If Levi Were To Die

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Note: This might not be a joke or really funny, but this is my interpretation is what would happen if this character were to die.

Armin: The other groups separated from ours!

Eren: This is bad... Did they send any signal flares?!

Armin: Not yet...

Eren: ... *Looks into distance* There's a lot of Titans in that area... I hope they're not there.

Armin: Me too... Eren, we need to get to the extra maneuver gear! Or else-

Connie: Guys!

Eren: Connie! Sasha! Where are the others?!

Connie: That's the problem! Our group was ambushed!

Sasha: Mikasa told us to escape and find you before our gas runs out! She's still back there with everyone else fighting off the Titans!

Eren: Mikasa...! She's still down there?!

Connie: Armin, they almost took out Jean...! The hand just swung... And... *shudders*

Armin: I-is he alright?!

Connie: We checked. It's pretty bad, but I think he'll be okay for now-

Eren: We need to get down there!

Sasha: But Eren-

Eren: Our friends are down there! Do you want them all to die?!

Sasha/Connie: ...

Armin: ...E-Eren's right. We need to get over there as soon as we can!

Connie: ...Alright.
At the area...

Sasha: This looks terrible...!

Armin: Looks like they took out most of the Titans. Do you see anyone?

Eren: ...*gasp* Mikasa!

Mikasa: Pant... Pant... Eren! *Hugs Eren*

Eren: Are you okay?!

Mikasa: I'm fine. Are you?

Eren: Yeah... Where's the rest of the group?

Mikasa: Hange's looking after Jean. We found a group of rocks away from the Titans to hide them both. All of the them seem to be abnormal for some reason... But...

Armin: Wait... Hange's with Jean?! Then what about the attackers?! If she's not there, there's only one other active attacker on the field!

Mikasa: ...I know.

Armin: Then why did Hange go with Jean?!

Mikasa: ...

Eren: Mikasa...

Mikasa: ...Because... He told me that he could take care of it...

Eren: W-what?!

Mikasa: ...I...

Connie: Guys! Sasha and I are going to find Hange and Jean!

Armin: A-alright! Be careful!

Connie/Sasha: *Runs to rocks*

Eren: Hhh... Guys, we have to-

Armin: I know.

Mikasa: ...I'm sorry.

Eren: It doesn't matter now. We need to go.

Mikasa: ...
Armin: So many Titan corpses... He must be here somewhere.

Eren: ... *Looks around* ...?!




Armin: Mikasa! You need to do something!

Mikasa: ...I can't...!

Armin: W-why?!

Mikasa: I gave my blades to him when we ran out... And...

Eren: D-dammit!


Mikasa: There's too many!

Eren: We're... We're done for...!

*Swings arm*


Armin: Ah...?! What was that?!

Eren: ...?!


Eren: C-captain Levi!

Levi: ...I thought I told you bastards to go die...!

Mikasa (Thinks): What happened to him...?!

Levi: ...Run.

Armin: But-


Eren/Mikasa/Armin: Yes sir! *Flees*

Levi: Hah... Hah...


Levi: ...Gh... Go to hell... You filthy piece of shit... *Grabs swords* I'll slay every one of you until you're wiped off this damn planet...!


Levi: ...Ah... M-my body... Everything's bleeding... *smiles* ...Heh. So this is what those brats felt... On all of those missions...


Levi: ...This is what it feels like... When you know you're about to die...
Eren: We're here!

Sasha: Oh thank the walls!

Hange: How are you all?

Armin: Oh my god... Is Jean okay?

Hange: Yeah, just unconscious.

Connie: What happened out there?

Mikasa: We were ambushed by Titans...

Hange: W-what?! But where's Levi?!

Eren: He's fighting off the rest of the Titans now.

Hange: *Eyes go wide*

Armin: ...He saved us.

Hange: ...Stay here! *Runs from hiding place*

Eren: Hange! Wait! *Runs after her*

Mikasa: Eren! *Runs*

Armin: *Runs*

Eren: Hhh... Hhh... She couldn't have gotten so far that quickly!

Armin: She must've had her gas tanks with her!

Eren: ...!


Mikasa: !

Eren: Come on!

Mikasa/Armin/Eren: *Gasp*

Armin: H-Hange...?

Hange: ...

Armin: Hange! What happened?!

Eren: N-no...! No! That... That can't...!

Hange: Hhh...

Armin: Oh... My god...!

Hange: ...Hel... *shudders* ...Help.. Levi...!
Back inside the walls...

Soldier: *Opens door* Commander!

Erwin: Hm? Calm down, soldier. You look bothered. What seems to be the trouble?

Soldier: The Survey Corpse just arrived back into the walls! A-and...!

Erwin: And...?

Soldier: Nnngh...! *Cringes*

Erwin: ...Wh-what happened?


Erwin: !

Soldier: .......

Erwin: .......

Soldier: ...C-commander...? Are... Are you...?

Erwin: *Tenses* ...Tell them that the paperwork can't be done today. *Runs out of the room*
Outside the infirmary...

Eren: ...

Armin: ...

Mikasa: ...

Eren: ...Did you see... All of the blood on his face?

Armin: *Tenses*

Eren: I just... I just can't believe that's his blood. I-it's usually Titan blood...

Mikasa: Eren...

Eren: B-but... Doesn't it feel wrong? He's never been beaten, ever. And here he is now... Just...

Nurse: *Opens door*

Armin: Oh! I-is everything alright?

Nurse: ...I'm not so sure. His body structure is getting weaker by the minute and I'm doing my best to stop the blood, but... I don't know about your captain's fate.

Everyone: ......

Erwin: Pant... Pant... Everyone...! *Runs up to group* Where's Levi?

Armin: In the infirmary, sir.

Erwin: *Turns to nurse* Is it alright to go in?

Nurse: ...Yes.

Erwin: *Goes in*

Nurse: I'm doing the best I can. I'm sorry. *Bows*

Mikasa: Thank you, miss.

*Sasha, Connie, and Hange walk to group*

Sasha: Hey, guys.

Armin: How's Jean dong?

Connie: Don't worry about him, he'll make it. But... What about Levi...?

Armin: ...We're not sure... Erwin's checking on him now.

Hange: ...I'm going in as well.

Sasha: Hange...?

Hange: ... *Walks in room*

Eren: *Walks forward*

Mikasa: *Catches Eren's shoulder*

Eren: Mika-

Mikasa: Let them be, Eren.

Eren: ...

Mikasa: ...

Eren: ...I'm scared...

Mikasa: ...?

Eren: I'm scared... Mikasa... Honestly. My body's trembling... My palms are sweating... My heart's pounding... I'm really scared...

Mikasa: Eren... *Puts hand on shoulder*

Eren: I don't know how... Or why I am... But... But...!

Connie: ...Huh? I... I hear something...

Sasha: ...C...Crying?

Everyone: *Looks at each other nervously*

Eren: I can't take this anymore! *Runs to the door*

Erwin: *Opens the door*

Eren: ! Commander! What...?!

Erwin: ...Hhh...

Everyone: ...

Erwin: ...Humanity's strongest soldier... Is dead.
3 days later...

Soldier: All scouts report to base immediately! There will be an important meeting.

Eren: ...?

Armin: I wonder what it's about? C'mon, let's go.

Eren: ...Mm.
Erwin: The new captain shall be Mikasa Ackerman.

Mikasa: ...! Me...?!

Erwin: Yes.

Mikasa: ...I... I can't...

Eren: *Puts hand on Mikasa shoulder* You can and you will.

Armin: *Puts hand on Mikasa's other shoulder* Please... Do it for humanity...

Mikasa: ...After what I did... To lead him to his death... You still want me to become a captain...?

Erwin: ...Mikasa Ackerman. We need your strength and leadership to aid us in battle from here on out.

Mikasa: ...*Salutes* Yes, sir. I will serve you and humanity well.

Armin: ...Eren...? Are you alright?

Eren: ...

Erwin: Everyone will be continuing their own roles... That is all. Oh, Armin Arlert? May I talk to you in private for a second?

Armin: Y-yes sir! *Walks over to Erwin*

Mikasa: ...Eren?

Eren: ... *Walks away*

Mikasa: Eren..! Wait...! *Catches shoulder*

Eren: *Shoves off shoulder*

Mikasa: ...!

Eren: ...I... I don't feel right... Just...

Mikasa: ...

Eren: ...Sorry, Captain.

Mikasa: !

Eren: *Runs off*
Armin: What is it, Commander?

Erwin: ...Hhh... Armin, I called on this expedition, correct?

Armin: Y-yes, sir.

Erwin: ...And... You were one of the groups that were separated from the center team, yes?

Armin: *Nods*

Erwin: ...This is very personal, please treat it as a conversation from friend to friend, and not commander to cadet, alright?

Armin: Oh...! Of course!

Erwin: Thank you. *Takes deep breath* Armin, I can't help but think that... Uh... That... This was my fault.

Armin: Commander...

Erwin: And I can't get rid of the idea that... Maybe if the battle strategy were planned better... If we chose a different location... If we brought more materials... That this would've never happened... And he would still be alive.

Armin: ...

Erwin: Maybe if I didn't confirm an expedition at all... So many people including him wouldn't have had to...

Armin: ...I see... I'm sorry... *Places hand on Erwin's shoulder* It's wasn't your fault. It was his choice to go in like that, and if he didn't, the whole squad could've ended up like him too.

Erwin: ...*Puts hands over eyes stressfully*

Armin: It's hurting us all too, but... We all still have a job to do, just like you said.

Erwin: ...*Smiles* This is why I favor you, Armin Arlert.

Armin: !

Erwin: Thank you for talking to me. You're dismissed now. *Walks away*

Armin: ...
Hange: ...

Krysta: Hange...?

Hange: ...Hm? Oh, hi, Krysta. What are you doing out of the inner walls?

Krysta: ...Well... It's because... I... I heard what happened.

Hange: ...Oh...

Krysta: I just came to check on all of you. I see you're doing your research, like always.

Hange: ...Yeah.

Krysta: ...You know, I remember the first time he smiled in front of all of us, and I don't think I'll ever forget either. *Smirks* I can't believe I actually had the courage to hit him like that...! Though I wasn't expecting him to... *Looks at Hange*

Hange: ...

Krysta: ...S-sorry. I should go. I think you need to focus on your Titan research anyway. *Turns to leave*

Hange: ...Titans are... Very... Interesting creatures... Aren't they...?

Krysta: ...!

Hange: ... *Walks out of room*
Jean: ...Augh...

Connie: He's waking up! Hey, Jean! *Waves hand in front of Jean's eyes*

Jean: C-Con...

Sasha: Can you hear us?

Jean: Y-yeah... Ow...!

Connie: Don't move too much! You're still hurt...

Jean: Urgh... How long was I out...?

Connie: Three days... The doctors say you have a few broken bones, but you'll be alright.

Jean: Three days, huh...?

Sasha: *Face darkens* A lot of things happened since then.

Jean: ...? Like what...?

Sasha/Connie: ...

Jean: C'mon... Spit it out you two...

Sasha: ...Um... C-Connie?

Connie: ...Jean? Can you stand?

Sasha: ?! But Connie-

Connie: It's better if he sees this... I guess...

Jean: ... *Thinks* Oh god...
10 minutes later...

Eren: ...

Mikasa: Eren...?

Eren: ...

Mikasa: *Sits down next to Eren* Are you okay?

Eren: ...

Mikasa: *Stares* You're still sad, aren't you...?

Eren: ...

Mikasa: ... *Slings arm around Eren's shoulder* I'm sorry this had to happen to you... To all of us.

Eren: ...

Mikasa: I just wish... I could've done something to prevent this...

Eren: ...

Armin: Me too.

Mikasa: *Turns to face Armin* Armin...

Armin: *Sits next to Eren* We all probably could have done something... It's just didn't work in our favor.

Jean: Yaeger.

Eren: *Turns to face Jean*

Armin: You're awake! But why are you here...?! You should be... *Sees Connie and Sasha's faces* ...Oh.

Jean: Hm?

Connie: Here bud... I think you need to see this.

Jean: .......?!

Everyone: ...

Jean: W-what...? N-no...!

Sasha: I'm sorry...

Jean: It can't be... How could he...?!

Eren: ...

Jean: *Trembles* G-god... DAMMIT!

Everyone: ...

Jean: If I could've just been more useful...! If that damn Titan didn't just...! *Glares at bandages*

Eren: ...Hhh...

Mikasa: ...Eren? Are you...?

Armin: Eren...

Eren: ...You're right... All of you failed him...

Everyone: ...?!

Eren: We were worthless out in battle. We couldn't even make the slightest difference, no matter what.

Jean: What are you talking about...?!

Eren: What do you think I mean, idiot?! Exactly what you think I mean!

Jean: ...Why you...! *Clenches fists* ......Hhh.

Armin: Eren...

Eren: ...But the fact that he wanted to protect all of these puny soldiers... That's what made his sacrifice meaningful...

Everyone: !

Eren: Because... He did it for the future defenders of humanity. He left us so that we may step forward... To take his place.

???: Now that you mention it, that's what all of the soldiers did, didn't they?

Sasha: Krysta...?

Krysta: Every single one of them fought for their lives... And fought their best to live and continue to let humanity live as well. Including all of you.

Eren: ...

Erwin/Hange: *Walks towards the group*

Erwin: ...We must continue living then. For his sake and all of yours.

Hange: That's what all of them would have wanted... *Smiles*

Eren: ... *Looks at the grave in front of him*

Levi Ackerman

December 25th 811- August 14th 845

Lived for humanity, died for his friends

*On a piece of white fabric carefully written in black ink by Erwin, were the words he had requested*

"As I leave this planet, I entrust my wings to you. Live on... Cadets."


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