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Chapter 55


POV: You

Part 1.

I walked down the streets of Liberio, today was the day of the festival, also the day I was going to get my vengeance. I wore a Marley uniform to blend in, most of the streets were lively with people so it didn't matter unless someone was truly looking for me. I'm on my way to Pieck's place, to take her back to Eldia, and, she'll want to be apart of this.

"If only it was always this cheerful"

I enter the building Pieck stayed in, I get down the hall and then to her door. I knock on the door lightly. I hear foot steps walk towards the door before it opens up a little and I see Pieck at the door. A smile grows on her face, she pulls me inside and into a hug.

"I've missed you" She says to me.

"I've missed you too" I reply before pecking a kiss on her lips.

"Why are you here (Y/n)?" She asks me.

"For us to get our vengeance" I tell her.

"You found out who did it?" She asks me and I nod my head.

"I've got everything set up" I say and grabbed her hand as I lead her out of her room. "You don't have anything in there you are going to want to keep is there?"

"No, why?" She asked as I pulled her along.

"Because today is the day I'm taking you back to Paradise" I tell her and she smiles.

"I've been waiting for this day" Pieck replies. We get out to the streets and Pieck loops an arm with mine and she giggles a bit "I didn't think our first date would be something so unorthodox"

"Yeah, well, this is something that's once in a life time" I replied to her.

"Everyone here in Liberio seem happy, even though it's a sham that will last only a day" Pieck says as she laid her head on me.

"Yeah, I want everyone to be this happy without the need for a festival" I say to her.

"You'll make it happen (Y/n), and break the cycle of hatred" Piek tells me.

We neared the exit of Liberio and two guards spot us "Hey Pieck, you having a good day?" One of them say.

"Yeah, it's going well so far" Pieck says with a smile.

"And who's this? a secret lover?" The other asks.

"Yup, he's my boyfriend" Pieck says then puts a finger over the lips "Can you keep it a secret for me too? If any of the other catch wind of it they'll make a fuss, especially Porco, he'll get jealous"

"As you wish, Pieck, our lips are sealed" The first guard says.

"You and your boyfriend enjoy the festival" The second guard says.

"We will" Pieck replies.

"Porco? Who's he?" I ask her as we cronies to walk and Pieck smirks a little.

"Getting jealous?" She asks.

"No, just a question" I ask.

"He's the fake jaw titan Marley shows as the real one" She replies to me.

"I see" I answer then paused for a second"Those guards seem nice"

"Yeah, those two have always been that way, a few of the nice Marleyans I see on a regular basis. They are good examples that not all Marleyans are bad" Pieck tells me.

"I wonder what they saw that most don't?" I questioned.

"They see us every day, most of the people in Liberio are peaceful good people, just covered by the sheet of lies Marley put on them but still good people" She says, her hold on my arm shifting a bit.

"Getting nervous?" I ask her.

"Why would I be?" She questions.

"Being a step closer to leaving Marley behind" I tell her.

Pieck shakes her head a bit "No, it's not that, even when I go back with you, I'd still want to fight beside you. It's just the side I choose, same war, different perspective. Meaning I help you being Marley to its knees"

"I don't mind that" I reply.

We get to the Marley Public Safety HQ building. We head inside, the building was quiet. Once inside the hall I call out "It's me Annie, I have Pieck with me"

Annie walks out of a room wearing a Marley uniform, her knife in her hand. She puts the knife back on her belt as she sees me. Annie puts a hand on her hip as she looks at the both of us, a smile creeping on her face.

"It's been a while Pieck" Annie says, the smile on her face.

"Annie" Pieck says before going in for a hug "You smile now? When did this start?"

"I'm sure you can guess" Annie says while looking at me as they pulled away from the hug.

"What can I say?" I say to her with a shrug.

"Sasha is in position and Ymir is up in the office" Annie says to me.

"Alright. He should be here soon" I replied. The three of us head up to the victims office. As we step into the office, we see Ymir fucking with a newtons cradle "Ymir"

"Yo?" She says as she hears me.

"Ymir, this is Pieck, the cart titan, the one I spoke about" I say to her.

A devilish smirk appears on her face and puts a hand in her chin "You look cute, especially if you were going down on me"

I internally face palm "I should of known she was going to do this"

"Sorry, I'm not into girls" Pieck states plainly then hugs my arm.

Ymir laughs a bit "I play that game too, I'm into both sides"

"Why can't you hold yourself back?" I question with a sigh.

"Not in the cards lover boy" Ymir says.

"He'll be here soon" Annie says, not wanting to get into another sex related conversation because of Ymir.

"Into positions" I say.

{Time Skip}

I sat in a chair at a desk of a high officials office. The entire wall behind me was one big window. Ymir stood on my left Pieck stood against the far wall where the person we waited for wouldn't see her.

"So this guy, he's the one?" Ymir questions.

"Oh, yeah, he's the one" I state.

The door to the office opens up and a man stands there. He sees me and Ymir and freeze up. Said man was one Commander Briggs. Annie appears behind him with her knife to his back.

"Inside" Annie states.

"Good day Commander Briggs, looking for this?" I say while taking a pin out of my pocket as Annie pushed Briggs forward "Take a seat"

Annie forces Briggs to sit down in the chair in front of the desk. She then walks over to my right side "How are you alive? This can't be?" Briggs says in disbelief.

"I can't believe he thought a pin was this important" Ymir says.

"This pin right here was the pin he got for capturing the guardian for the motherland" I say "Isn't that right Briggs?"

"Scum" Annie states simply.

"You must be wondering why I'm here, it's simple really, vengeance. Also, I wouldn't try running or yelling. To my left is the jaw titan, to my right, the female titan, and behind me out there-" I say while motioning to the window "-Is Elida's best sniper, so don't get frisky"

"What do you want?" He questions, trying to stay calm.

"You have a nice family" I say, avoiding his question, as I turned a picture frame of his family to him. It looked like an identical set up to mine when I was a kid. He and his wife, an eldest daughter and a young boy.

"I swear, if you hurt them" He growls.

"You don't have to worry, I promise I won't hurt you or your family, however, if you don't answer my questions with the entire truth I'll do exactly what you did my family to yours Briggs" I tell him in a serious tone "I'll shoot your eldest daughter in the stomach then have every man in the Eldian army rape her to their hearts content, starting with our commander, the devil of the walls. As that happens, I'll have your young son forced onto your wife to create an incestuous child who I'll groom into soldier for Eldia. So you best answer my questions, understand Briggs?"

When Pieck heard about what I said, her eyes widened a bit, especially about the incestuous child. I told Annie, Ymir, and Sahs about it only to get the burden off my chest, so Annie nor Ymir reacted to it.

"Y-Yes, anything to keep my family safe" Briggs begs.

"You should be lucky that the guardian is a merciful man even after what he's been put through by Marley" Annie says with a sharp gaze towards Briggs.

"Alright, First question" I say to him "How did you find out about my family?"

"A raid on a resistance meeting, your father was there, he talked about if need be his family would use the power of the guardian titan to destroy Marley" Briggs answers swiftly.

"I see, how did you kill my father?" I ask him.

"I stabbed him in the chest multiple times" He replies.

"Did you do anything to my mother while I was gone on Paradis Island?" I question him.

He was silent for a moment for speaking "I have...force my self on your mother a few times... in the early years..."

"Thank you for your honesty Commander Briggs, it takes a real demon to divulge his sin of adultery" I state to him "Now, onto questions that I'd say you'd certainly know the answers to. What happened to the parents of Bertholdt Hoover?"

"His parents were punished for betraying the mother land and were use in a rain against the Mid-East alliance" He answers.

"What happened to the parents of Annie Leonhart?" I ask him.

He glances up at Annie and sees the daggers she stared back "We killed her father in front of her to threaten her from betraying Marley after she acquired the female titan. Her mother died due to an untreatable illness a year ago"

"Why didn't her mom get punished like Bertholdt's parents were?" I ask.

"In Reiner Braun's explanation, he stated you had seduced Annie Leonhart into being your cohort so punishment was dismissed" He explains to me..

"Now, one last question" I say, putting my fingers together on the desk "What happened to Pieck Finger's father?" I question.

"At the time we knew conventional threatening wouldn't work on her, so to keep her from betraying us, we slowly poisoned her father when the brass had chosen her. Giving her a reason to stay and use the ability of being an honorary Marleyan to get medicine, medicine that slowly killed him" He answers. Behind him Pieck slowly pulled a knife out, my knife.

"See, was that so hard Commander Briggs?" I question.

Pieck steps behind Briggs and with out hesitation slices his throat wide open, ear to ear. He puts his hands on his throat, instinctually trying to stop the bleeding "You....promised.." He gurgled.

"I promised that I wouldn't hurt you" I stare to him as I stood up "Your lucky, I wanted to crush you between my titan teeth"

Commander Briggs slowly began to bleed out then died in the chair. I loom at Pieck, her hand shook, not with nervousness or anxiety, but anger. I walk up to and slowly took my knife from her.

"It's over" I say to her "Ready to leave soon?"

Pieck slowly nodded "Yeah"

Part 2.

Night had fallen over Liberio, Guardian squad and I, including Pieck walked into the building the scouts were using as a hide out. Something felt notably wrong, every one was rushing around and getting equipment on.

"The hells going on here?" I question.

"Eren's been planing something, he's going to declare war against the world" Erwin says as he walks up to me.

"The fuck do you mean by that?" I question.

"Tell him" Levi says as he drags Floch over to me.

"I got letters from Eren, as Commander Erwin said, he's going to declare war against the world. He's also going to take the war hammer titan if given the chance" Floch explains to me.

Levi hands me the letters, I'd multiple letters, all describing a plan, one that would kill thousands of people in the process "I'm not letting this shit happen"

"He's forcing our hand (Y/n), we don't know how he thought this out but he's giving us little option to not do so" Erwin explains to me.

"I'm not letting him ruin everything we've been working towards!" I shout, my anger getting to me. I then turn to Annie, Ymir and Sasha "Warn the leaders and dignitaries from the Mid-East alliance, Hizuru, and the Southern Nation. Right now, I don't want them getting into cross fire of this fucking mess"

"Copy" The three of them say before running out.

"Armin!!" I shout aloud. Scouts in the room hear my anger and rage wavering inside of me. They could tell I am definitely not letting a massacre happen tonight. Armin then comes running up to me.

"What do you need?" He questions.

"You aren't nuking the damn port" I tell him.

"But if I don't, like the letter explains, they'll be able to get to see and lob rounds at him and us" Armin explains to him.

"Knock out the engines in the ships" Pieck states simply as she looked at the letters "They won't be able to get a proper aim of Liberio from the docks. Brick the engines and it will solve that problem without the casualties"

"That would work, the exhaust stacks lead directly to the engine, put an explosive down each one and the engines should sieve" Hanji says as she stood next to Lev  "And you are?"

"My name is Pieck Finger" Pieck says then rips her armband off "The cart titan, and I am loyal to (Y/n) and your cause to freeing all Eldians"

"I see, glad to have you on our side then Ms. Pieck" Erwin says.

"How much time do we have till this plan happens?" Levi questions.

"If he does as he says he will, 10 minutes, maybe 15" Pieck states.

"Everyone!!" Erwin shouts to the scouts and everyone listens "I need you all to destroy the engines of the enemy warships, then, we'll assist Captian (Y/n) in the capture of Eren Yeager, Yelena is already on her way to stealing the airship. Alright everyone, Head out!"

Everyone finishes up there preparations and begins to flood out of the building "What should we do with him?" Levi says while motioning to Floch.

"We'll go into further questioning later. Let's get this done with minimal casualties" Erwin says.

"Understood" Levi says then exits the building, Floch following him.

"I assume you have your own plan?" Erwin asks me.

"I do Commander, I'll go by ground and hopefully get there before he does something, if not, I'll transform and put Eren down" I say to Erwin.

Erwin nods "I understand, we shall talk later on what to do with Eren" Erwin says then heads out of the building.

I begin to march out of the building, Pieck followed, a worried look on her face, I couldn't tell if it was due to the plan or my rage. It was all over my face. I wanted to beat the ever living shit out of Eren.

"(Y/n)" I hear and Mikasa hops down from the roof.

"What Mikasa?" I questioned.

"I'm sticking with you" She tells me.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to argue back, also, I didn't want to say something I'd regret in my pissed off state "Stick to the roof tops, once I find Eren and take him down, bound and gag him. Understand?"

"Understood (Y/n)" Mikasa says then shoots up to the roof with the ODM gear.

"Eren, you dare try to tear down everything I've built up till now, I' will break you if you do anything stupid"

There is then a bright flash of light and the roar of a titan coming from the stage inside Liberio. I clenched my jaw, I couldn't hold it in, my rage.


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