your dad died.

However, leaving you behind is a sacrifice I had to make. I can't tell you where I am or why I left you. I apologize deeply - but I had to do this. I can only give you hints of what I am in to right now. I know things that are too confidential to made public. I hope you understand. Listen carefully to what you read:

First, I will give you an idea why I left. I have a mission. I exist here for a reason. The truth is that I have another occupation besides being a doctor. It is something very important, but confidential. The most I can tell you is that I have to start that mission of mine now - the Alpacas have invaded so I am required to make my move.

Second, I won't let you roam all by yourself. Find a home or people to help you. Seek out for your friends, Rin and Hanayo particularly, for help. If you can't find them, seek help from either the Garrison or Survey Corps. You should find them anywhere right now since I have seen them roaming the villages to assist the populace. They will assist you, particularly two people I managed to build connections with there: Kona Kousaka and Kimi Minami.

Third, I want you to be aware of our world inside these Walls. There are things here that remain hidden. Secrets which very few people - including myself - know. It is these secrets which further added reasons as to why I should leave you.

There are more to Alpacas, my dear. The world beyond the Walls is not endless. Our entire world will be shattered unless all of mankind finds the right people and the right way to set things right.

Something existed back then. There were heroes who failed back then. There were groups who rose and fell. A stage used to exist that defined what one would be destined to be.

Remember as much as you can, Nico. Memories are fragile things.

When the truths come to you, think beyond those truths.

Finally, I wanna let you know how much I love you. You, your dad, your siblings, the entire family is an achievement for me. I treasure you all. The moment I write this part now, I am honestly crying for what I am about to do and where I will end up in. Yet all those worries will be set aside once I fulfill my mission. I am doing this for you, my family, and humanity.

Still, I found in you the potential to change everything. To exceed what I could have done. I realised that the moment I saw your eyes as you confessed to me your desire to kill the Alpacas at the awards ceremony. I am convinced that I can count on you for helping mankind prevail.

For that reason, I am entrusting you a huge responsibility - no - an opportunity. You want to see the outside world, right? Then I have a mission for you - it is up to you whether you pursue it or not.

Go beyond these Walls. Go to the outside world. Ignore the dangers or the distances it will take you to. Only then will everything be clear. You will find something there. I believe you can because you now have the power to fulfill it.

Remember this code. You will need it once you are there:


Goodbye, my child. I love you forever. Never stop dreaming. Never give up. Farewell.

~ Noriko Yazawa. Doctor, wife, mother, and "Bishop".

Dad read this note as well - clearly he was puzzled by what it meant. He thought that it is best for me to understand my mom and that I should not worry about her at all.

Dad gave his effort to find mom, but no matter how hard or long he would look, mom is nowhere to be found. Nor are there any witnesses we could count on that could have at least recognised my mom's face. As time passed, we eventually lost interest and motivation to find her. In the end, it turned out that it is best for us to stop worrying for her.

(We also accepted that we will never be able to find Cotaro, Cocoa, and Cocoro. The UTX Police eventually visited us that they could not find either my mom or siblings anywhere.)

Whatever, despite losing my mom, I still had my dad at least. After weeks of looking for shelter, we finally found one - a small inn owned by a young lady who also is like us - a former inhabitant of Akihabara. She is kind enough to bring us in since we all had gone through the same horrific experiences - her parents died when the Colossal struck a hole in the Wall and the debris killed them.

We stayed there from that point onward for the following years. Dad decided to leave the Legionnaires and transfer to the Garrison Corps. Thus, Dad managed to acheive three goals: serve the Military and defend mankind, receive a good amount of pay to provide us with a steady income, and be able to work near our new home - I could see him now at the very least.

In any case, the years ahead would be filled with mundane events for me besides the occasional news reports.


(Three years later. At the entrance to the boot camp.)

Everyone except my dad said I am too young to be a soldier. I never cared about whatever they say - mankind needs everyone to fight the Alpacas. Even thirteen year olds like me.

I waited.....I kept waiting.....until they granted me the chance......

The day came...that I finally got a chance to join the military. I was alone when I registered to be a soldier - both Rin and Hanayo did not join. I still never got to see them after all these years.

Finally. I am at the entrance that will bring me to my first steps in avenging the lives lost at Akihabara two years ago. My first steps in facing the Alpacas. My first steps in my journey to go outside - just as my mom said.

I will succeed. I believe I can and I should! For mankind, my mom, my dad, and my siblings I must.

My dream, my vision, begins now!!!

(Proceed to the next page for details about Volume 02 and continue reading the saga....)


A/N: Hey guys, sorry for not updating these final parts for a long time. Honestly, two things keep me from completing this: one is the heavy work I am doing now for college. I am so busy these days at school that I tend to lack the time I need to write properly.

Two, I am honestly losing motivation. Like, I have seen how few are the views for this book. It really discourages me to pursue this series when few people seem to care about reading it.

Still, I can tell you this chapter is the last one for this book. Volume 02 is out so you can keep up with the story.

(By the way, if you are smart and motivated enough, analyse Noriko's mysterious note above. It is filled with hints as to how this story and world will turn out in the end. It also includes entirely new twists and revelations that I made which are very seperate and different compared to that of the original Attack on Titan. You will notice it all after some Volumes pass.)

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