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Part 43.


POV: You

Part 1.

We're about a month into the harsh training from hell as Sadie's likes to say. It isn't close in my opinion, not when you are a titan shifter. We were all outside in the yard doing hand to hand combat. Everyone in a circle as two people enter. Amie has been inside for a while as she's been undefeated since she got in. Annie being Annie, not giving whoever she's against a chance.  Liam was the only one so far that was able to give her a run for a money, granted Mikasa hasn't gone against her yet. At the moment Floch was in the ring with her.

"Hey (Y/n), can I ask you something?" Jean asks as he moves up next to me.

"Sure" I reply.

"How do you talk to women?" He asks and I look at him with a cocked eye brow.

"Uh, why do you ask?" I question.

"I mean, you have girlfriends so I thought you'd know how to talk to women" Jean asks me.

I sigh "It's not like I seduced them with words Jean, all I can say is don't be a dick"

"Wow, such words of encouragement" He says with a sigh.

"Who are you looking at anyway?" I say while looking around.

There weren't many females who Historia picked for the royal guard, only four of the 16. A short red head named Nora Stone, has a pixie cut and a mouth as foul as a sailer, also had biceps bigger than a loaf of bread. There's Dakota Woodman, a shy country bumpkin type, quiet, tall, likes to keep to herself. Sasha told me they were neighbors of sorts, knows most of the same things she does. We also have Caroline Zimmer, an out going blond girl who can get anyone to talk to her. Then there's Rico Brzenska- now that makes sense, a serious type that has better things to think of than a guy.

"Really? What a pick Jean" I state.

"What?" He says defensively.

"Good luck with trying to get Rico to like you" I say to him "Best thing I can say is don't try to hard"

"You're no help" He states, defeated.

"Maybe let time be your wingman" I tell him.

"I've seen enough" Saides says.

Annie has Floch on the ground, face in the snow and her on his back. She was doing with this without even breaking a sweat. She lets Floch go and he gets up while dusting him self, he then walks over back by Eren where he was standing before.

"(L/n), your next" Saides says.

I step into the circle, Annie gets into her fighting stance. Her stance was less relaxed than how it was with the others. I'm an actual threat to her, not our first time in a ring together.

"Tensing up?" I say as I got into a my fighting stance.

"I know a threat when I see one" She states.

"It's good that you do" I reply.

In her head, I'm sure she was trying to figure out finish me as quickly as possible. Granted that's probably the best way to win in any circumstance really. Annie cautiously steps forward, ready to strike. I slide forward just slightly, Annie takes that as her moment to strike, leaping forward a jab at the ready. She releases the jab and I block it, using the jab as a diversion hits me with a left hook to my ribs. I quickly grab her left arm after it made contact and turns then threw Annie over me onto her back. Still holding onto her arm, put a boot on her shoulder and pulled, keeping the tension, If I pulled any harder I'd dislocate her shoulder.

"Submit?" I question to her.

"No" She states in a very displeased tone.

I made an unfortunate calculation you see, the hand of her left arm was right by my extremities. She closes her fist and punched upward, dislocating her shoulder in the process but hitting me right in the nuts. I feel the pain of being hit in the jewels, letting my guard down by the pain she slipped her arm out of my hold as well as out from under my boot. Annie sweeps me off my legs with hers while I'm mid air, jumps up and then, using my face, slams me into the ground head first. I wrap my legs around her arm and pulled her onto the ground with her arm in an arm bar. I then dislocated that arm from its shoulder, Annie growling at the pain.

"That's enough" Sadies says "I don't need blood being shed"

I release Annie from the arm bar then helped her up since both of her shoulders are dislocated "Want me to help you with your arms?" I ask her and she just glares at me.

"I can do it my self" She tells me in a harsh tone.

"I am so fucked next time"

Annie tightens her fists and hanks her fist in, with enough power to relocate her shoulder, then used her relocated arm to relocate the other shoulder. She then walks back to the others while rotating one of them.

"Braus, your up" Saides says to Sasha.

"A-are you sure sir? This was like, the thing I sucked out the most" Sasha says.

"Now" He states.

"Yes sir" she says hastily while quickly stepping into the circle. She looks at me and gets into a rather sloppy stance "Please go easy on me"

"The enemy will not so neither will I" I tell her while getting into my stance.

Sasha was hesitant but knew that she couldn't just run away. There was no running away, she slowly gets into what could resemble a fighting stance. Sasha throws a punch, a sloppy one, like someone tried to imitate a boxer, I block the punch which was also slow. For a sloppy, slow punch, it felt heavy, like I just got hit by a heavy weight boxer.

"What the hell? Sasha doesn't have the mass or muscle for a heavy punch like that"

I decided to punch back, try to figure out what I just felt. Sasha then ducks under the punch, she ducked, what the hell. She then falls onto the ground face first into the snow. Everyone including me was confused. I crouch down and turned her over, she was out cold. I checked her heart rate, it was low and felt weak.

"She's out" I say with a sigh, I pick her up bridal style, having her head resting up against my arm "I'm going to take her to the infirmary"

"You do that" Saides says then looks around "You all aren't leaving so easily however,  Kirschtein, Brzenska, your up next"

Part 2.

I'm in the infirmary with Sasha, it's gotten dark outside. I sat by her side in a chair two plates of food on the end table. My arms crossed, tapping my index finger as I waited for Sasha to wake up. I've now gotten impatient and I grabbed one of the loafs of bread and waft it infront of her nose, making her fold up.

"How long have I been out?" She questions then her stomach rumbles, she whines as she does.

"Why haven't you been eating Sasha?" I ask her.

"I-" She says before her words falling off, she gives me an insecure look before looking away from me "I'm on the heavy side"

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"I weigh the most out of all the girls besides Nora, I wanted to lose some weight. Aren't guys into girls that are skinny?" Sasha says which makes me shake my head.

"How many days?" I question and she looks away with a nervous look.

"Three days" Sasha replies shortly.

I sigh "Sasha, I'm grateful for the determination but going three days without eating to lose weight isn't healthy. You are perfect in my eyes and I wouldn't have you any other way Sasha. I love you for who you are" I say to Sasha, Her cheeks heating up red.

"(Y-Y/n)....Y-your making me feel all squishy inside...We've never had a moment like this before..." Sasha says, looking at me with a soft smile. Her stomach rumbles once more, she becomes extremely flustered and tries to hide her face.

"Here, eat" I say while handing her both plates of food.

"Your like an angel" She tells me before digging in.

I chuckle a bit "I'm no angel Sasha" I say then stand up "When your done meet me outside"

{Time Skip}

Sasha and I stand outside in training area. The sky was clear with a full moon shining down on us. Our breaths visible in the air.

"Why are we out here?" Sasha asks me.

"I'm going to help you improve your hand to hand combat" I tell her "Now first, I want you to punch me right in my chest"

"Punch you?" She questions.

"Yes, with everything you got" I tell her.

"Umm, okay, here I go" She says.

Sasha throws a first forward, right into my chest. I didn't budge an inch. I sighed at result and Sasha gave me a weary look. I felt the weight in the punch but no real power behind it. Granted her form was sloppy.

"Your form is sloppy and was like a child was throwing a punch. Get into that stance I'm about to use and follow my action" I tell Sasha, I stand next to her and I get into a relatively simple boxing stance.

Sasha tries to imitate me, her form and stance being that of a novice. I act like I'm throwing a punch forward, moving my entire body as I do, twisting my right leg as I do. I did it a few times for her to see.

"Do as I did, slow like I did" I state while coming out of the stance.

"O-Okay" Sasha says.

I cross my arms as she tries to imitate me, it seems that she understands what she sees but putting it directly into form is a problem, a few things needing some work. I shake my head.

"Needs some minor adjustments but other wise good for a novice, back into the stance" I say.

I make my way behind her and begin making adjustments to her body's form. Moving my hands up her legs as I do. Sasha let out murmurs and peeps as I did.

"I-I-Is the touching n-necessary?" Sasha mutters in a flustered tone.

"Yes, small adjustments can fix a problem larger then it's self" I get to her thighs and her sounds get more erratic as I moved her "Women have more flexibility in the hips due to their wider hips for child birth, so in the context of fighting, it gives them an advantage. It helps when hand to hand combat his all about how the body moves"

"(Y-Y-Y/n)" Sasha stutters as I move up to her hips making micro adjustments to her hips then up to her torso "H-How much longer?"

"Not much longer" I say then moved to her side to now focus on her right arm, her dominant hand.

Sasha's face had a flustered expression on it from the touching. I her arm in small increments in various ways.

"I-I-Is the adjustments that important?" She asks with a stutter.

I get to her hand that was in a fist then cupped my hands around it "It is to me Sasha" I say then looked at her "I won't let you be taken away from me understand? No man, blade, or bullet will take you away. If I can teach you proper hand to hand combat, it's one less thing to worry about"

"My, what a smooth talker, and here I thought Annie would be the one you bonded with over fighting" Lauren says with a

I take a step back then get back infront of her, within her hitting range "Now, punch me the way I showed you, right in the chest"

"Okay" She tells me.

Sasha throws the punch and hits me directly in the chest. There is an audible crack, I slide back in the snow a few inches before nearly falling forward and putting my arm down to catch myself.

"Holy hell" I say while feeling the pain in my chest.

"Oh god!, are you okay? I'm sorry" Sasha blurts out.

"I'm fine, you only broke my sternum" I say as I pulled my self back up.

"Only?!" She shouts.

"It's alright, it will heal" I say then smiled "But good work, now you need to learn to not use all your strength at once. To control yourself, then we can move forward. Understand?"

"U-Understood" She replies.

"I think I've figured out why you weigh more, you might have dense bones"  I say to her.

"Really? I wouldn't have thought of that" She says a bit surprised.

"I could feel it in your punch, even with a sloppy form there was weight behind it" I say "Now I want you to get back into the stance, memorize it"


"With some time she'll get better, one day at a time"

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