*Attack On Frozen Ch:8*

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Bwah! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I didn't know my story would get this far!I tried to remember what happens, so if its not exact, sorry! Here is chapter 8 for u. xox (gossip girl). Lol no way!
{ Levi POV }
I made my way through the forest encountering titans here and there. 'Why did it have to be titans? Why not snow or something?' I thought. There was a rumbling sound. Oh no. My horse bucked me off and ran away! "N-no! Come back!" I yelled. I knew it wasn't going to come back so I had to rely on my 3DMG. I swung through the trees meeting the titan that scared away my horse. I sliced the nape of its neck and continued through the forest of the big-ass trees. I landed on a tree branch and spotted a wall. My eyes seemed to brighten at the sight of another village.
{ Erwin POV }
"Alright! We need to protect the village to save the people!" I smirked. If this plan worked, I could be the hero of the town and begging me to the thrown instead of 'King' Eren. "Um, sir. There are titans heading this way!" the Armin kid warned. "You! Mikasa! Go kill it!". Mikasa gave me a salute and killed it. Everyone stared in awe. "Well done."
{ Levi POV }
I made my way to the village. 'Maybe they'll let my in.' I thought. The gate was already open! I walked through the village for any sign of Eren. I asked people, and all of them knew nothing of Eren. "Psh. Like the king would ever go past here." I sighed not even bothering to say thank you. I walked into a shop to ask one last time. "Excuse me. Have you seen Eren Jaeger? He has brown hair, green-blue eyes, ugh...taller than me." I asked the girl behind the counter. She pushed up her glasses and said, "Nope! But I know who your talking about. On the North Mountain!" "Could you maybe," I know I'm going to regret this, "Take me to the North Mountain." Her eyes gleamed. "Of course!" She said as she led me out side. "My name is Hanji. Whats yours?" she asked. "None of your damn business." She pouted I followed her to a weird experiment. "This is Bean, and this is Sonny." Hanji said as she pointed to two horses. "Come on!" I jumped on Sonny while she was on Bean. "Lets go!"
Longer than usual for you guys. I don't think I did a good job of remembering. Please tell me what you guys think of it!

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