"Weak? Strong? Your Wrong!"

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After Introductions everyone chatted away getting to know each other. Boogie looked around and sighed laying in his bed as a bell was ring signaling dinner was ready to go. He got up ready and headed over as he looked out to the distance seeing the Potato Girl still running sense the introductions when she was eating in line. He kept walking and waited in line getting food as he saw people in groups talking. He looked around and sat in the corner of the room seeing a small table. Their was a bit of commotion seeing people near one of the victims of Trost. Her name was Eren, she talked mostly about how tall the Titans were when she first saw them. "Come on, your bluffing, theirs no way, did you really get a good look at them?" One of them asked in disbelief, she gave basic answers and just kept eating. "Hey, you were from Trost to right?" One of the Trainees asked as Boogie was barely eating and looked at his bowl seeing his reflection. "Hey!" One of them shouted as he snapped back into reality. "What?" He looked to see most eyes were on him. "Weren't you in Trost! Did you see those titans that's called the armored and colossal? You did say you wanted to take Trost back, or where you just showing off to the girls trying to loo strong and hide that your weak!" They said and smirked. He clenched his fists looking to the Trainee slowly. "You wanna know what I saw?" He asked as everyone looked. He looked down shaking a bit as he had a few tears. "What I saw was blood of innocent everywhere, while those things ate and threw them around, I woke up to screams and cries for help, my parents were gone, I was upstairs, I was trampled over trying to find them, but instead I was rescued by a scout, and on the way, I saw two titans tearing my parents in half, only to have their blood across my face, it took me a while but, I know that they left me, because I was nothing but extra weight." He said shaking remembering that day. "Weak, Strong, your wrong. I wanna take back my home for me, I wanna make sure the titans go extinct. I will return home, or I'll die trying, cause all I see in my reflection is the blood stained across my face!" He looked up as some of them had a bit of fear from this as the Trainee scoffed. "Yeah sure, you really will be dead in a week." He said. It was Silent. Boogie growled and got up hitting him hard as they both started to fight and hit each other hard. The rest of the Trainees panicked trying to separate both of them from killing each other as they groaned. "Your crazy! You better watch it!" They yelled as Boogie growled. "You Watch it! Stop holding onto them and come at me!" He yelled back as they were being separated from each other by their fellow trainees. The Next Day he groaned and stretched doing his exercises.

Adam walked over seeing young cadets training and working out as he headed towards the small office and knocked before walking in. "You, I never thought I would see you again. Especially in uniform." The Instructor said looking to a former cadet. "Top of the class in ODM gear to close Combat, so you've decided to come back?" He asked as Adam sat down and nodded. "Kinda, more of a scouting thing, I'm here to see the best of the best, not just the ones who make top ten, but the ones who will show who's strong and weak in battle." He said as The Instructor nodded. Handing him some things on what to look for and who may be strong and who will leave. He looked over some of the files and read them one by one crossing some out. He stood up and looked all around seeing people exercise or try close combat. He watched from afar and smiled a little and soon frowned. He saw three trainees talking and slacking off. One had a bruise near his eye. "Alright, time to show them who's in the wrong." He said. He looked to them seeing they had moved towards the rest area as he sighed. He walked and soon heard a scream as he rushed over. He turned the side and saw one of them harassing one of the female trainees as she was scared. "Please stop!" She begged as all three chuckled. "She said to stop." Adam looked over walking to them as they growled and spat on the ground. "I mind your own business old man! You lot let that idiot get away with hitting me in the eye!" He said as the other two trainees walked over to Adam. Soon they fell over holding themselves as they were crying and barely able to breath. The bruised trainee looked over scared seeing this. "Get off her. Then leave." He said walking closer. He got scared and let go. "Okay, no h-harm done man, we good?" He asked trembling and backed away. "Apologize to her." He said. He did so and smiled a little only to get hit hard as his tooth fell out onto the ground as he groaned holding his face. "I thought I told you to leave." He said and looked to the Trainee. "Are you alright?" He asked. She wiped her tears and looked up with her blue sky eyes. "Yes, thank you, if you hadn't showed up, thank you, for saving me." She said looking up as the sun shined brightly with her smile as Adam was taken back a little. "A goddess, as long as your okay, rest a little for the time being." He said walking away as she grabbed his hand gently. "Wait, what's your name?" She asked as he looked to her for a while. "Adam." He said and slowly let go of her hand as she watched him go and blushed softly holding her hand and had the smallest smile. The three soldiers who harassed Christa were kicked out for their behavior and put to work as farmers. That day Christa couldn't stop smiling and had the faintest blush. No one questioned it due to the fact nobody knew why. Boogie waited in line for his food and saw everyone eating with each other as he sat at the same table alone. He was about to eat. "Excuse me, mind if I sit?" He looked up seeing one of the Trainees, Mina. "Oh, you can have it." He said about to get up until being stopped and sat back down. "We came to sit and eat with you!" Conny said as others joined in as well. He was a bit embarrassed from this. "I guess it can't be helped." He said as Mina smiled to him giggling and nodded as they all began to talk. Tomorrow is the day people will start to train with ODM Gear.

To Be Continued...

(Hey guys, this is a story about my OC and my friend Say_CycoSystem_Ori this was a request from him. It's a Harem book where some of the male characters are gender-bent. Please do vote and comment on this story. I Do NOT own attack on Titan or any of the content related to the anime or manga. I do not own the pictures or characters in this story. I do not own the music or art styles in this book. I only own my writing and my OC Boogie. The OC Adam belongs to Say_CycoSystem_Ori please vote and comment and I'll see you in the next one.)

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