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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter You, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, and Christa went to visit Mrs. Jeager who you haven't seen since before you guys became cadets and later that night you and Mikasa showed how much you loved eachother.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was the day of the expedition. All of the scouts were in the Calaneth district, waiting at the gate of wall rose which lead to the outside. All of us cadets except Reiner and Bertholdt were sitting on our horses in a small group behind the rest of the scouts. We were just talking before we had to get into our proper places for the formation.

"I can't belive were standing here waiting to die" Jean says "Were about to go into titan country"

"Ease up Jean. I will make sure the least amount of people die as possible, Especially you guys" I say.

"I'm so happy you got our backs" Connie says.

"What are friends be for?" I say.

"You know (Y/n), your the whole reason why we have the courage to fight the titans" Armin tells me and everyone nods.

I kinda was in disbelief. To think the only reason why they are in the Scouts is because of me "I.....don't know what to say you guys, risking your lives to the degree of becoming a scout just because of me, you guys are either insane or just easily influenced"

They laugh to them selves a bit before stopping with a smile on their faces, except Yimr who I've never really seen smile or laugh. I wish I could see everyone smile when there isn't a war that has to be fought.

"We may be both but it doesn't matter now, We're about to find out the secrets of the titans and kill every last one of them" Eren says.

"Let's hope we can do that"

"Does anyone have food?" Sasha asks. We just look at her "Sorry, I get extra hungry when I'm nervous"

"Alright everyone get to your positions! We will be heading out in a couple minutes!" Everyone hears commander Erwin shout.

"Good luck you guys, and remember what I told you. If you guys see a titan that you think has someone in it, shoot a black smoke signal then a purple one right after. Got it" I say.

"Got it" They all say.

Everyone starts walking their horses to the position they have to be in except me and Annie. Mikasa and Christa stay a bit at my side.

"Be careful out there" I tell the both of them.

"We will" Mikasa says then leans over to me from her horse and gives me a kiss "And that was a good luck kiss for you" She says then starts going to her position.

"Are you going to be okay out there Christa?" I ask her.

"Oh, yeah. Ymir is in my group I will have someone you can trust watching me" Christa tells me while giving me a smile.

"That's great" I say.

Christa then leans over and gives me a kiss "Now you have double the luck" She says with a smile before going to her position.

I look over at Annie and something didn't seem right "What's wrong Annie?"I ask.

"Something doesn't feel right, Bertholdt and Reiner are acting normal now. It's kind of unsettling that they just started acting normal today" Annie tells me.

I look forwards "If they are up to something then we will put a stop to it"

As I looked forward I hear the sound of kids talking. I look to my left and I see 2 kids, one a boy and the other a girl. The boy looked around 10 while the girl looked around 9 or 8.

"You see the wings on their backs, they call that the wings of freedom" The boy says to the girl.

"Sooo cool" The girl says as they both looked at me and Annie.

"They live to kill titans and explore outside the walls so that we don't have to live inside the walls forever" The boy says.

"Their so brave" The girl says.

I smile to myself before hearing Annie's voice "I hope we can have children like that, not caring what we are or what we've done" She says small smile on her face as she looked at the two kids.

"Someday, when there isn't a war that has to be fought"

I then feel one of Annie's hands touch mine as I held the rains for the horse "That's if we can make that happen before our time runs out" She tells me while looking a bit sad.

"Don't worry Annie, it will happen. I promise" I tell her and a some what relived smile appeared on her face.

"This is it!, the day has come for humanity to take another step forward. Now let's show those titans exactly what were made of!"One of the scout captains shouted.

Most people cheered while raising their hands into the sky. The gate of wall rose starts to open and the feeling of unknown rushed into my mind.

"Forward!!" Erwin shouts and everyone starts running out through the gate "It has officially begun, the 57th recon mission. Scouts, move out!!"

We made our way through the broken abandoned town right outside the wall. Rubble all covering the streets, overgrowth starting to take over the buildings. A once bustling town now a ghost town. Once we got out of the town the Scouts got into Erwin's long range scouting formation. Though for Me and Annie, we aren't apart of it. For a specific reason though, Eren would of been with us but one, he can't truly control his powers and two, if it is absolutely necessary Eren will protect Levi squad and the center groups.


Me, Annie, and Eren were in Commander Erwin's office inside HQ. He sat at his desk while Levi leaned against the wall behind us. We stood in front of him waiting for what he called us in for.

"(Y/n), Eren, Annie. I called you in here for a important reason which is about tomorrow's expedition" Erwin tells us "Eren, you will be with Levi in the center of the formation. You are there to be protected by Levi squad while also to protect Levi squad and the other center groups"

"But your only going to use your titan powers when you deem it necessary" Levi says as he walks to Eren "but it has to be a life or death situation"

"Understood Captain Levi" Eren says while standing up straight.

Erwin then turns to me and Annie "(Y/n), Annie, I don't want you two apart of the formation"

"What? I don't understand sir" I say.

"Your going on the expedition tomorrow but your not apart of the long range scouting formation. I want you two to take out any abnormal titan you can so they don't interfere, but the more specific reason is that if there is a titan that is very abnormal then I want you to take care of it. For example if it's a titan just like you three" Erwin explains "If you three can turn into titans then there must be others like you"

I then feel a hand grab my right hand and I look to see Annie holding my hand. Her hand was a bit sweaty and I could tell she was nervous just by how she held my hand.

"Tell only the people you trust the most this. Tell them to shoot a black signal flare followed by a purple one to tell you if the suspect a titan of having a human inside or very abnormal. Once you intervene with the said titan, one of you need to shoot a black signal flare followed by a green flare" Erwin tells us "Do I make myself clear"

"Yes sir" the three of us say.

"Good" Levi states "The lives of countless scouts will be in your hands tomorrow"

{Flashback End}

Me and Annie don't have any specific place inside the formation. So basically we play follow the smoke. As we just rode through titan country behind the formation, I thought about the small conversation we had right before we exited wall rose.


"I hope we can have children like that, not caring what we are or what we've done" She says small smile on her face as she looked at the two kids.

"Someday, when there isn't a war that has to be fought"

I then feel one of Annie's hands touch mine as I held the rains for the horse "That's if we can make that happen before our time runs out" She tells me while looking a bit sad.

"Don't worry Annie, it will happen. I promise" I tell her and a some what relived smile appeared on her face.

{Flashback End}

I looked at Annie and there wasn't an expression on her face. Not one of fear or anger nor sadness or happiness, just a blank slate.

"Annie, there's something I want to tell you" I tell her as I rode next to her on her left.

"What is it?" She asks.

"There isn't a reason to hide this secret from her"

"The Curse of Ymir doesn't exist" I tell her and her facial expression doesn't change.

"What?" She questions.

"It doesn't exist, you don't die after 13 years of being a titan shifter"

"I don't understand" She states "It's always been that you die after 13 years of being a titan shifter"

"The curse is all a lie, it was to make sure that no one person had the power of a titan too long" I tell her and her facial expression turned into one of her being speechless.

"Then.....what happens after 13 years?" She asks me.

"Evolution, or to better explain it, maturity. After 13 years the ability itself starts to mature but whatever the result of the ability maturing depends on the user of the titan" I tell her.

"So that means........after this is all over we would be able to......." She says .

I nod, knowing what her the rest of the sentence was "Yes and yes" I then see tears starting to roll down her cheeks "Did I say something wrong?"

She shakes her head "No, these are tears of joy"

"That's good, if your not happy then I'm not happy" I say.

We continued on our path and no smoke signals have been shot in the air yet. Then in the distance to my right I hear something, it sounded like a roar. Almost a second later I felt an extremely sharp pain in my head. I held onto my head with both hands before the pain got so intense that I fell off the running horse. The pain then felt like my brain was being slashed by a rock over and over making me start to scream in pain. I continued to hear the roar in the distance.

"God fucking damn it!!!"

I see Annie run back to me with my horse in tow. She quickly gets off her horse before coming to my side.

"What's wrong?!" She asks me.

"The roar, the god damn roar!!!"

Annie tries to listen for what I was talking about before turning to the direction where I was hearing the roar coming from.

"That sounds like.....my roar" Annie says.

The roar then stops and the pain in my head starts to go away. After a minute or so the pain fully went away. I try to get off the ground before wobbling a bit before recovering.

"That damn roar" I grunt.

"It sounded like mine"Annie said simply.

"How is that even possible?" I say before a thought appeared in my head which answered my own question "No go damn way"

"What is it?" She questions.

"No time to explain right now, we need to get on the horses and get to the formation as fast as possible" I say. We get on our horses and bolted towards the others who were a bit ahead of us.

"What is it (Y/n)?!" She asks me.

"They actually found someone"

"What do you mean by that?!" She shouts at me.

"They found someone who could actually turn themselves into a titan shifter without actually having one of the 10 titans!" I tell her.

"How is that even possible?!"

"I've gotten memories of my father and others who has had the Guardian titan, in one memory I remember someone saying that if a person with the right gene and had a strong enough will to be human then that person could be able to turn into a titan shifter after getting the titan turning serum!" I explain to Annie.

"But that doesn't explain my roar!"

"They must of found a way to transfer that ability or configure that person to be able to do that!" I tell her.

"And the pain in your head?!"

"Their roar must of been modified to bring me to it but didn't go as planned" I state.

I look in the sky and I see multiple black flares but in the right wing one black flare had a purple flare right next to it.

"Shit, the titan is taking out the right wing!, It must be with Armin!"

POV: Armin

I was positioned to ride alone with a extra horse in tow. I was wondering to myself why there hasn't been any red signal flares. I then see a black signal flare shot into the sky.

"Black smoke? That means a abnormal titan"

I grab a black flare signal canister and put it on the gun before pulling the trigger. I then see Cis and Ness run out of a forest where the flare came from and right behind them was a abnormal titan. I watch as they take out the titan fluently.

"Way to go guys!" I shout to them.

They got back on their horses and continued riding. I was in front of them by a bit as we continued on our way. I then heard rapid paced foot steps behind me. I looked behind me and I saw a titan running straight towards us.

"Another abnormal? What are the odds?" I questioned in my mind before shooting up another black smoke.

The abnormal titan was about 15 meters tall, I couldn't see its face due to the early morning sun shining behind it. It barreled between Ness and Cis after speeding up its pace. Cis gets of his horse and goes to take the titan out but the titan smacks him out of the air, killing him instantly. Ness then went to kill it but it grabbed his line from his odm gear and swung him into the ground like a ball attached to a string.

"I-it moved so fast, that thing isn't a abnormal...it's showing intelligence" I then remembered what (Y/n) said before we left "Good luck you guys, and remember what I told you. If you guys see a titan that you think has someone in it, shoot a black smoke signal then a purple one right after"

I grabbed my gun and put a black canister on it and shot the flare into the sky before imidiatly putting the purple canister in and shooting it off. The titan then turned to me. I could see its face now. It's face was covered in a bone like mask that only had two pieces. One piece for the top half of its face and one for the lower half so it was able to use its mouth. There were holes for the eyes. The titan had black hair and icy blue eyes that almost looked grey or hazel. It had a fit body shape like a athlete. It then starts running towards me.

"Oh crap!" I start running the other way "Someone help me!" I shouted aloud and in my mind.

Here's the end of the chapter. I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter. Until next time, bye

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