Airborne Violance

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Chapter 57


POV: You

Part 1.

{Flash Back}

I stand in front of a window as moon like shined into the room. Inside the home of the Tyburs, without their knowledge of course. The bedroom of the successor to the war hammer titan. I pondered on how I was going to get the war hammer on our side. I sense the presence of the titan shifter and I turned as I see the person walk into the room. I felt a jolt go through me locked eyes with the person.

"So, this is the possessor of the war hammer titan"

In front of me was a relatively tall woman wearing a black dress, puffy sleeves, and a white embroidered collar. She had dark eyes and long black, slightly wavy hair put into a bun. Fair, well kept skin and firm lips.

"You must be the possessor of the war hammer, Lara Tybur" I state. The woman showed no sign of hostility.

"Yes, and you are (Y/n) (L/n), the guardian titan" Lara says to me, stepping closer to me, still no sign of hostility as she looked at me with soft eyes. She kneels down on one knee with a hand across her chest as she bowed "I have been waiting for you guardian, for I shall now be in your care"

" not what I was expecting"

I raised a brow at her actions "May I ask what you are doing?" I ask her.

"Long ago, at the end of the Great Titan war, the last guardian titan at that time ordered the war hammer into its service, that now and forever, the war hammer shall serve the guardian. The last order was to protect the Eldians of Marley as the guardian is gone and to await for the return of the guardian" Lara tells me then looks up at me "Anything you want me to do, I'll do (Y/n). I do mean anything. I am tool for your service"

I sigh while a crouched down to her level "You are not a tool for service Lara, you are a person. I don't want tools, I want a human, devil or not" I say to her.

Lara smiles lightly as she stands up, I stand up as well "You are a kind, merciful guardian, I wouldn't want to serve any other guardian"

"Don't think of it as serving, think of it as doing the right thing because you want to Lara, however, it if puts you at ease, I'll say it as such" I tell her and she seemed pleased by that.

"I wonder what she meant by order. As a normal order or guardian type order"

"I won't need your expertise and the moment, When I'm ready, I'll take you to Paradise with me" I say to her

Lara smiles and bows slightly "I'll await for further instructions till then, for now I'll tend to my duties"

{Flashback End}

"Is there anything that you need of me at the moment?" Lara asks as she still bowed.

"We were able to save two kids, if you could keep a watchful eye on their conditions that would be greatly appreciated" I say, holding back my anger from coming out.

"Of course (Y/n)" Lara says before walking towards the front of the airship past the soldiers.

I turn towards Sasha and the others, their backs to the door in slow motion, I see two small figures enter the airship, neither were our soldiers. Both of them were the other two Warrior candidates, the girl having a rife in hand, the girl rolled in and she had it pointed directly at Sasha.

"Sasha move!" I shout as I sprinted in her direction.

Just as I pushed Sasha out of the girl pulled the trigger. The bullet hitting me in the stomach. Pure rage, the built up anger I had for Eren leaked out. I continued sprinting at the girl. She pulled the bolt back in the rifle to load another round in. I get close and jam my left thumb into the receiver while she tried to slam the bolt forward. The bolt crushes my thumb but stops her from being able to fire off another round. With just the power my thumb being jammed, I whipped the rifle out of her hand. The action dislocated and broke my thumb a bit, the rifle flies and hits the wall. I grab by the girl by the throat and hold her against the wall.

"Little girl, you are so very lucky the anger I have isn't for you" I tell her as I gritted my teeth as I tried to stop myself from furling my lips like a dog.

"Unhand me you devil scum! I'll kill you for destroying my home Eren Yaeger!!, I'll kill you!!" The girl shouts as clawed and kicked at me.

"Little girl, if it wasn't for me, the entirety of Liberio would have been destroyed"  I state with a low growl.

"Liar!!, Liar!! Island Devil scum!!!!!" The girls shouts.

The boy with her stared up at me, it was a mixture of wonder and fear "G-Gabi...that's not Eren Yaeger" He says as his body shook before slumping down against the wall "That's the guardian titan....(Y/n) (L/n)"

"What's goi-?" I hear Pieck say from behind me before stopping as she sees me holding the little girl by the throat.

My hands clenching down on her blood vessels and esophagus. I'm barely able to contain my rage anymore after this. The girl's eyes was starting to roll to the back of her head as as my anger took over, I was starting to choke her instead of pinning her. Pieck puts her hands on the arm I was using to choke the girl, a gentle touch as she looked at me.

"(Y/n), let her go please...she doesn't know any better...don't point your anger for Eren at her" Pieck tells me, a pleading look in her eyes "(Y/n) please"

I let go of the girl and stepped back as I looked at my hand, as I slowly came to the realization that I was letting my anger get the better of me and I nearly killed a little girl. The boy rushes over to the girl to help her.

"Holy shit" Connie exclaims as everyone just witnessed a me I've never shown.

"(Y/n)" Sasha says as she takes my hand into hers "It's okay, I'm fine thanks to you"

As Gabi gained her breath again, her vision getting clearer, sees nothing but enemy soldiers, no weapon with her, and beside the guardian titan being Pieck.

"Pieck?" Gabi says questioningly as she sees Pieck.

"Yes it's me Gabi" Pieck says as she kneels infront of Gabi.

"What are you doing here Pieck?" The boy questions.

Pieck sighs "You wouldn't understand Falco, things are more then black and white" She says to the boy.

"Pieck....are you a traitor?" Gabi says, her eyes widened.

"Yes" Pieck says simply "Gabi, you are too young to understand the world, and too naive to try to peer under the veil"

"H-How could you!?! I-I trusted you. We trusted you!!" Gabi tells her.

"I knew you'd react this way. Always so stubborn" Pieck sighs "There are things that aren't what they seem"

"What's happening back here?" Levi questions.

I turn to Levi, my blood starting to come to a boil once more "Another side effect of Eren's plan" I state as my anger was finding its target.

I begin to march my way through the cabin and towards the front compartment were Erwin and Eren should be. I move past Levi who stepped out of my way.

"Remember, we need him alive" Levi tells me.

As I neared the front cabin, I see Lara tending to Udo and Zofia, cleaning the filth and blood from the both of them the best she could with what we had. I swing the door open where inside, was a leg less Zeke, Eren bound and siting down. Hanji, Erwin, Mikasa and Armin.

"Everyone get the fuck out" I say as I had my fists clinched. Mikasa and Armin exit the room immediately as my anger was very apparent.

"I know you're angry however-" Erwin says then stops as I shoved a hand into my stomach..

After a moment, looking directly at Eren, I then feel what I was looking for and pulled out the bullet I was shot with,. I looked back at Erwin "This bullet was meant for Sasha, If didn't save her" I state then dropped the bullet on the ground "Now either I beat Eren alone or beat Eren with you here"

"(Y/n), you need to calm down" Hanji tells me.

"Calm down? After everything Eren just did!!" I shout, Hanji taken back at my shout.

"Hanji, let's give him the room" Erwin says then grabs a hold of Zeke.

Erwin begins walking out of the room while dragging Zeke behind him. Hanji gives me a worried look. She grabs my balled up right fist, holding it in her hands.

"Take it easy on him okay. I'm not defending him.....I'm just worried about what you are capable of" Hanji says then places a kiss on my cheek before leaving the room.

I could tell what Hanji was trying to do, weaken my anger if only just a little. Sadly the pots over flowing already. I grab Eren by the neck and threw him into the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Eren!, are you trying to ruin everything I've been working for!?!I shout at him. I then kick Eren in the side as hard as I could, he coughs blood up "Massacre!?!, Genocide!?! Hundreds of innocent people dead!!"

As I shouted I kicked him over and over and over "You! Fucking! Idiot!"

"You wouldn't understand" Eren coughs.

I pick him up and pin him against the wall "What the fuck won't I understand!?!? You seemed to make it pretty fucking clear!!!. Tell me why!?!?!"

Eren looks down at the floor "I need to break the cycle....for Paradis" He tells me.

I strike him in the face "Don't give me that shit Eren!" I hit him again "This is the fucking opposite!" and again "The world will hate us more!" and again.

"If it wasn't for this fucking mess, hundreds of people would be alive! You wouldn't have almost ruined everything!!, I wouldn't have had to save Sasha from a bullet!!!" I shout then hit Eren with one more heavy punch.

His head whipped back and hit the wall, knocking him out. His entire face was bloodied, steam flowing off his face. I breathed heavily as I took a step back, my hands, my fists, my clothes, all covered in Eren's blood. I let out a rage filled yell the began to punch the metal wall next to me over and over. Blood, skin, flesh, bits of bone, splattering on the wall. I wanted the wall to be Eren, to be Floch, to be Briggs, to be anyone I wanted to beat the ever living shit out of.

"Little brother...." Lauren says.

POV: Sasha

Pieck tried to talk some sense into the girl named Gabi, she didn't listen. The boy, Falco, seemed more stupefied more than anything. It only lead to them getting tied up. Not that Pieck wanted to but that there is no other choice.

"We should bring them to Commander Erwin" Jean says.

"Right" I replied.

I grabbed Falco and carried him towards the front as Jean carried Gabi, who was trying to escape the rope with no luck. As we got towards the front. We see Erwin and some of the others standing out side the door to the front compartment. From inside the front compartment were muffled shouting and the sounds of someone being hit.

"He's going to over do it" Hanji says.

"Eren will be fine" Levi states.

Gabi sees the injured boy and girl as the Tybur woman cleaned them up, her eyes widened "Udo...Zofia..." She says then shouts "What did you do to my friends!?!"

Mikasa looks at Gabi "We saved them, (Y/n) specifically"

"No! you beat them!" Gabi shouts.

"She's telling the truth Gabi, I was right there" Pieck states to her.

"And why would I trust a traitor?!" Gabi shouts.

"What are you two doing here?" Zeke questions the two.

"Zeke, we thought you were dead" Gabi says.

"Mercy may be the only reason why I'm alive" Zeke says solemnly.

"The guardian, the titan not of the founder. A merciful, destructive soul who will one day be the savior it was destined to become. As is the reason for its existence, to guard and to protect" The Tybur woman says. Whether she was just saying to her self or to us was unclear.

"Who is she again?" Connie questions.

"I don't know but I'd tap it" Ymir says in thought.

The Tybur woman sees us looking at her. She stands up and bows slightly "My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lara Tybur, possessor of the war hammer titan. In service of the guardian titan, (Y/n) (L/n)"

"It's please to meet you. I'm Erwin Smith, Commander of the Scouts" Erwin says to her with a slight bow.

"Yes, I know who you are. Known as the devil of the walls, a reckless and cunning commander" Lara says "I assume I will take orders from you in (Y/n)'s stead when he's not available?"

Erwin humbly shakes his head "If you are in the service of (Y/n) as you say, I have no say in who demes who you take orders from"

"I see, I understand" Lara states.

"What was that stuff you were mumbling about? Something about the guardian destined to be a savior" Jean asks Lara curiously.

"In my family, it's been passed down that the peculiar existence of the guardian titan is for the sole purpose of becoming a savior" Lara states then says "However, it's hard to say what is the truth. (Y/n) may not even know"

We then hear a loud shout from inside the front compartment before a constant pounding of flesh against metal. It didn't stop, it then became the only thing everyone on the air ship heard as everyone stayed silent.

"When you hurt the guardian and what it cares about. It will always hit back ten times harder. The last thing you want to do is make it merciless. If there is one truth about the guardian, it's that" Lara says in a solemn tone.

"Should we check on him?" Marlowe questions.

"I think it's best that he cool off on his own" Annie says.

"We'd probably just get in his way" I reply.

"Fuck!!!!" We all hear (Y/n) shout inside.

A few moments later, the door opens, for a moment. I thought I saw the devil himself. Blood all over him, his fists bloodied with steam flowing off like smoke on a campfire. The look in his eyes, the one of a monster filled with rage, his sweat soaked hair sticking to his face. With his angered torn face, he looked at me, (Y/n) started walking towards me.

"(Y/n)?" I say then (Y/n) hugged me.

It was tight, and warm. His bear like strength was...soothing, I hug him back. It reminded me of the night he and I had together in the tent...I smile a little to myself.

"Thank you...for saving me" I tell him.

"You are my everything Sasha....just like the other girls..just like mom and Lawrence...and my baby on the way...I'd do anything for you....even if it kills me" (Y/n) says to me as his grip stayed firm on me, like he never wanted to let me go.

"For the guardian, his anchors are his everything. For even his life means nothing to protect them" Lara says in a soft voice.

Internally, my smile was the biggest it ever could...To have (Y/n) in my life.. "I'll do what ever can for (Y/n), as you'll do the same for me"

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