~I'm NOT Jelous~

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The idea came from the ~When They Get Jelous~ chapter.

Oh and this is AU!Jean X Reader...

I'll make some tweaks, soo...


Jean sat on his chair in the cafe waiting for someone, well, you. He looked around while sipping his coffee, and your (f/c favorite coffee) stood by the other side of the table, including a cheesecake.

Author: Who loves lattés and cheesecakes?!

Author: MEEEEEE!

Mumu: Get back to the story.

Author: Yea yea...

Jean heard the door ring as a customer entered, and you came in... But with someone else.

Who is this guy?

The guy had his arms around you while the two of you talked, you also giggled, before he left he hugged you then the two of you parted ways, and you see your boyfriend sitting, sort of glaring at you.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked as you sit down.



Mumu: *facepalms*

Author: XD going back to the story (BABY I'M sorry not SORRY, I couldn't help it)

Jean smiled, pushing a bit of his jelousy away, "Yeah, I'm fine."

You nodded and looked down to the pastry and drink there was in front of you, you smiled, "You remembered!"

Jean smiled bigger, "That's what you always order, so I ordered it for you."

You sip (f/c), "Thanks, Jean~"

He blushed a bit, "I-it's n-no problem."


After a few weeks, Jean's jelousy left him. But came back when you two went to go on a movie date but got interrupted when the same guy before on the café came to you who was buying snacks.

"Eren!" You exclaim, happy to see your childhood friend, he looked back and smiled too and waved.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Eren says and Jean in the corner watch the two of you chat, Jean clears his throat and the two looked at you.

"Oh right! Eren, this is my boyfriend, Jean," you said and Jean glared at Eren.

"Hey," he said.

"'Sup," Jean said and just glared holes at poor Eren. Finally someone brakes the awkwardness, thank you, Mikasa and Armin.

"Eren! How possibly can take you long for three bags of popcorn?!" Armin exclaimed and Mikasa was following behind him.

"Geez, sorry. Here, have your popcorn," Eren said and gave Armin his popcorn, then he looked at you, "Oh hey, (Y/n)!"

"Hey, Armin," you said waving at him.

"Eren, let's hurry, the movie will start in a few minutes," Mikasa said.

"Oh really?! Oh well, enjoy the two of you!" Eren said while he and the other two went to the movie house.

Jean sighed, "Let's go."

You looked at him with wide eyes, "Really?"

Jean smiled, covering his jelousy, "Let's play in the arcade."

You thought about it and nodded too, you were a bit weired out by Jean, but oh well, you just pushed it away.


The next weeks, that's when Jean became super jelous. You would meet up with Eren and completely forget about him. It's not that you did it on purpose, it's just seeing your childhood friend was very nice. One time when Jean became very pissed and was about to ask Eren what's his problem, Eren hugged and twirled you around. Once you dropped down, Jean was gone.


You walked along the halls of Sina High. Jean has been very weird lately and he wouldn't tell you why. You guys never hold hands anymore or have goodnight kisses before he leaves to his house. Texts were only one word replies and he wouldn't say I love you before saying goodnight.

That kinda pissed you off, but you WILL find out why Jean is so weird lately.

"Damn Horseface," you curse him under your breath, and head to your class.

Sadly, he was also there.



You knocked on Eren's door in the house where he, Armin, and Mikasa shared. You looked around you and sighed as Eren opened the door.

"(Y/n)! Come in!" Eren smiled as he let you inside, and the first thing you did was cry.

Jean was becoming more and more jelous that he dosen't notice you sometimes...

"(Y/n)?! What's wrong?" Eren said as he let you sit down on the couch and Mikasa closed the door.

"I.... I don't know! It's Jean... He.... He doesn't notice me anymore, most of his texts were one words and then he wouldn't kiss me goodbye before he would go back home nor let me hold his hands! Did I do something wrong? Am I ugly?" You sobbed and Eren looked at you sadly and rubbed circles on your back and lifting things in your heart with your childhood friend.

Eren was totally upset about the damn horseface. He was like your older brother and you were like his little sister.

Eren was also thinking of things that would make Jean treat you like this...

Jean wouldn't cheat right?



"She only notice, hang out, and talk to that Titan-freak!" Jean said while he paced around the room, Marco was sitting on a wheely chair with a cup of coffee at hand while he listen to his dear friend rant and rant and rant.

"Do you know this guy she's been with?" Marco asked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, that Titan-freak Eren Jeager," Jean said and huffed while sitting on his best friend's bed.

"Hold on, Eren Jeager?" Marco said and put his coffee down while he got his phone, and nodded.

"Eren is dating a girl named Mikasa, as based on this recent post," Marco said and showed it to his best friend. Jean then felt very guilty, he never noticed you and treated you wrong when it was his fault.

Jean stood up and grabbed his bag, "I made a terrible mistake..."

Marco nodded, "Go get her."

With that Jean walked around the town looking for you, he looked at the ice-cream shop, the café, and everywhere else that you like to hang out. His last resort was, of course, Eren's house. Jean knocked the door, and Eren answered with a scrowl.

"What do you want, you shitty horseface?" Eren sneered. (He sounds like Levi for some reason XD)

Jean rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I only came here for (Y/n)... Is she there?"

You walked near the door and saw Jean, Mikasa was behind you. You had the reddest eyes humanely possible and also the reddest nose humanely possible.

"J-Jean?" You said and looked at your boyfriend, Jean looked down and sighed, this will be hard.

"(Y/n)... I'm.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't noticed your and treated you bad... I didn't mean it.. I was... I was," Jean said having a hard time.

"You were jelous," Mikasa and Eren said together, Jean huffed a bit, "I'm NOT jelous... I wasn't. I was just a little judgey."

Jean then looked at you, "I know if you won't forgive me, (Y/n)... But... Do you forgive me?" He asked and looked down as you walked closer to him, he was thinking maybe you'll slap him or what. But his eyes widened in shock as you hugged him.

Jean hugged you back, and Mikasa and Eren were forgotten as he brought you back home and made you fell how much he loved you.

(Insert lenny face here)


Well it's not short and HUZZAH!

I actually got the idea and it was a little bit like that  Assassin's Creed one-shot I've read.

Oh wells, hope ya'll enjoyed and to the Filipinos...

Ber Months na! Maligayang Pasko! (It's Ber Months! Merry Christmas!)

My mother upstairs is already listening to Christmas songs even if it's just September but oh wielle!

Author, Mumu, Myoni, and all the AoT characters: Merry Christmas in advance!

Wattpad: 1331 words, Publish Finished

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