Bored? Let's Play!

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Our annual after four one-shots, the one-shot of games and shit..

Various X Reader ft. Writer & Gang.

My OC won't be here,

But I'll make this a Holloween special. (What?! It's September? Well then don't read it until it's Holloween!)(Don't ya know it's already Christmas here in my country even if it's September?!)


You streched your arms, you just had instense exercise and you're praying that the shitty glasses won't think of a game... Bad luck... They are.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Myoni called. You looked at the dog girl, "What?"

Myoni grinned, "We'll be playing Test of Courage!"

You sighed, you're not scared of ghosts, (or are you?), "Fine, whatever let's just get this done with."

Myoni grinned and grabbed your hand as she brought you outside.

"Ah! (Y/n)! Glad to see you!" Cindy smiled.

"So what's this test of courage?" You asked.

Cindy smiled, "Eight teams of two will go to this heavily trapped and jumpscared forest, and hope ya'll get to go out alive!"

"W-wait, what?!" Armin gaped.

Myoni smiled, "Jumpscares! Yay!"

"Do we choose teams or the pick out of a hat thingy?" You asked.

"Mumu! Gimme the top hat!" Cindy ordered and Mumu gave her the top hat and placed the names, "Yep~!"

(I'm literally doing it ( > ㅂ < ))

Cindy mixed the names, "Okay! The first to go inside is... Ymir and Berthold!"

"Can we change?" Ymir asked, and Berthold nodded. Reiner also nodded in the backround.

"Nope! Who you be with is your partner! That will be called cheating pick a name out the hat!" Cindy said and Ymir groaned. Reiner sent Ymir some telepathic warnings.

Cindy giggled, "Next is... Connie and Hanji!"

"And next will be...really? What's the point of this?" Cindy exclaimed while reading the two next papers.

"What?" You asked Cindy.

"You and me," Cindy said and you groaned, "Can we change?!"

"Sure, only for you," Cindy said and placed back to two papers.

"Really?! For (Y/n) you changed it?!" Ymir exclaimed.

"Thenwhatwillbethepurposeofthisoneshotifthewriterandthereaderaretogether?!" Cindy shouted and said so fast.

(Note to what I said: Then what will be the purpose of this one-shot if the writer and the reader are together?!)

"What?" Ymir asked.

"Nevermind, I don't wanna brake the fourth wall," Cindy said.

"Wait there is a fourth wall?!" Armin gasped.

"Um... Ya know let's jut go back the partner choosing..." Cindy said and pushed away the question.

"Ahem... Next is... Reiner and Historia!" Cindy said and Reiner shrugged while Ymir stared at him and then sent him telepathic warnings.

"Next will be... Ah! (Y/n) and Levi! Hope you two don't do anything in the forest~" Cindy purred and you blushed while Levi tched.

"Shut up, shitty glasses the second," Levi cursed.

Cindy rolled her eyes, "Fine... Going back, next will be... Mumu and Myoni!"

"Next will be... (Yay! Destiny chooses!) Cindy and Armin!" Cindy said.

"Next will be... Sasha and Eren," Cindy said.

"And last to go in is Mikasa and Jean!" Jean blushed and looked at Mikasa but Mikasa was looking at Eren, "Eren, if you need anything I will come to you don't worry okay?" Mikasa told Eren.

"Mikasa I will be fine!" Eren grunted.

"Anyways! Let the games begin!" Cindy shouted as she gave Mumu the top hat.


After Ymir and Berthold, Connie and Hanji, Reiner and Historia, it was time for you and Levi to go in.

"Are you scared, (L/n)?" Levi asked you.

"Me? Scared? Even if I die, never!" You exclaimed and went in even if Levi had the torch. You kept walking even if it's kinda scary. You stopped your tracks when you heard a snap. You looked around and it was total darkness. GREAT!

You felt two figures circling around you like wolves. You yelp because they looked live wolves but bigger, you punched one but it fades away.

"Illusions!" You shouted, behind you Levi came, "Oi, brat, why the hell are you shouting?" He asked.

"N-nothing," you blushed and kept on walking, now behind Levi after those wolf illusions, you got a little bit scared, just a little bit.

The two of you kept walking until both of you heard a snap, you stopped and looked around while Levi kept on going.

Until he turned around, "Tch, brat, what are you looking at?"

You saw a big figure, and you heard liquid dropping. Once the figure was near, it was disgusting... It had a liquid body that continues to trickle down, including some eyes here and there. You shouted and ran.

Levi stared at it and cringed, it was like his clean freak nightmare, Levi then suddenly threw his small Windex bottle he always bring to the thing, and ran after you, "DISGUTING."

The figure then soon disappeared like thin-air.

You stopped and catched your breath, you finally reached the part where there is the tags. You got you tag and waited for Levi, who showed up as if on cue.

"You left me," Levi glared at you.

"Geez, sorry! I didn't knew that glasses the second will put monsters in the forest just for this game!" You said and walked away but got hoisted up by a net.

"REALLY NOW?!" You shouted as you thrashed around the net. Levi tched while looking for the string.

You see something flying above you and you squinted your eyes, it was someone like a human but had only it's torso, while it also had wings, "What the hell?"

Once Levi found the string, he got a knife and cut it, making you fall, screaming all the way.

"Thank you," you said sarcasticly and you looked up.

"What are you looking at you brat?" Levi asked and looked up too, the figure that was flying then flew down, and you screamed, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WHY DOESN'T IT HAVE IT'S LOWER BODY?!"

The being had only it's torso and below that was it's guts, disgusting, really... You grabbed Levi and made a dash away from that creepy being. You looked back and the being vanished, "Damn that Cindy Illusionist!" You cursed.

"Oi! Let me go!" Levi shouted behind you and you let go, Levi tched, "Tell me again, are you scared?"

"Hell no!" You said and kept walking in front of him with a flushed face. Thank goodness the tag was in your pocket.

Next was a well, you sighed since you were thirsty.

"Hold on, that might be another jumpscare," Levi said, and you grabbed the torch and looked down, it has nothing.

"It's fine," you said and gave Levi the torch again while you grabbed the bucket and made it go down. Behind you you heard a scream that was perfectly Armin and another scream that was Eren. "EREN!" you heard Mikasa's voice. You laughed as you imagined what's happening.

Once you pulled the bucket back up, you shreiked, "BLOOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT GLASSES?!"

Levi cringed at the bucket of blood, "Disgusting, put it back."

You were about to put the bucket of blood back but screamed, you saw a girl with her long hair covered clinging on the well's stone.

Yap, it's Sadako.

"Run!" You shouted and sprinted, you looked back and saw Levi inspect the well and then run after you.


You sighed once you saw the light of the forest. But once you got there, no one was there.

"H-hold on... Aren't we back?" You looked around and Levi finally kept up with you and tched.

"Another illusion," Levi said and you nodded as you kept walking on, but there stood a girl with a white dress and black hair.

You gulped, "H-hello..."

The girl slowly turned and looked at you, her face was uncovered and there was a creepy face, "HeLlO."

You shouted and ran away, Levi following, you looked back and the girl was also following you, you gulped and ran faster. Once again you looked back and saw it vanish.

Finally the real end of that test of courage, you saw Connie with wide eyes, Ymir comforting Historia.

You now admit that was scary...

Poor Cindy will be severely punished.


Okay... Was it scary?

Comment if it was...

Anyways, Ta-ta Vonnies!

Wattpad: 1401 words, Publish Finished.

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