Fort Slava

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Chapter 50


POV: ???

Part 1.

Ringing ears...bright sky....a bird flying up high..on my back...on solid ground...reaching high...if only I could fly as well....

"This is no place to be right fly've got wings...use them" I speak, my breath husky. Smoke. Dirt. Everywhere.

"Falco!!" I hear and I brother comes into view.

"Brother...why are you here?" I ask curiously.

"Good, I'm glad you're able to talk. I'll carry you back. Try to hold on" He says as he picks me up and slings me on his back.

Gun fire. Screams. Explosions. Blood. All around me. Why am I here?. Death. Death. Death. All around me. We fall to the ground at the edge of a trench. We then get pulled in. What's happening?

"Report, what's happening Colt?" An older man asks my brother. Another man behind him.

"The Eldian advance squad has been wiped out. They took a direct hit from an artillery shell and got blown to bits" Colt replies as he huffed.

"What of the trench?" The older man asks.

"It's hopeless, we can't dig any further" Colt answers.

"Oh? And who decided that? Are you trying to give me orders now Eldian?" The older man relied.

"Insubordinate mutt, you watch your tongue with Commander Magath" The man behind him insults.

"But sir, if things keep going like this..." Colt replies.

In front of me...three figures stared at me...a boy with short black hair and glasses...a girl with reddish brown hair...and a girl with bright blond hair..

"Falco, you look like you're drunk" The blond says.

"He must of hit his head pretty good" The brunette replies.

"How much of the last four years do you remember Falco? You know we're at war right?" The black hair boy asks.

"Who are you people? Where am I? I don't get it? Wasn't I just flying around with a couple of swords in my hands. Whoooo. Like that and there were titans too" I say before the brunette pours water on my head.

"Okay, sounds like we're gonna have to reexplain the entire operation, just do your best to keep up Falco. Here we go, this war has dragged on for four years now but with this battle we can end it. All we have to do is capture Fort Slava, well to be exact we have to destroy the mid-east allies fleet in the harbor below it. Once those ships are sunk, we will have won this war for Marley, but Fort Slava defends the high ground over looking the harbor, which means we have no way of attacking the fleet from land without control of the fort" The brunette explains like a monologue.

"So why can't the Marleyan fleet attack them from the sea?" The blond questions as she cleaned the cuts on my face.

"C'mon Zofia, do you really think we can count on the navy to do a thing. It took them four whole years to establish any vestige of controls over the seas" The black haired boys says irritated as he tied a bandage tightly around my head "And this shouldn't really be of surprise that they lost half of their damn battle ships in the process. Of course they're too chicken shit to do a thing till we take this massive death trap of a fort for them. Screw every single one of those incompetent cowards!"

"Udo, calm it down before you squeeze Falco's head off" The brunette says.

"I-uh..sorry" Udo says.

"Then what gives then, why send us to the front lines, it's not like four warrior candidates will make a real difference?" I question.

"First of all, speak for yourself, second of all, they want to judge us. They're choosing their next warrior. The time is almost here. Commander Magath shows the front lines for the location of our final test. He knows what's on the horizon, the person he chooses will be at the center of the plan to conquer Paradise, the successor to the armored titan" The brunette says with a stoic voice.

"The armored titan..." I say to myself.

"I wonder which of us it will be" The brunette says with a smug smile.

"Shut up, no you don't, you make it perfectly clear that you don't think any of us come close to you Gabi" I say to her.

"Well yeah, that's cause you don't" Gabi tells us.

"True, Gabi has us soundly beat" Zofia says.

"Not in terms of grades she doesn't" Udo adds.

"No, they don't care about our grades Udo, it's like I keep telling you, the difference me and the three of you is that I'm prepared to shoulder the fate of us eldians and purge that island of devils that only made us suffer. I'll slaughter every one of them. I'll win that war and prove to the world that they don't have to fear us anymore, that the only ones left are good eldians. I won't be defeated, not until everyone in the internment zone is set free" Gabi says as she angrily tied grenades together.

I feel a sharp pain in my head. I see a flash, and a word comes to mind. The sight which I only saw for a second. A titan, clad in black armor.

"" I mutter.

"Something's happening" We hear a voice says.

Low to the ground, crawling by the trench is a four legged titan. It was Pieck. A mask of armor on her titan face and on her back was the panzer unit manning the machine guns like she was a mobile pill box.

"What's happening?" Commander Magath questions while walking out of a room with Colt behind him.

"Train" Pieck says.

The four of us look over the trench. On a train track was a singular train. This one is different from the ones we saw before which were large, armored, and riddled with anti titan guns. This one was pulling boxcars. Guns stopped firing as this could be anything from the mid-east allies.

"They could be baiting us" Udo says.

"Or a diversion" Gabi says.

The train begins to go full speed before the boxcars decoupled. The long string of six boxcars moving on their own as the train sped off. There's then a large flash of light eminating from behind the speeding off train.

"A titan shifter...but did the mid-east alliance get a titan"

Pieck takes a noticeable step back "We just lost this war" She says with a disbelieving tone, almost like she was scared.

"What do you mean we lost the war?!? You mean battle right!!" Gabi shouts as she looks up at Pieck "Right!?!"

"Let him have mercy on our souls" Pieck says.

POV: You

A rhythmic clinking under me. Frustration in my mind. Eren going awol. For the past four years it's like I didn't even know him. Then he does this. I try to calm myself down and look at my right arm. An animated compass on my forearm, pointing in the direction of Paradise with a large distance read above it. It showed the location of Historia, created as an order she gave me. For us to always know where each other are. That was three months ago when I found out she was pregnant. Bullets, explosions, screaming. All sounds of the battle field outside, all wiped away at the thought of my future child.

A mid-east eldian walks out of the boxcar behind the train "Everything is primed sir" he tells me.

"What's your name?" I ask the man.

"Osman" The man says to me.

"Thank you Osman" I say to him.

"Anything for the Guardian" Osman says and raises his sleeve, a X shaped scar on it "For the future of eldians, I'd go to hell and back if I could"

I peak out the window at the battlefield "It's time. Full speed"

"Full speed!!" Osman shouts to the conductor. The train begins to its full speed "Guardian, until we meet again"

Osman holds a hand out "Until we meet again" I say as I shake his hand.

I step out to the back of the train and I grab a large metal bar and use it to decouple the boxcars from the train. I watch as the boxcars slowly fall behind.

"Hanji, this plan better work the way Erwin explained" I thought.

I grab my knife then jump out the back of the train then cutting my hand and transforming into my titan form. I take hold of the boxcars with my hands to stop them. The battle field goes silent. No gunfire. No explosions. No screaming. Only awe of the appearance of the guardian titan. I roar as I begins to lift the boxcars up into the air. The boxcars one by one going up in flames, a color of blue and orange lighting them up. I pull back the boxcars then roared loudly as I swung the box cars into the Marleyan advance like if it was a large chain. The boxcars fly over the vanguard before slamming into the middle guard and rolling and crashing its way through the mid and rear guard, taking out trenches, marleyans, installations, all while spewing viscus strings of liquid fire across the battlefield.

"Good work brother" Lauren says "Now to finish the job"

I turn and face the Marleyan advance. I see Pieck in her titan form clad in armor and a mobile pillbox on her back. I get low as look in her direction, almost like a sprinter does while looking at the finish line.

"Give them carnage" Lauren says.

I launch myself forward and began sprinting in Pieck's direction. I closed the distance like it was nothing, Pieck quickly stepping out of my way. Even if she didn't, I wouldn't have hit her. I'm sure she knows that she wasn't my target. I rampage through the middle guard and rear guard. Blood, Death, Screaming, Explosions, the source of it all being my destruction.

"Stop!!" Lauren shouts as I streaked near the vanguard. I force my feet into the ground, sliding to a stop "Kids"

I look down and I see many Eldian soldiers and four kids in front of me. Among them was also a teen and one Commander Magath. They all stared at me as I loomed over them. Blocking out the sun with my 17 meter tall body. The kids, they no doubt had to be warrior candidates.

"" I speak through my titan form while looking at Magath "Chi.ld"

"Get away from them then you monster!!!" I hear someone shout. I look up and I see a small titan sprinting towards me. Blond hair in its head with an armored face plate. The fake jaw titan.

"Galliard don't!" Pieck shouts to the titan.

"I'll let you handle this. I'd like to exchange a few words with the commander" Lauren says to me before jumping off my shoulder into the trench.

Galliard jumps over the trench and I catch his face with my left hand before slamming him into the ground "You can't win against me fake" I tell him.

"I'm no fake!" He shouts from under my hand.

"Keep telling yourself that" I say then pick him up and throw him into the remnants of the middle guard, his body rolling and bathing the fire.

I chase after his body and I jump up and go to slam down on him. Pieck sprinted across the battlefield and dragged Galliard out of the way before I could land on him. As I slowly stood up I looked towards Pieck.

"Pieck, I am not in the mood at the moment. Please don't get in my way. I don't want to hurt you" I tell her.

"I'm simply saving a comrade" She tells me "Another delusion edlian under the brainwashing of Marley"

Galliard wasn't moving. His body steaming as it repaired itself. I turn away from her and began walking towards Lauren "I hope I don't have see you on a battlefield again"

I walk over to the trench where Lauren was and she was ready for me. I out my hand down and she walks into it, a smile on her face. I put her back on my shoulder. I look up and I see a blimp in the sky, they were about to make it rain.

"(Y/n), show those warrior candidates what it takes to be a titan shifter" Lauren says.

I sprint towards the fort and jumped over the walls and landed inside. I see the worried faces of the men inside as they looked at the blimp. I spot Hanji, Levi, and Erwin atop the tallest building that peered over the walls of the fort. Parachutes begin to rain down one by one. I grab a handful of  large gun ammunition.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from your cruel fate"

I ready my arm and slammed my foot into the ground as I threw the shotgun spread of ammunition into the air. Explosions occurred as rounds shred and explode on the blimp. It catches fire and begins to fall down. I hear a shout, only a few bright lights appeared in the sky compared to the dozens that would have been.
Three titans rained downward towards the ground. One slams down in front of me and I immediately stomp on its nape. A 15 meter lands a bit away. I charge and give it a heavy right hook, making its head fly off and I slam down on the bare nape. The last was a small three meter that died on impact. There is then two bright lights from either side of me before I see Reiner and Zeke in their titan forms inside the fort. Facing me.

"Marley really did put all their eggs in one basket. Erwin was right" I say then smiled to myself "I'm about to show it how weak they are"

"Monster of Paradise. We meet again" Zeke tells me.

"Let's finish this quickly (Y/n), before anyone else dies" Reiner says.

"Riddled with guilt Reiner?" I ask him as I looked his way "I can hear it in your voice"

"Stop talking" He says.

"Fine. Only action" I reply.

If there is one thing for sure, these two will only focus on me, I'm too dangerous to be left alive in their eyes. I make my decision and charged at Zeke, he sends surprises like he thought I would have gone after Reiner, the thing is that Zeke's long arms are useless with buildings around. I get close and ducked under a sloppy hit from Zeke, I grab the arm I ducked under and tear it off with ease. I then grabbed him and hoisted him up and threw him over the wall. Reiner rams into me from behind pins me against the wall.

"I don't know how you're alive, but don't get cocky" Reiner tells me.

"Cocky? I simply know what I'm doing Reiner" I reply before kicking his leg out from under him.

I turn around and upper cut him, cracking his armor on his jaw. I then grab his arm then arm whipped him over the wall. I jump over the wall, seeing the bodies of Zeke and Reiner on the other side. Pieck was watching from the trench where Magath is, the steaming corpse of Galliard next to her.

"How does it feel that I've single handily turn the hand of war in one battle? Wipping Marley's army out all by my self" I say and I see Zeke making it to his feet with his one arm "Looks like you are going first"

I step forward and hit Zeke in the face, he stumbles back and I grab his other arm. I use my foot as leverage against his chest and rip it off. I swing it around and hit Zeke in the head with it. I drop the arm before striking Zeke's jaw, his jaw calling to the side broken, I then full force hit him in the throat, the con concussive force going through his throat and hitting Zeke's real body, most likely rocking his about. Zeke stood before falling to the ground motionless.

"And I'm the cocky one" I state.

A set of armored arms grab me from behind and suplex throw me into the ground. I shake my head as I got to my feet "You shouldn't have thrown Reiner. You could've gone for a full force Germanian Suplex, or even a Straitjacket Suplex, and with the right angle dive my head straight into the ground. Why didn't you commit? That has always been your problem Reiner" I say to him.

"This is war, not a drill" Reiner tells me then throws a right hook.

I block his right hook with my left forearm "And yet you have always failed in both. It's almost like you were never supposed to be the armored titan. You had all the power for so long on Paradise yet you didn't commit. You had an objective and couldn't complete something so simple!" As I ended my last sentence I strike hit him in the jaw then a quick straight to the face, more of the armor on his face off.

"We were kids, we didn't want to commit genocide!" Reiner shouts, he advances forward and goes for a gut punch.

I step back in time then Sparta kicked him back, his feet sliding on the ground "Yet it still happened. Hundreds of thousands Reiner. If you had committed, this wouldn't be happening" I charge forward and began to give him a barrage of heavy punches, each hit cracking his armor and sending chunks of it every where "Marley would have the founder. My brother would be Marley's puppet as the guardian titan and you'd be a hero. But inside, no matter what happened, the present or what could of been if you succeeded, you'd still feel hollow for what you've done"

My last punch being heavy over hook that hits Reiner in the temple, the shockwave annihilating the rest of his facial armor. Reiner heaved while steam emanated from. He opens up his broken jaw and fire and steam spit out. His body getting hot from trying to repair itself.

"It's not like Marley gave us a plan. Annie, Bertholdt, Marcel, Me, we got shipped to the island with no plan and only a goal. Giving kids the heavy burden with delusion in mind. We thought we'd find devils, like we were always told.....only to find people in their place" Reiner says in a weary voice "We came and trample all over it"

"Was it worth it Reiner? Coming back to Marley just to do the same as before to other people" I question him.

"If only...we had the truth...then I'm sure we would of never became titan shifters" Reiner says then raised his hands "However, we can't change what we have done"

"You can atone, you cannot atone by being the lap dog of a country that uses you like a tool. Annie has atoned. Bertholdt has atoned. In their own ways they have both atoned" I say then charged at him and we slam into each other. Reiner tries to hold his ground as I push him back "If only you had stayed in Paradise could you have atoned and the hollowness would be gone"

"You had nothing to lose!, I had family!" He shouts.

"We've had this talk already Reiner, don't you remember? Marley had my mother hostage and yet I still did what I thought was right, I then came back and saved her as well. Acting like I don't know what it's like to want to protect family but can't" I tell him, then I knee him in the stomach.

I push him away, I get low, grab his head, I stretch my leg out all the way before kneeing Reiner in the face with a powerful hit. He stumbles back and I give him a powerful kick to the side of his neck with a force strong enough to knock him out. His titan body falls to the ground motionless like a rag doll being dropped.

"What a shame, A pity really"  Lauren says "If only he stayed in Paradise could he have become the strongest armored titan to ever exist"

POV: Falco

From the light behind the train stood a 17 meter tall titan, it had a double jaw, no cheeks, and black armor along its arms and legs, armor on its knuckles as well. It didn't look to have any type of specialty, almost like it was a collage of titans put together. Armor like the armored titan, jaws like the jaw titan, and what felt like the presence of the founder. A titan that from sight only had two jobs, protecting and destroying. A deafening silence covers the battlefield, like the spectacle of the sight of him made everyone mute

"There he is....the Monster of Paradise...the Guardian Titan..." Pieck speaks.

The guardian titan grabs ahold of the run away boxcars with both hands and begins to roar. He begins to lift the boxcars into the air and the boxcars slowly caught on fire. I felt in awe, the guardian throws the boxcars in our direction. My eyes stayed in the boxcars as it soared through the air before crashing into the middle guard and rear guard. Spreading fire and shrapnel everywhere.

"Get down!" Pieck shouts.

I look in direction of the guardian titan and he was in a sprinters starting position before launching himself our way. The heavy foot steps shaking the earth beneath us like mini earth quakes. Pieck quickly side stepped and the guardian run past her and straight into the middle and rear guard. The carnage. The violence. The destruction. The power of one titan as it tore through the battle field. The guardian titan was then heading in our direction. The titan slams its foot into the ground and stops directly I front of us. We all looked up as the titan looked over us. Pieck taking steps back away from him.

"Kids" we hear a feminine voice say.

" Chi.ld" The guardian says as it stared down at us. It felt like it was staring into my soul.

We hear a roar from behind us with the sound of furious running "I'll let you handle this, I'd like to exchange a few words with the commander" The feminine voice says once more.

A girl then drops down and lands in the trench between the warrior candidates and Commander Magath. Some of us stared at the girl, others watched as Galliard came out of no where before being caught by the guardian and slammed into the ground.

"Commander Magath. It's been awhile" The girl says while bowing. She wore a red and black dress and had long black hair.

" can't're dead" Commander Magath says in disbelief.

"Maybe I am, Maybe I am not, maybe I am a waking nightmare. Look how frightened you look, foul, dirtied commander. Did you think I'd forget? That we'd forget?" The girl says to Commander Magath "The first of the hundred to force themselves upon a fourteen year old wounded girl. The smile you had that day. Disgusting, You are lower then a pig, pigs have use. You Commander Magath, are a child lusting, man killing, evil piece of gravel below the guardian's feet"

"Who do you think you are mutt! You dare speak to Commander Magath-" The vice commander speaks as he tried to confront the girl. The girl back hands him with a closed fist, hits him in the temple of his head, his head hits the side of the trench. A baseball sized dent in his head from the girls fist, and his eyes wide open, dead.

Gabi grabs a rifle and shoots the girl, hitting the girl in the back along the spine. There was no blood, but steam instead. The girl turns around to Gabi "Now that wasn't very nice" The girl says.

Gabi puts another round into the chamber and pulls the trigger, shooting the girl once more. Hitting her in the chest. The girl standing unfazed as still no blood stained her.

"My oh my, let me guess, you little girl, are the warrior candidate who thinks they can hold the world on her shoulders this time around. Wanting to free the eldians from the ancestral sin you've been told about. Wanting to murder the 'evil' devils that live in Paradise. You who has fallen the deepest into delusion" The girl tells Gabi. I see her eyes, red piercing eyes.

"You don't know anything about me!, I'll be the one give eldians freedom!" Gabi shouts at the girl.

"Reiner Braun once thought the same thing before entering Paradise little girl. I don't think you quite understand the gravity of your dreams. You don't stand a chance at them when you are on the wrong side. The guardian is doing what you are dreaming about. Giving eldians freedom. For he is the spear head of it. If you weren't so deep in delusion. You'd notice that he hasn't killed a single eldian today" The girl speaks.

She was right. Eldians were only in the vanguard. The middle guard and rear guard were filled with nothing but Marleyan soldiers only. The girl looks at me with her red piercing eyes.

"You realized it little boy, I see it on your face. You are one caught in the in-between. The one who dreams of more" The girls says while looking at me. She then smiles "A boy who soars. I can see it"

"Who are you? You know a lot" Udo asks the girl curiously.

"Quiet, she's dangerous" Commander Magath speaks.

The girl faces Udo and crouches down and held her hand out "Lauren (L/n), sister of the guardian, his guardian angel. Once in line for the female titan" The girl says.

"Udo..." Udo replies as he slowly shook her hand.

"Udo...You would make for a good armored titan" Lauren tells Udo "In my opinion, the armored titan is best suited to a strategist, one that can use its armor in an effective offensive and defensive role, like a hole puncher for example"

"No!, I'll be the next armored titan!" Gabi shouts.

"No, You little girl, would be dead" Lauren speaks as she stands up and faces Gabi "If not dead, nothing but a burden. It wouldn't matter which titan you were. Someone would always have to save you. I know such an individual"

"Our guardian angel!" We hear voices shout. Behind us, the eldian soldiers were on their knees with their hands together.

"Save us from damnation!"

"Free us from our shackles!"

"Bring us peace and freedom!"

Shouts from the soldiers. Surprising us and Commander Magath. Lauren walks past us and up to the soldiers "Soon, the guardian will save you" The guardian titan comes walking up to the trench. Lauren looks up at him and raises a hand. He lowers a hand down to her and she steps onto it "The guardian will save all eldians. Now watch as he ends this frivolous four year long war with one battle"

The guardian puts Lauren on his shoulder and looks up. I look up as well. There was a blimp in the air. Inside, eldians, the beast titan and the armored titan. It was about to start. The guardian titan charges towards Fort Slava. He jumps over the walls, into the fort. Pieck comes to the trench dragging Galliards titan body.

"Galliard!" Colt shouts as he runs out of the trench and up to Galliard's body.

"He'll be alright, The guardian was being merciful" Pieck looks at the blimp "So the rain is about to start"

"Heh, this will teach them. There is no way he can stop a rain" Gabi says with a smug look, like nothing Lauren had said to her did nothing. I'm sure it did deep down. She was being broken down with truthful words.

"That means nothing to the guardian" Pieck states.

We watch as explosions riddle the blimp after a few parachutes were thrown out of it. The blimp began to lose altitude and fall towards the earth. The parachutes that did leave the blimp be came three flashes of light. Titans then fell from the sky.

"No way...he took out the blimp" Udo says "Incredible"

"Whose side are you on!?!" Gabi shouts at him angrily.

"I have to admit that destroying the blimp is the most effective way of stopping the rain" Udo says "It's the simple acknowledgment of great strategy. You'd care if you paid attention"

"That girl was strong...." Zofia says then mutters "I want to be like her"

There were then two more flashes of light. We watch as the beast and armors titans fall into Fort Slava. I noticed how Pieck watched with earnest, not wanting to skip a beat of what ever was about to happen next.

"Whooo!, there's no way that damn guardian will win against Zeke and Reiner!" Gabi shouts with arms up with a smile on her face.

We then watch as we see the body of the beast titan get thrown out of the fort and landing with heavy thud about a hundred meters infront of us. Gabi's smile slowly fades from her face.

"That's not possible" Gabi says as she watched what she thought was impossible.

"He isn't even at his full strength right now" Commander Magath states.

"He's stronger than this?" Zofia questions.

"Yes, very. There is a reason we used him single handily to take out forts by himself before we shipped him off" Commander Magath says.

One of the beast titan's arms were missing, as Zeke tried to get to his feet with his single arm, the armored titan soon followed the footsteps of the beast as it flies out of the fort and slamming into the ground. The guardian then jumps out of the fort Zeke gets to his feet and the guardian looks at him. The guardian charges at Zeke, hitting him in the jaw and then grabs Zeke's other arm while he was dazed, using his chest as leverage, tear his other arm off. The guardian then strikes Zeke in the throat. Zeke's titan body falls to the ground motionless.

"T-This can't be happening" Gabi says, Reiner slowly got to his feet and then wraps his arms around the guardian's stomach and does a throwing suplex "Get him Reiner!!"

"He doesn't stand a chance" Commander Magath says.

"I know right. Go Reiner!" Gabi says brightly.

"I meant Reiner, he doesn't stand a chance" Commander Magath says to Gabi.

Reiner tries to hit the guardian titan but he blocks Reiners attack, after a moment Reiner tries to go for a gut punch. The guardian steps back then Sparta kicks Reiner. Reiner slides back. The guardian advances forward and begins to punch Reiner with one punch after another. Breaking chunks of his armor off and cracking it. Gabi watched, horrified.

"This can't be, This can't be!!" Gabi cries out desperately "Fight back Reiner! Show that devil scum the power of the armored titan!!"

The guardian hits Reiner with a final punch, shattering the rest of Reiner's facial armor. Reiner could barely stand up. His mouth opens up and fire and steam spit out, his titan can't take any more damage. The guardian didn't even have a scratch on him. Reiner then puts his arms up, still ready to fight.

"He can still fight" Gabi says.

"But for how long" Udo states.

The guardian charges at Reiner and they slam into each other. The guardian pushing Reiner back, Reiner then roars as he tries his best against the guardian. The guardian knees Reiner in the gut and grabbed his head. The guardian retracts his leg, he then delivers a powerful knee to the face before kicking Reiner in the neck. Reiner's body then falling limp.

"" Gabi muttered over and over while holding her head.

The guardian then looks in our direction. He plants his feet into the ground and held his arms at his sides as he roared out in victory. The guardian then closed the gap between us, passing Reiner and Zeke's steaming bodies, stopping 40 meters away. Lauren hops off the guardian's shoulder and onto the ground. She walks towards us with her hands behind her back and a confident smile on her face. She stops as she reaches the trench.

"I'll kill you!! I'll kill the guardian titan!!" Gabi shouts and Colt grabs her as she tried to climb out of the trench towards Lauren.

Lauren looks at Commander Magath "I suggest you alert Marley of your loss and have Marley surrender. Or else-" Lauren says then looks back at the guardian as he stood there staring us down "There will be a round 2 tomorrow, and the guardian will not be merciful"

Lauren then starts walking away, hands still behind her back, heading to the guardian titan. Pieck looks at us "As I said, we just lost the war"


Alright, a banger start to season 4. Just a heads up, if you couldn't tell with how different this chapter is. How season 4 will play out will be different but loosely with how the canon story is. Hope you enjoyed this 5500+ word chapter to start the time skip off.

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