Welcome to Shinganshina

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POV: You

Part 1.

Here the scouts are on the 58th expedition, same objective as last time, get to Eren's basement, this time we'll be filling the hole in wall Maria with Eren's hardening ability as well. Historia being in the palace comforted me as she wasn't on the front lines, Ymir and Annie were back at the palace with Historia. They were there to protect Historia just in case of a wild variable of sorts. Though for me, it's better this way for more then just protecting Historia, but protecting Ymir and Annie as well. If we have to fight again, I for damn sure know that the warriors will do anything to get the jaw and female titan back, especially the one Annie called Zeke.

The walls of Shinganshina were in sight, our horses ran at high speeds. The plan was simple for once we got to Shinganshina. We get seal the wall then deal with any stray titans.

"There can be titans anywhere so keep your guard up. This operation has officially begun, all troops switch to ODM gear!" Erwin shouts and we do as he orders.

We switch to our ODM gear and zipped to the top of the wall. I get to the top of the wall and looked over Shinganshina. I didn't have much feelings toward Shinganshina, it wasn't really my home, however, by my side was Eren, whose hands were shaking as he starred out at the city.

"Keep your cool Eren, and let's get this done" I state to him.

He looks my way "R-right"

"Let's go!!, get to the outer gate!!" Levi shouts as he runs past us.

We run then jump of and zip our way there. As we made our way to the outer gate. While flying through the air, something irked me, I didn't see any titans, not a single one. As we approached the outer gate. Eren jumps towards the destroyed gate and transformed. His titan body began to crystallize, then filled in the hole. Eren was able to pull himself out before he would get trapped in the titan. I then zip down to him.

"Are you good?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah, but I lost my hood" He replies.

"Let's get you up on the wall and a another hood" I state as two green flares got shot in the air to signal our success.

I grab him and used my ODM gear to bring us back to the top of the wall "Eren, your hood" Mikasa states.

"Mikasa, give him yours" I tell her and she does what I say.

"No time to waste and head back to the inner gate" Levi says.

"Sir" we all reply.

We run along the wall back towards the inner gate. The feeling of being watched lingered over me, my battle senses tingling. From the inner gate, a red flare is fired off, signaling the to pause the operation, and we slow down to a stop. We stood, waiting floor the go ahead to keep going. Some scouts were searching the wall for something. My battle senses were getting to me, in a way it was starting to piss me off.

"Something's wrong. It's a trap"

Just as that thought runs through my mind, an acoustic shot is sounded off. Instinct told me to run towards the inner gate, and I did. The man who set off the acoustic shell is stabbed through the stomach by Reiner who was hiding in the wall. Reiner peaks out of the wall and looks directly and Armin.

"Reiner!" Armin shouts aloud

Levi then out of no where dropped from the top of the wall above Reiner and stabs Reiner in the neck then his chest. Reiner falls to the ground, but he wasn't dead. He becomes engulfed by light and transformed into his titan, however he layed motionless on the ground. Multiple explosions of light occurs inside wall Maria, revealing multiple mindless titans, the beast titan, and who I know as the cart titan.

"Damn it, it is a damn trap"

The first thing the beast titan does is grab a large bolder and hurls it towards the inner gate before it smashes into the hole that Reiner had made on that fateful day five years ago.

"The enemy hopes for the same thing we do, to win this conflict once and for all. It's our side or there's now we can let the titans crush us or bring them crashing down! " Erwin shouts.

Reiner was starting to get up as I reached commander Erwin. I could do this, I could finish them all off myself. "Commander" I state and Erwin looks my way "Let me finish this before it gets worse"

"They have something up there selves" Erwin tells me then looks back out at the beast titan "With how they've surrounded us, I believe they have more then just Reiner and Bertholdt. From what you've told me, there scared of you, and we need every advantage we have. I'm sure they are under the belief that we have four titan shifters when in reality it is only you and Eren"

"You think they are being cautious, overestimating our forces and using that to benefit us" I state.

"Yes" Erwin responds "There must be more then just Reiner inside Shinganshina with Bertoldt somewhere as well"

Reiner hardens his fingers and toes and uses them to begin to climb up the wall towards us. Erwin takes note of this.

"Soldiers!, you are not yet to engage the Armored titan. Maintain a safe distance!" Erwin commands.

"Yes Sir!" Soldiers shout.

The beast titan shouts and then slams a fist into the ground, a moment later, the many small mindless titans begin to run towards our horses below.

"Ready yo say something Erwin?, I've been waiting so long I could of made breakfast already" Levi says.

"Dirk squad, and Marlene squad too, join Klaus squad and protect the horses at the gate" Erwin shouts "Levi squad and Hanji squad, you are in charge of defeating the Armored titan any other companions that may be in Shinganshina. Employ the thunder spears at your own discretion, do what ever it takes to achieve your objective. This is our moment, our chance to strike. The fate of human kind depends on this battle. Lay your hearts and lives for humanity!!"

"Yes Sir!!" Soldiers shout including me before going to their respective positions.

While so am about to leave, Erwin lays a hand on my shoulder. Then speaks up to Armin and Levi.

"Hold on you two. Hange can lead both your squads, Levi" Erwin says.

"So I'll be protecting the horses instead of Eren?" Levi questions.

"Yes, when's the chance a raises, I want you to strike him down" Erwin says as he points a blade at the beast titan "You are the only soldier I can trust to dispatch the beast titan"

"Understood Sir. I wasn't fast enough to finish of the beast titan so I will atone by taking the beast titans head" Levi says before jumping down to protect the horses.

"Armin, I have a plan for the Armored titan so I leave anything that happens in Shinganshina to you and Hange if anything a raises" Erwin tells Armin.

"Yes Sir" Armin says before heading into Shinganshina.

As we're are now alone, Erwin turns to me "I want you to take on Reiner once he gets up here. Show our enemy why they fear you, let them confirm that fear"

"Yes Sir" I state.

I cut myself, letting my palm drip blood. I stood a fair distance away from Erwin. I watched as I see Reiner dig his hand into the wall and pull himself up onto the wall. Reiner looks out to the other side before noticing Erwin just standing there in front of him, unfazed by Reiner. Erwin slowly raises his blade, pointing in my direction. Reiner's head cranes my way to look at me with a small pool of blood below my hand. I proceeded to transform before his eyes while letting out a roar.

There I stood, facing Reiner "There's something I was unable to do when you appeared here five years ago" I state while taking a step forward.

"And what that be?" He questions. Trying to hide his shaky voice even through his titan.

I lunge forward, spearing him back into inside Shinganshina "Welcome to Shinganshia"

We plummet down and crashed into the cobble stone road below. A crater is formed below us, leaving my  first mark of this battle. I stand up with steam being emitted from my titan body.

"Get up, I know you can still fight Reiner" I state as I step back, my back facing the destroyed inner gate.

Reiner slowly starts to get up, I position myself into a start of position. Once Reiner gets back onto two feet, I rush towards him, smashing into him and pushing Reiner away from the walls. Reiner had tried to stop me but couldn't. We get into a plaza and I lift Reiner and smash him into the ground.

"C'mon Reiner, I thought as a warrior of Marley you'd be better then this. You trained for it, did you not earn the right of inheriting the Armored titan Reiner?" I state while stepping back from Reiner.

"You....Monster.." He groans.

"Yes, I know I'm a monster Reiner" I say to him.

"You're playing with him, I didn't know you were into breaking spirits brother" Lauren tells me.

"I'm not" I respond.

It would be more reasonable for me to completely beat down Reiner right here and now. However, I have a rudimentary plan in mind for taking my time, to lure out what ever other titan shifters that are here to aid Reiner, Bertholdt, and the beast titan. I hear the sound of ODM gear and Hange lands onto my right shoulder.

"(Y/n), take care of him before he gets back up" Hange states to me.

"Captain Hange" Lauren says as she sat on my left shoulder "My brother believes there are other titan shifters inside Shinganshina, he's trying to lure them out if such ally's of the enemy exit, like the colossal"

"Hmm, I see" Hange says "Well keep it up big guy, we'll help where we can"

Hange then jumps off and goes onto a near by building "Reiner, tell me, is it fun being a pawn?"

Reiner is now on his feet once more "No, but I can't regret everything I've done, I won't let myself or I'll break"

I empathize with him, I know what a person has to sacrifice to become a warrior and what a warrior is forced to do. By breaking his spirit, maybe, just maybe, I can get him to side with Paradise. I jump forward and Reiner immediately puts his arms up in front of him to block my attack.

"Then I'll break you Reiner, you need to regret it even if it was or wasn't your decision" I shout before slipping a smash hit (A move between an uppercut and a hook) through Reiner's defense, landing on his jaw, breaking armor on his jaw. Then pushed forward as Reiner fell back and struck him in the side of his head with a left hook. I then grabbed him and suplexed him into the ground, face first. I stand back up and looked over Reiner, his face was steaming from the damage.

"Time to finish this" Lauren tells me.

"Right" I reply.

I walk over Reiner's titan body and grabbed onto the back of his head with one hand then put my other hand on the chunks of armor. I began to gauge into the titan flesh, starting to rip the armor out.

"Stop..." Reiner groans.

"No" I state.

"Stop" He says more clearly.

"Why?" I question as I pulled harder on the chunks of armor.

"I don't want to die!" He shouts.

"Who said I was going to kill you" I say as I ripped the chunk of armor off his nape.

As I did, Reiner let's out a loud roar. From the hole in Reiner's nape, I see him smirking. Then, four explosions of light appear around me, destroying the buildings they appeared from. I let go of Reiner and stood up, looking at the titans that now stood in place of the light.

"My, my, what a crowd we have" Lauren says.

There was a bulky armored titan in front of me that had brown eyes. A beast titan to my right, it had a head of a bull with sharp horns and with the legs of a bull but was bipedal, it icy blue eyes. A war hammer like titan to my left, the glow of icy blue eyes from behind its pale hardened flesh. And lastly, behind me was a what had to be a attack titan like titan that had armor on its jaw and it's cheeks as if it was a bipedal jaw titan that was 15 meters tall, it has sharp nails as well, icy blue eye looking at me with blood lust in them.

The armored titan. Couldn't find ones for the others that weren't the ones from S4

Link to art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDP4EE

"So you are the guardian. You don't seem strong to me, that panzy Reiner was just weak" The war hammer one says with a feminine voice

"This will be easy" The beast says.

"I'll have fun with the insects once I'm done with you" The attack one says.

"Hope your ready boyo" The armored one says as it gets into a grappling like stance. His voice sounded familiar.

"Boyo....where have I heard that voice before"

"He's the one who helped train you in hand to hand combat after you ate me" Lauren says.

"Yes, I remember now. His name is Liam"

"Don't let the fact that you know who he is shake you up" Lauren tells me.

"It doesn't" I state and raised my hands up to fight.

"Good. Now let's get this fight started shall we" Lauren says "Show these fakes who the Guardian is. (Y/n), I order you to use your full power"

My body begins to emit steam as its heat starts to increase, my skin starting to surge like if there was a wild fire beneath it. The power I felt, it reminded me of when Lauren ordered me to destroy things to stay loyal to Marley.

"Tell me, who are you (Y/n)?" Lauren questions.

"I am the Guardian titan" I say then letting out a loud roar from my titan and shout as I embraced what I am "The Monster of Paradise!!!"

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