Chapter 03 - Another Way

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The carts dropped us at an intersection at a city which is connected by roads from the northern, southern, western, and eastern sectors. All six of us seperated, the Kazuma sisters went somewhere to the north.

I am uncertain of my future. Going back home to tell my dad that I failed is the last thing I wanted.

"Ummm....if you like, I can help you apply for work at the Seiren branch of Ohara Company.", a voice suddenly approached my ears.

I turned around. A girl stood before me. She is about the same height as I am. She seems to be of the same age as I am as well. Her dark hair is tied in one pair of Chinese pigtails. She has sharp, green eyes. She smiled at me like she saw a treasure in front of her.

"My name is Saeki Reine. I know you have seen me before at the camp. I'm the girl who sat in front of you at the cart, remember?"

So this person was the one who stared at me? I remain confused by her offer so I asked:

"Wait, why would you offer me that? Are you an employee of that company?"

"Nope. I am an applicant. I will be going to Seiren and apply for work there. It's my alternate choice just in case I failed the entrance exam for the 98th Trainee Corps. Going there alone was my plan, but I heard your speech before we left camp. Your words caught my interest! I thought if you would want to come along with me since I can tell how broken you look after failing and all."

Never thought someone would help me out. This is unexpected. Still, it is something I can't ignore.

Saeki seemed to be in the same position as I am: wanting some sort of purpose inside these Walls. She listened to my speech so she probably wants to help mankind as much as I do.

"Thanks, Saeki. I appreciate your help. I've got nowhere to go besides home so I can consider going with you."

"That's good to hear!! Come, let's get going!!", she said as she grabbed my hand and we went to Seiren together via another cart.


Wall Emi is smaller compared to Wall Aya. Travelling to different towns and landmarks isn't too slow or hard. Carts dragged by horses are the only common transportation that takes people from one area to another. Saeki and I chatted with each other inside the cart as we waited for our destination.

"These days, everyone has to do something. Ever since Wall Aya fell, the government has reformed the age restrictions of almost every jobs. The most recent laws passed declare the following: 12 year olds can now be soldiers. 7 year olds can work in factories. In other words, children like us these days are now allowed to do adult stuff."

"True, Saeki. I call it a good thing cuz mankind right now needs as much workers as possible. Considering how limited supplies are they say, a lot of people need to work."

"Yep....and that's the case for me...."

I wondered what kind of life did Saeki went through. It isn't everyday that you find a very young girl like her who is independent enough to know already where to go, what to do, and how to live. totally depends from where someone is though.

"Saeki....mind if you tell me about yourself?"

"I am about to anyway, Nico. Nothing special about me though. I am just your average girl from an average family. A simple resident here in Wall Emi since my birth. My mom, dad, and grandma all lived in one house, relying on tailoring/clothes making businesses. I am their only daughter, so it meant that I got used to being told to do errands, work with them and stuff."

"Why did you think of joining the Military?"

"When Wall Aya fell, food, clothing and other supplies ran short. It affected my family so much. My goal originally was to become a soldier to gain salary to provide my family. Then I would use my job as a means to get my family to live inside the Interior of Wall Suzuko."

" are just like the others....I thought you wanted to fight the Alpacas and defend mankind...."

"Oh no...don't get it wrong. I also thought I could contribute to defending mankind too!! I know absolutely well that if mankind can't defend itself, supplies, food, and resources will all run out. I ain't as ignorant as you think I am."

"What would you do then after you failed to pass as a soldier? Why apply for Ohara Company?"

"Because Ohara Company is the one in charge of making 3DMGs right? Remember, one of our classmates is the daughter of the family that owned the place, right?"

"Oh, you mean Mari Ohara?!! Yeah, I remember now."

"I got the idea of applying at Ohara Company after I talked with her personally before. She said I can choose to apply there cuz the Company needs a lot engineers these days. She also said that the requirements to work there are light for children so I believe I can pass there."

"It all makes sense then, huh Saeki?"

"Yep. By the way, tell me about yourself. You seemed very odd: your patriotism is something I've never seen before. It's like you want to kill every Alpaca - "

"That's exactly what I want."

"Oh?", Saeki replied with a bit of shock. I continued my story and told her everything about myself, what happened, how I saw the Colossal and Armored, how my siblings and mom disappeared. Everything that I could think of.

"I belong to those many groups of people who suffered so much. Oh well, I am glad I found the right person to help out."

After about an hour of travelling, we finally made it at a Seiren. A huge city filled with busy commercial areas. Markets are everywhere. A lot of people shop and make business. Kinda felt like Akihabara but even more busier.

Eventually, we walked to the address Mari mentioned to Saeki which led us to Ohara Company. Finally, my eyes saw for the first time how a 3DMG factory looked like.

Just as Saeki said, the requirements to be a child worker at the company is light. At least for the trial periods. Before long, the employees brought us inside the place. It is filled with assembly lines and office hardwares surrounded by walls made of red bricks.

"Kids, we'll teach you some basic things to do here. Once you guys prove your worth, we will make you official workers and you can make yourselves a living out here!!"

"Really?!!", I replied with delight.

"Yes, although you still need to show us some requirements such as parent's permits and other documents which you will be notified later on. Also, we will be assigning you adult instructors to monitor your progresses."

We are also given further details on how odd the company's recent employment system works. To summarize, the Governement has allowed new laws which permitted child labor due to desperate demands for resources and supplies lost since Wall Aya's fall. This is especially true for Military and Military-related occupations.

How on earth do kids like us understand all this? Probably because of our kind of lifestyle and attitude. I dunno about other children but for me, I can understand and think like an adult because of how informative and smart my parents are.

After being shown the factory's interior, we are brought outside to another building situated near the factory. It looked like a large inn. This building also has dorms. Seems this place might not be so different from the boot camp after all.

"They said we will begin our first trial shifts two days from now. Which means that our next two days will be free! Have something in mind?"

"Well....I just wanna go home. I need to report my dad about all this immediately. I don't want to tell him about this by letter - I want him to see me in person."

"Right. Well, you shouldn't waste anytime then. Go home now, Nico."

"How about you?"

"I will stay here. Don't worry, I told my parents already all this beforehand. I will just notify them via letter."

"Hey....thanks a lot...."

"You should feel lucky as well. The two of us are just one of the first kids who managed to get a job there."


After managing to get a "job" at Ohara Company's Seiren branch, I ride my way back home at Otonokizaka. During the two hour trip, I kept thinking how my dad would react. Would he be angry at me? Would he permit me to go on with that kind of work?

Once I set my foot at the city, I walk through the road which leads me to my new home - an inn. I haven't gotten anywhere close there when I see dad along the road. I recognised him immediately - a Garrison soldier with only one arm. Initially, he's busy doing his shift of patrolling the city, talking with other soldiers. Once I walked closer, however, dad noticed me.

"Nico?!!", dad said in surprise. He told his fellow chatmates that he'll talk with them next time and immediately ran to me. I just stood there and braced for his reaction.


"Nico, what happened?! Aren't you supposed to be in the Trainee Corps by now?"

"Sorry....I failed the test...."

" didn't pass the balancing test, huh?"

"B-but!! Wait dad, I am not a total failure!! I have good news as well!!"

"Huh? What good news?"

"I met another girl who failed just like me. She introduced me to an opportunity to become a child employee of Ohara Company's Seiren branch. Thanks to her, I am lucky enough to be accepted by the employers!! Which means I have a job right now!!!"

"Nico, I can't believe you made a decision like that on your own! Aren't you concerned about your health?!"

" don't like me working there?"

"Absolutely not! In fact, I like the fact that you found an alternative career in case you failed to qualify as a soldier. Being a 3DMG engineer is a great thing!! I am just concerned that you are making hasty decisions without giving much second thought! Nico, you need to learn caution."

"Oh....I see...sorry dad, won't happen again. Still....I am surprised you are not angry at me for applying a job without your knowledge."

"Yeah, I should be angry. But the thing is, I thought over how common child labor is nowadays, ever since the Government legalised it. I considered the possibility that you won't be content with doing nothing."


The way we talked to each other felt so calm and mature. There's no ill feelings between either of us at each other. I am glad how understanding dad is.

I am still bothered, however, how and why I failed that test....

"Dad....why do you think I failed the balancing test?", I asked.

"I think it's because of your body. Nico, you're thirteen. Your body must be still too small for the 3DMG to carry you in 3D space. Even had I given you the right advices, they can't change how our bodies grow. That's my opinion at least."

" think I still have a chance?"

"I still think you can try again at another time. The Military won't mind if you enlist again, but you have to make sure you will pass the balancing test. I advice you to try again once you're seventeen or older - your body should grow once you reach that age."

"Okay.....", as much as I wanted to rejoice, I am more demoralised that I am gonna be forced to wait even longer than expected to get a chance to kill an Alpaca. It makes me gloomy.

"Now need a parent's permit, right?"

"Huh?!! Yeah!! How did you know?"

"It is a basic requirement for any job that allows child labor, Nico. I know that."

"Oh. Okey...ummm...yeah, I will need your permit on paper, dad."

"Let's go home and fix things, shall we?"

After that long conversation, we returned to our home which is a room at an inn. To summarize what happened, dad fixed all the necessary things to make sure I become an official Ohara Engineer.

Days later, dad went to the factory at Seiren alongside me, presenting his permit and support. After all that, I finally began my first ever shifts as an official engineer. Well...they are trial shifts, but at least it is still work. My new instructor and Saeki assisted me with the entire assemblies. I know it will be rough considering my inexperience - but it is still a step forward.

Another way was presented to me. Building the very weapons which help us combat the Alpacas makes me excited to do. I am still helping mankind at least.

Most of all, I felt happy I accomplished something on my own this time, hehe. For now, my goal will be to "build the weapons that will kill all the Alpacas!"


A/N: Saeki Reine is the first (N) girl you meet if you play School Idol Festival. Thus in my story here, she is the first SIF character with an original and special role. Expect more SIF characters to come!!

Prepare for KananMariDia stories in the next chapters.

(Btw, for those who noticed it took so long for me to update this, it's because I am clearly losing motivation to continue this due to low views and votes. If you guys want this book to continue, voting will help a LOT.)

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